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Sofredor do Santos Futebol Clube e apreciador de joguinhos
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made a blog post out of some old thoughts about rarity in games (and how the coolest shit in games is the shit that hardly ever happens)

I wrote about why the most important Oscar nominee is the movie about how living under authoritarian rule can feel surprisingly normal.

Desenhando um personagem da Sega quase todo dia até o CrossWorlds lançar Personagem 7: Red (Angry Birds) Personagem 8: Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone) Podem mandar sugestões

são paulo miku


Umas das coisas mais divertidas de aprender outros idiomas é converter expressões e sabedorias BR. Escrevi um texto sobre Santos Dumont pra aula de japonês e meti um「カタパルトを使うと石も飛ばれる」 "Usando catapulta, até pedra voa" XD

I really love being able to say "this morning I was learning BASIC on my Apple II"... just as if it were 40 years ago! BTW anyone guess what kind of shapes this code is going to draw?

Galera, papo sério - o Debtors' Club, em que trabalhei no design de narrativa/roteiro teve uns bugs no launch; Fomos apressados pela publisher e acabou pegando algumas reviews negativas no começo por isso Mas consertamos e tá com descontão! Ajuda a gente a combater o algoritmo?

Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller February 19,1950

simplesmente FASCINADO por esse site que contabiliza cigarros fumados em filmes, com direito a prints de todas as cenas em que alguém aparece fumando, nome do ator fumante e a contagem de cigarros por minuto a internet é linda demais

Hey indie lovers! My Kickstarter campaign is launching soon—subscribe to get notified! ➡️ Devil's Drizzle is a Brazilian indie pixel art platformer. It blends the precision of Celeste with the charm of Adventure Time. 💎 Check out the rewards and stretch goals!

Acabei de descobrir que faleceu Carlos Miranda, o Vigilante Rodoviário. Eu cheguei a fazer um projeto de HQ sobre ele com meu irmão, mas acabou ficando na gaveta. Uma pena, porque esse é um personagem brasileiro que merecia mais atenção e uma repaginada pra não cair no esquecimento.

Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller February 17,1945

saiu na Folha

saiu na Folha

what could possibly go wrong

There's a zombie on your lawn... #pvz #plantsvszombies #aseprite #pixelart #pixelartist

If you missed it, Sugoro Quest: Dice Heroes, a 1991 board game RPG by Technos, got a localisation on PS4, Xbone and Switch last week, and oh my goodness, it's so charming! A favourite detail- enemies you fight have their own little mascot pal that rolls the dice for them!

I love videogame historians who have to keep track of how genre names and usages evolve, because it's the most hilarious dumb nonsense like we were all just saying meaningless shit with our dumb mouths 40 years ago and now someone has to figure out what it all means

I had a dream that everyone was getting really into a forgotten Mega Drive puzzle game called Crazy Evil World that makes you do morally questionable things in order to continue playing the game This is what the box looked like amazing... "Olympians are tasked with collecting coins and helping children acquire pornography", i never imagined i'd ever read those words

Trem de uma fotografia tirada por você 📷 (versão com a Game Boy Câmera haha)

Redesenhei a Magali de óculos #turmadamonica

Pensando nisso aqui ta pronto(ia estreiar a tarde mas consegui adiantar! :D) #elchapulincolorado #elchapulin #chapolincolorado #chapolin #chespirito #animatic #fananimatic #storyboard #myvideo #video #art #artwork

Girl in a dress (2020) #pixelart #pixelartist #pixel #brart

quem me conhece sabe que, apesar de eu fazer bastante coisa relacionada a CD-ROMs antigos, nunca fiz nada relacionado aos CDs da Digerati. isso acaba de mudar! lhes trago: 🚨 CATÁLOGO DE CD-ROMS DA DIGERATI 🐉 136 CDs 42 revistas mais de 18.000 jogos catalogados e crescendo! acesse:

Oh, hey, that's me! Had a blast chatting with Noah. His depth of experience with console RPGs made the whole conversation a delight.

Our new MinnMax Interview brings together the developers of Mouthwashing and 1000xResist to celebrate each other's games! Any help sharing this insightful discussion between and is appreciated!

galers bebam agua sou influencer estou influenciando vcs a beberem agua hmmmm aguinha

Help, I can't stop researching obscure Secret of Mana lore. But yeah, this character shows up in a lot of other games, in a sense, but she's hard to spot if you don't do your homework.

one of the most underrated gamecenter cx moments is when arino is playing umihara kawase and they had the game's character designer, toshinobu kondo, fax in art of the main character getting pissed at arino for sucking at the game

Always 💖 Don't make me tap the sign

Fascinating to see prolific game manual scanner Kirkland show his process and collections, and talk at length about cataloguing, speed vs. quality, collaboration, and what's next. An interview conducted by

good morning

Dissapointed that no one yet made a video comparing local hacks of GTA... The one thing that unites every 3rd world country is having a "GTA: Country's Biggest City" hack on the local pirate game guy / shady .pkg website.

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