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Bibliotekar. B-menneske. Mann, barn og katter. Oslo. Librarian from Oslo, Norway.
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A top Democratic congressman goes off during a DOGE hearing and calls out Elon for trying to cut Social Security. More of this please.

JD Vance went heavy on the eyeliner this morning

Pinlig grep av Statoil.

I guess the president of the United States is advertising Tesla at the White House today to help his top adviser Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, boost his stock price? What??? Again, you could be on 1960s acid and not see anything like this. BTW: Remember, Trump has slagged EVs for YEARS

"Tariffs are a tax cut for the American people" -- Karoline Leavitt turns reality upside down, then gets mad at an AP reporter after he pushes back

“You are a traitor.” An absurd and insulting thing to say to anyone who posts what Senator Kelly did. And even more insulting since he served as a U.S. Navy captain and a NASA astronaut. Kelly was a combat pilot and flew 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf War.

Fascism is here. The list of words Trump is banning from government is the most stunning document of our time. Click the image below to see how many words Trump and Musk have canceled as part of their new Reich. 🔗:

Remember: If unions didn’t matter, powerful corporations wouldn’t spend millions of dollars every year to stop them from forming. Keep up the fight.

Dette er det jævligste jeg har sett siden reklameskiltene inntok byrommet i Oslo. Håper Aftenposten får dem fjernet sporenstreks.

It was for transgenic mice, used for research because you can get a certain human gene in them. There are no transgender mice.

Er du blant dem som begynner å få øynene opp for hvor dårlig stilt det er i verden: Husk at det kan bli verre! Tro på de som sier de vil gjøre det verre. Her har f.eks republikanerne allerede begynt å berede grunnen for å bryte grunnloven og gi Trump en ulovlig presidentperiode. Ta det på alvor.


Justin Trudeau gave the exact kind of press conference today that we have been waiting for from our Democratic leaders. Watch it and learn from it. No gimmicks, no stunts, no script, no platitudes, no slogans, no games. Just straight talk, honesty, sincerity and facts.


Trudeau: "Now I want to speak directly to one specific American.'s not in my habit to agree with the WSJ, but Donald, they point out that even though you're a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do. We friends fighting is exactly what our opponents around the world want to see."

Da er det bare å stålsette seg, det er morgen i USA og en ny dag truer... 🫣

Next up: Trump threatens to invade Norway if he doesn’t get the peace prize

Men trusselen mot ytringsfrihet på universiteter, det var venstrevridde studenter...

Friday's Oval Office betrayal was to create a pretext for this move. As long as Trump is in office, America will be on Putin's side.

With all the calls from the US for Zelenskyy to be replaced or step down, Ukrainians are now starting to worry about their president's safety. Zelenskyy is a legitimately elected president with a 65%+ approval rating in Ukraine. Remember, Russia had tried to assassinate him many times since 2022

Nå føles det som om verden er et tog som har sporet av i rasende fart, og vi er alle passasjerer.

This drawing was censored by Instagram tonight. Because of «adult content».. Actually Bluesky sort of did the same. Labelled my drawing as «adult content». So stupid. I don’t post these cartoons for sexual pleasure. It is satire. Heard of satire, USA? More to come..

“If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you.” - JD Vance, Munich, February 2024.

The King of Lies

Receives rebuke from Norway

I den situasjonen vi står i nå, så må Sylvi Listhaug takke nei til disse pengene. Det er potensielt å underlegge seg farlige krefter, og det undergraver demokratiet å motta penger fra hemmelige givere. Tenk om russiske eller amerikanske oligarkfascister gir penger til Frp. Det er ikke greit i Norge


No, the meeting did not go badly for Ukraine. It exposed in the most undeniable, unequivocal way possible the pro-Putin commitments of the president and vice president. That was information Americans and allies needed to have clear before them.

Første reaksjon: 1. Trump oppfører seg som Keiseren som forlanger kowtow fra sine lydriker, eller mafiabossen som forlanger ringen kysset. 2. Ukraina kan ikke regne med mer støtte fra USA. Europa må kompensere. 3. Norge må gå foran med vår gassprofitt. Om nødvendig hele potten.

Jeg minner om at Høyre og Venstres viktigste prioritering i Oslo i inneværende kommune er å skjerme folk med dyre boliger for eiendomsskatt. Dette gjør de samtidig som de kutter i skole og velferd, og øker avgifter som rammer alle innbyggere.

The BBC is quite correct.

Trump: "The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States, that's the purpose of it. And they've done a good job of it. But now I'm president."


Just bought a Lego board game for my kids, but somehow now I can't stop thinking about the White House. #monkeypalace

Jeg tror det er på høy tid at media forteller leserne at Trump går utover mandatet for presidentembetet og bryter loven, og ignorerer dommerne som ber han stoppe med det. Dette bærer alle trekk av et selvkupp, men jeg ville for eksempel ikke visst det om det ikke var for sosiale medier. 1/

Macron corrects Trump after he claims "Europe is loaning the money to Ukraine. They get their money back."

You’re laughing? We’re going to Ft. Knox to see if the gold is there because maybe somebody stole the gold, tons of gold, and you’re laughing??

Outrageous scenes in Sofia where our EU office has been vandalised. In Europe, we exercise the right to demonstrate in a peaceful way. Violence and vandalism are never the answer.

wearing sunglasses inside and following an event where he at times had a hard time speaking coherently, Elon Musk walks off the CPAC stage waving around a chain saw. this is the guy currently running our government. Congrats, America!

"Why would you kill innocent Ukrainians?" challenges Russia's Ambassador to the UK, Andrei Kelin, on Russian claims that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky helped to start the war between the two nations. #Newsnight

European friends: Do not accept lectures on democracy & freedom of speech from an Administration that denies the 2020 election results and is now suing & intimidating news outlets whose reporting they don’t like. Stand tall against right-wing extremism.

I’m having great difficulty right now seeing how our political system doesn’t devolve into violence.