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Sure! Right after the hat was announced, I printed a bunch of them to try and make something, but never did. I look forward to seeing what you’ve done!
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FINALLY A HAT GAME! I’d like to see it!
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The warning flag should’ve been me booting up ZeroRanger again yesterday.
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And since I finished it and hung it, here it is! Front and back!
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YEAAAA THIS GAME IS SO GOOD!!! Scopa and Escoba are also very good! I got so into fishing games for a bit there that I even made one for dominos called Sevens.
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Thank you so much! I was having zero luck with random searches, haha.
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Awh I love that! It’s so on point and memorable. :)
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Being that I play nearly exclusively trick taking and climbing games, I think “highest” suit works just fine. But also, I consider this a place for designers to add a hint of theme. It makes the game feel a bit more rich than “trick taking but in space” kinda.
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Uh, I’m lowkey freaking out about that pattern. I’ve had notions to do a blue white *something* like that forever. Link if you have one?
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I can’t believe it was as easy as I hoped. I mean, it was a big pain in the ass, but I was expecting even more of one. The edges aren’t perfectly smooth but I’m happy.
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Progress! Now that I’ve crystallized my technique, I’m only messing up simple stuff I’ve been doing this whole time! :D Like the freaking K. It’s alright, I’m still happy. The next part is going to be a w”hole” new experience for mex
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Oh that’s so intriguing! I love a card game with no numbers just because it’s rare to see. Also bluffing is a family fav mechanic. Can’t wait to see the full release! :)
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I experience that mental silence in such a radically different way than actual silence. On meds, it’s like my inner voice can yap on topic, but it’s still non stop yapping. Off my meds, it’s actually more like mental static than inner voice. Or like I’m yelling into a TV with no reception.
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I give the people what they want. I’m a giver.
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Does it not? I’ve been playing that it does. When you win a round, flip your card to the ✨ side and when you win again, that’s game?
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How’d you like Bubble Gum?
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I am too sleepy to keep going tonight but this is good 👍
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I think so many of the best climbing and trick taking games lately just do amazing work out of trad. decks and dominos. It’s incredible.
I want to read your abstract on the research papers! 😆
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“Invented this year, but could’ve been played 100 years ago” is my freaking taste.
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At least we have this one. If you haven't tried it - totally worth the $3!!!
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If anyone else wondered, you can walk around with your landscape if you’ve got steady hands and show your wife who is doing her makeup and tell her which cube is what animal.
If you were wondering, anyway.
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I noticed you doing a discord spree right after I posted this. ☺️ You are a good person.
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You *aren’t* a video game company? News to me. (This is a joke.)
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Having the “disability” to tackle four disparate projects at once, half for work and half for myself, has proven to make me accidentally valuable to my job and that’s kind of sick. I’ve leaned into it, full force, and no one seems to mind.
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I got diagnosed with adhd at like 27, and I’ve literally never had a better life. It’s not all perfect, but I would rather lose a foot than the life I have now. Every relationship I have is better. My thinking is clearer. And I get to show the kids I work with you can be ND, thrive, and be happy.
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Dang, I always knew you were well connected, but this really shows just how active you are with other designers. What a guy!