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I don't know who needs to hear this today, but it's still the Gulf of Mexico.

Does anyone think that, maybe, this time there will be a Republican out there with the decency and courage to speak out against Trump? No, me neither.

This cornbread, much like the person who made it, is very cheesy.

Just a note for anyone, oh, I dunno, trying to claim dictatorial power over their country... The Ides of March are rapidly approaching, and that doesn't always work out well for such folks. Just sayin.'

It's not snowing this much hereabouts today, but this still seemed appropriate for the day...

Do remember during your celebrations today, that it is President's Day, not Felon's Day.

We may do Valentine's Day a little differently here at A Play on Swords...

The oval office is getting awfully crowded with all these new presidents. So far, I've counted five and I'm seriously wondering if there are any more hiding under the couch cushions. Wonder which one is going to fail the first game of musical chairs...

A reminder to those demanding that Democrats give constant press conferences about Trump's lawless actions - it doesn't matter how many press conferences you give if the press doesn't cover them.

Anyone who can quote a bunch of sports stats is just as big a dork as someone who can quote a bunch of Pokemon stats.

A bit Silent Hills-ish out this morning...

By confirming a completely unqualified SecDef, the Republicans show that they are not, in fact, pro-military. Obviously, this will come as a shock to no one.

Okay, I shouldn't have been saying Elon is a Nazi. Accuracy matters. Clearly, he's a neo-Nazi.

SAVE THE DATE! NoVA friends, come out to B&N Woodbridge Feb 11th 7:00 pm to meet your fav authors: Elle Cosimano (Finlay Donovan Is Killing It) Polly Stewart (The Good Ones) Katharine Schellman (A Scandal in Mayfair) Sara Read (Johanna Porter is Not Sorry) and Olivia Blacke (A New Lease on Death)

I hope no one minds a little more advertising...

I can't distill it down into few enough letters to really get into it, but posting still grabs of people waving to make them look like they're doing something they aren't doesn't change a clip of Elon doing something that he did.

Just realised that a non-zero number of the teens who lived and breathed Hunger Games are among those hyping Trump as the savior of TikTok and... You are siding with a dumber, tackier version of President Snow. As a former librarian I'm heartbroken. You didn't learn a damn thing, did you?

I would like to say, "I did Nazi that coming..." for the pun, but we all kinda saw it coming, didn't we...?

A Play on Swords, in our continuing efforts to be decades, if not centuries, out of date, is now embracing... memes!

I like coffee. I know, not the greatest insight, but at 5:30am on a Sunday, don't push your luck...

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me - unless those words are directing someone to break my bones with sticks and stones.

Going to be cold, snowy and icy here for a day or so. I realize that this is no big deal for many, many other people, but this is Texas. People barely know how to drive if it rains, so this is going to be... um... not fun, that's definitely not the word...

There is no "I" in "Team", but there are four in "Platitude-Quoting Idiot".

New Year's resolutions? Of course not -- that would imply some need to change...

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 103 degrees and high humidity -- sounds like malaria.

My personal holiday contribution: Scotch eggs. I don't know why I don't make them more often, but I don't...

While I realize that Christmas has become largely secular in many ways, the music has not, so...

Chicken Alfredo pizza. Is there no end to my talents? Well, yes, there is. I'm a horrible carpenter.

I do much wonder why Time didn't go with an actual photo of Trump for their cover, and went with that very... creative... artist's representation, instead.

While I hate to be pedantic (and we all know that's not completely true), the real "reason for the season" is the tilt of the Earth's axis...

And thus I clothe my naked villany... and the other naked stuff.

Out, damn'd spot! out, I say! Who let the dog in the house anyway?