Why is it called socialism & welfare state, when workers ask for corporations to pay a fair wage and proper taxes? Yet when corporations ask for government subsidies, tax deferments, grants and low interest loans it's just "good business"?
The cost of fighting a union is *less* than what it will cost them in additional benefits if one is present. That should be the *minimum* you are willing to accept at the negotiating table to once your union is established.
They are fighting you with your own stollen wages.
This could be connecting with groups like https://MoveOn.org, unions and federal workers who have been fired. I wanted to know if this could be a way to harness technology to make the grassroots operations more effective. 4/4
I saw that you urged us to donate to https://MoveOn.org because it has a large existing base. I wondered if we could use a large existing base of people who want change and are distressed by what's happening to join an instance and essentially propagate the video more widely 3/4
PeerTube uses federation between servers to store copies on multiple independent instances, while also using peer-to-peer technology to help with streaming bandwidth. This makes it more difficult to delete an upload if it is spread across multiple interested people. 2/4
I'm not sure how to get in contact with your org, but what do you think of using a decentralized streaming platform like PeerTube to combat censorship and deleting videos of protests online? 1/4
Yup, union busting and SLAPPs are tools in the oligarchical authoritarian playbook. There's nothing scarier to billionaires and CEOs, and nothing more powerful, than a collectivized workforce.
I appreciate everyone's support of unions here and especially the emphasize on why they started and how they have positively benefited countless lives. But Biden marched with unions. Then many, many rank and file union members enthusiastically voted Trump. So were is the union support for unions?
Right to Work should remain a ballot question for the 23 states who've voted it down and the other 27 should keep pushing amendments to their constitutions to rescind it.
This is a regular list (not a mod list or starter pack) of all the unions and guilds I’ve located on here. Please let me know if I’m missing any. #GeneralStrike
No, AA has its own union (APFA) they do work with AFA who covers most the unionized airlines, however AFA doesn’t cover AA, Southwest (TWU) or JetBlue (TWU) and AFA is actively trying to unionize Delta who isn’t unionized. 😊
And if votes didn’t matter there wouldn’t be Citizens United…. Here’s me just hoping like hell we still HAVE voting rights. Because I’m guessing we soon may not unless we can stop this corporate fascist takeover.
I would love to see that union label on more things I buy and live in a state that didn't cripple unions at every turn.
If I had a choice, between a slightly pricier union good and just a cheap good, I'd buy union.
Think about that corporations...
Oralè Resisters
Sect Of State Marco Rubio Child of Cuban Political Refugees announces plans to revoke visas and green cards of Hamas supporters in the U.S. for deportation.
#AnimalFarm #PoliticalRefugees #Palestinians #FreeSpeech #Students #USDemocracy
Stand by the unions!
Don't let another right be taken and destroyed!
Even if you haven't supported them in the past.. Gotta understand it's the principle of standing up against a near dictator if not already!
Deeply organizing, talking to strangers to get them to join in common purpose in the face of risk to themselves and their ability to support there families is HARD, but it is the only thing that will work to end the systems we have today and make something better.
Preserving Social Security right now is the only fight, Robert. Seventy million Americans will appreciate whatever you can do to put this in focus. The rest can wait. There's a real threat no SS checks will land in April.
Please continue to do good work here, but also praise the work of others on the other dozens of issues. I bet you can think of 5 other very important issues. 🙂
Save Social Security! Travel to Florida CD-1 to Canvas for Gay Valimont for Congress. The campaign has limited supporter housing for
volunteers. Help knock on doors any time this month. Election is April 1. If you can't go, recruit your friends.
Unions are more necessary than ever. Corporations continue to get bigger and no longer have to compete for our labor. We either ban together to fight back or we get crushed by corporate interests.
People rarely realize that what we think of as particularly American didn't exist before The New Deal.
No Worker's rights or protections. No child labor laws. No safety net whatsoever. Rich people, or nobles, did whatever they wanted to do. Unions were instrumental in changing that.
On Sept 19, 1981, I traveled 8+ hours on a school bus with other United Farm Workers volunteers to join 500,000 other union members in Washington, DC for Solidarity Day.
We need the unions more than ever right now! Insurrection 2.0 at the closet Tesla Dealership near you. Elon Musk is doing the most damage. Donald Putin-Trump is TOO STUPID to do it himself.
It's past time for all the Unions to unite and have their members strike for a few days.
If the government doesn't respect their contracts, the unions need to send a message to all the rich a-holes the administration loves best. The GOP is gunning for Unions. Screw that! Screw them!
Boy do I got an earful for that old union card carrying MAGA man. He also gets socialist welfare working for the City of Minneapolis. Ditto for many you employ @mayorFrey.com My help and service only goes to humanitarians now. Despite what we been thru unless he changed adios
We’re better off using that money, time and effort organizing. Rebuilding the party with tough as nails Dems, blue collar, union types that have a positive yet simple plan to fix this country for the working people. People that won’t take any shit.
I'd disagree on the party system reform. We need to abolish it all together. The more this shit continues, it's becoming clear that it's rich vs. poor. Both party have failed us.
Too many Americans now-a-days have only been alive during the time that the benefits gained by strong unions in the past, have been made into the norms of today!
So many, just don't think that they need to belong to unions, because they already have the benefits from them!
But they can be lost ...
... or stolen from USa, if we aren't vigilant and willing to pay the price to keep those benefits!
The corporate executives know that if they suppress unions, they don't have to give the individual workers the benefits because there is no big strike threat over their heads!
Coming from a town where the best jobs were manufacturing and machining. They’d say how great their jobs were because it was union pay, but then say they’d rather work for their own wage like it was a flex because they thought “lazy” coworkers took theirs….. so stupid.
Americans don’t know our own history. Go look up “Ludlow Massacre,” and see what happened to the people who worked to unionize against J. D. Rockefeller, Jr. That pretty ice skating rink was bought with blood.
Unions do not drive up cost. Corporate greed does. Corporations hate unions because they get held accountable to pay fairer wages to their employees. Means less in their pockets.
They are fighting you with your own stollen wages.
If I had a choice, between a slightly pricier union good and just a cheap good, I'd buy union.
Think about that corporations...
Sect Of State Marco Rubio Child of Cuban Political Refugees announces plans to revoke visas and green cards of Hamas supporters in the U.S. for deportation.
#AnimalFarm #PoliticalRefugees #Palestinians #FreeSpeech #Students #USDemocracy
Don't let another right be taken and destroyed!
Even if you haven't supported them in the past.. Gotta understand it's the principle of standing up against a near dictator if not already!
Whatever makes 'em squeal, do it!
No fight required.
volunteers. Help knock on doors any time this month. Election is April 1. If you can't go, recruit your friends.
Flip the House!
No Worker's rights or protections. No child labor laws. No safety net whatsoever. Rich people, or nobles, did whatever they wanted to do. Unions were instrumental in changing that.
It was one of the best weekends of my life.
I’m ready for another one.
I am asking Floridians to sign this petition to recall Rick Scott.
He refuses to take calls and isn’t holding town halls.
A recall is not supported by the Constitution, but it does send a collective message.
Please sign and share.
If the government doesn't respect their contracts, the unions need to send a message to all the rich a-holes the administration loves best. The GOP is gunning for Unions. Screw that! Screw them!
Little help here:
So many, just don't think that they need to belong to unions, because they already have the benefits from them!
But they can be lost ...
The corporate executives know that if they suppress unions, they don't have to give the individual workers the benefits because there is no big strike threat over their heads!
Thank you for your courage, Secretary Reich.