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Europe observer. Brussels correspondent/columnist for NRC, Foreign Policy, De Standaard, EUobserver. Book: what the EU can learn from the Habsburg Empire - available in five languages
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Ja, maar met een cruciaal verschil: toen dekten de Amerikanen ons.

That is what nordic and Baltic countries are doing


Funny, we both see the same development. And Northern and Baltic countries are leading the way. I wrote a column about it this week (excuse my Dutch)

Nederland laat zich lam slaan, Noord-Europa wijst de weg - mijn column in ⁦‪‬⁩

Nothing new here: Putin has said many times he wants Central and Eastern countries to leave NATO. No wonder they are upset.

“Things we expected happened in a most unexpected manner” - European commissioner Andrius Kubilius

Boom, boom, boom - every day

Unfortunately, we more or less know the answer.

After Munich…

Russia clearly feels emboldened. Who protects Europe now? After Italian President Sergio Mattarella's recent comments comparing Russia to the Third Reich, a pro-Russian hacker group attacked Italy over three days, targeting financial and public infrastructure

After three days in Munich, this piece is even more on my mind: The Limits of Coercive Power If we continue to bully and berate our allies and partners, they will eventually find other friends

“Europe is shackling freedom of speech”, JD Vance

Excellent, by Harold James: "If foreign money in America were to dry up, Trump’s promised miracle would become a nightmare"

"Van ruim een half miljoen studentensporters zijn er tien transgender. Twee doen mee aan competities. Aan die twéé sporters zijn miljoenen aan tv-spotjes uitgegeven. Rusland beukt aan de poort van Europa en wij discussiëren over een zwemmer van een kleine universiteit.”

De 17 dingen die altijd misgaan in een hotel - is weer onovertroffen.

The same happened in the early 1950s, when the allies wanted to save Western Europe from communism. Adenauer's reply: "We are ready to participate in a European army, as a contigent. But I formally declare that I refuse the remilitarization of Germany by creating a military force."

Europese defensie is deze week geboren Mijn column in

In Yosemite park, severely hit by Trump’s public sector axe, the monkeys will very soon be in charge. Exactly what is happening in the entire country.

The things you get on your timeline…

European defence was born this week - by caesarian, but still.

Well, I wish them luck…

So, far-right Herbert Kickl will most probably not be Austria’s next “Volkskanzler”. Although the center-right ÖVP moved a lot in his direction, even for them his demands were too extreme in the end. This time, at least. This thread gives good context 👇

Quote of the day: “The road to the authoritarian state is lined with people who advise you not to exaggerate”

Former head of The European Maritime Safety Agency Markku Mylly completely dismiss the thought that the numerous Baltic Sea cable incidents are accidents. Calls such statements an insult to sailors.

NATO Sec Gen Rutte on Russian hybrid threats: "We should stop calling it hybrid, because hybrid sounds cuddly, nice, lovely. It is not. It is really state sponsored sabotage, and in some cases, even state sponsored terrorism"

Saboteurs almost managed to wreck a brand new German marine ship just by pouring "kilos of metal shavings" into its motor. And the German navy points the finger to Russia.

Deense satire: we willen Californië kopen en omdopen in Califørnia

‘Waarom respectvol omgaan met een land dat niet respectvol tegen jou is?’ „De EU moet de mogelijkheid om buitenlandse bedrijven de toegang tot de Europese markt te ontzeggen als wapen gaan inzetten.” - / met wat wijsheid

Elon Musk Is America’s Cecil Rhodes

"Europa moet eigen wetten internationaal afdwingen, net als Amerika," zegt EU-kenner Georgina Wright. "Waarom zou je respectvol omgaan met een land dat niet respectvol tegen jou is?"

Well worth reading: “What defines the capitalism of finitude is that…competing powers convince themselves there is not enough for everyone on Earth. So, they unleash a cutthroat rivalry. Existing rules…are cast aside in order to take the world’s waterways, land, resources, data, and human labor…”

Elon Musk is for America what Cecil Rhodes was for the British Empire: an oligarch with far-reaching powers bestowed on him to help the state to grab as much of the world’s waterways, land, resources and labor as it can My latest for

Elon Musk is to Trump what Cecil Rhodes was to the British Empire in his day: an oligarch with far-reaching powers bestowed on him to help it grab as much of the world’s land, waterways, resources, and labor as it can, Caroline de Gruyter writes.

In strongly worded statement, the American Bar Association calls on attorneys to defend the rule of law against a barrage of illegal acts by the Trump administration.

Me neither.

Rust zacht, Wilma Schuhmacher. In haar laatste email feliciteerde ze me "met de Nobelprijs voor de kritische (ik zeg analytische) journalisten. Geheel terecht, zonder jullie was het nog een groter zooitje."

If the judiciary cannot control the executive, the executive will go overboard. What made America great is that it had independent institutions holding government and capitalism in check. Without this, it will become a lawless jungle. Great minds will go elsewhere - including to Europe.

Great metaphor by Important to note: “Small animals can survive in a jungle”, and probably a lot longer than big predators.

Europese zakenlui als Bernard Arnault kijken jaloers naar de nieuwe wind in de VS. Maar bedrijven hebben sociale rust, fair toezicht en onafhankelijke rechtbanken nodig om te floreren - niet Trumps willekeur en chaos. Mijn column in

"We had no idea our journalism would have such an impact" 🤩

Interview met Caroline de Gruyter, dit weekend in Zeno, bijlage van De Morgen en online

“Stability requires that people trust institutions, and institutions become more likely to fail when people think they are failing.” Compulsory reading for Europeans, too

The damaged cable saga in the Baltic sea got a twist now with Russia claiming one of its cables was broken, too. No proof provided, though. And if true (and not a smoke screen) it’s probably not a vital cable: why else did they wait 1,5 monts with starting repairs?

“Pessimisme verlamt Europa, maar we zijn sterker dan we denken” De Morgen vandaag

Populisme: elke dag weer een toneelstuk, zonder pointe Mijn column in

Verhelderende historische parallel: Donald Trumps nieuwe idool, William McKinley