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Lawyer. Reader. Puertorriqueña. Bee lover. She/her.
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Prolific Poster

I hope the protesters are okay.

I just placed my order! I've been so excited for these!

Book news!! Another thriller is heading your way in 2026! It Takes A Village is set in the wider world of When No One Is Watching, so get ready for another deep dive into corporate conspiracy and the everyday people fighting against them!!

If you're worrying about supporting Amazon today or ever, a lot of trans authors are starting stores on Itchio.

I love my CLICKY children

Sorry my personality is CLICKY ducky now

This week’s tea newsletter is about procrastination and distraction going bad, and I tell the story about the first time I failed out of college. Whee!

Hey, what's up with books having sprayed edges these days? LET ME TELL YOU THE STORY! I was there! Thread: 1/13

Black history is only offensive if you side with enslavers, segregationists, and other racists. It slaps if you have morality.

we seem to have started another day with this administration where even its fiercest critics refuse to name white supremacy's role in all of this. RFK JR isn't dumb. He is a white supremacist trying to justify starting up work camps and child separation. Call the thing what it is.

This is fucking fire but also, amazingly, the judge is doing her damned best to establishing on the record that they don’t have a rational basis for their actions.

There is always something you can do to gum up the works of fascism. A story. Claude Cahun. The queer nonbinary French-Jewish photographer. Nazis conquered France, were training soldiers on Jersey, where Cahun lived w/their partner, Marcel Moore. They did disinfo & morale smashing via Surrealism.

A thought model I am using a lot right now is divestment. I am thinking a lot about where I have invested time, energy, money, trust, and other finite resources in ways of being that rely on the state and corporate apparatus. I am working to be intentional about transitioning those investments.

It is perfectly legal to know your rights and to educate others about them, too. EVERYONE in the United States, citizen or not, has rights. I will not allow this administration to intimidate us from helping you know about them. Here’s our shareable guide ⬇️: (pt. 1/2)


First shop update is one of our two giant squid friends! Y'all I love this guy. Also one is a battle-tested warrior with 7.5 legs instead of 8 legs and he's our favorite so we listed him anyway, but you have to fight if you want him.

#BushtitoftheDay Bushtits are very social birds. They travel together in large flocks during the winter, and the younger birds help their parents with nesting. Here an adult male is snuggling with a recently fledged male. #birds #nature #bushtits

Don’t just like posts, repost them. There is no algorithm so the way to build a good timeline for everyone is to repost the good stuff. (And yes that means your own good stuff)

Do you remember that time Pence tried to see Hamilton and the cast called him out. Or when McConnell was chased out of a resraurant and not allowed a peaceful meal. Or when Cruz abandoned Texas during the deep freeze and we shamed him into going home. That. Do that.

TGIF! Is your TBR pile getting low? Why not reach for this new fantasy adventure featuring a Thai bird princess?

I know ya'll love a sale. Treat yo'shelf! ♥️ 2 Bundles ♥️ 8 Steamy Romances ♥️ Starting at $5/ Pick what you pay!

It's restock day in the shop, AND I'm sending orders out tomorrow so it's a great time to order something if you want it quickly! A fav is back, the frosted berry hex fidgets!

The Stonewall Inn released a response to the National Parks Service removing the word transgender from the park outside of the Inn. A great reminder that we have to look after each other

People keep talking about the Gulf of Mexico, and yes, that, but goddamn I am going to call it Denali until I die and you should, too.

Trans activists like Marsha P. Johnson and Silvia Rivera played crucial roles in the Stonewall uprising. This is insulting on several levels.

The gender affirming care ban executive order has been blocked in court!

If you're looking for a small thing you can do to fulfill your spiteful task of the day, here's one. Scroll down to where you're prompted to answer if the page was helpful, select 'No', and breathe some fire at them. It was therapeutic for me.

How's that for a hairdo? Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin at Mitú, Vaupes, Colombia. #birds #nature

I can't stress this enough, join groups online or in person with people who clearly see what's happening currently. It will ground you and make you less fearful.

Read an essay about the uncanny valley. I know there are legit evolutionary reasons for this to exist in our brains but MY brain screams IT IS BECAUSE OF THE FAE.

they hate that they can't create anything that is loved, but their hate is why they can't create anything that is loved. for art to resonate with other people, you have to be interested in other people.

If you are looking for a gift, check out OiShiny on Etsy and Jack’s wire wrapped stone pendants.

"Mommy, I don't understand how the federal government LOST the civil war of 2025. Didn't they have the entire standing military at their disposal?" "Yes, dear, but they invested all their money in vehicles that could be defeated with a spray can of water."

A historic graphic of corruption. The 11 federal agencies so far targeted for firings or dismantling by Elon Musk have more than 30 ongoing investigations into his companies. (📸 Malika Khurana for NYT)

We only know this man is in Gitmo because Noem tweeted a propaganda photo that included him and his sister saw it. He has no criminal record. He entered the US in January and immediately made an appointment with CBP to claim asylum. They sent him to a concentration camp bc of his basketball tattoo.

A statement like this pretty much implies that your normal everyday life before this point didn't include political action. Of course things are wrong. Things have been wrong since the day I was born. Not always for me, but definitely for MANY. You have to live AND fight. Every day. Forever.

I....I am overwhelmed by this. Magic: The Gathering players just raised $50,000 for in 4 hours! Everyone donating, everyone throwing in prizes, everyone spreading the word...thank you. I am at a loss for words. Thank you for supporting this amazing cause. 🏳️‍⚧️

I think the correct thing is for state governments to pass legislation to seize federal employment taxes to make up the promised shortfall and put them directly to their own coffers.

I keep seeing people say, why isn't anyone doing anything? So I'll say something that seems obvious to me but may not be to others. People -are- doing stuff. They're just not posting about it. People who can't keep quiet are a liability.

Reposting with alt text

We got two presidents now and I fucking hate both of them, omg. And really, we got two vice presidents. This is MADNESS! A demonic White House polycule. I am going to take a NAP. Y’all figure this shit out.

“Courtney Milan rocks the novella format. HARD. This story is emotional, wrenching, beautiful, touching, and incredibly rich.” —Sarah at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books /jb Amazon: Apple: Nook: www.barnesandnoble.c... Kobo: http://store.koboboo...

This video is harrowing, brutal, heartbreaking, and loaded with screencaps and receipts. Extremely strong CW for sexual assault. I know our fandom is probably about to have a distracting few days, but I want no doubts where I stand on this.