I’ve worked for ships that deliver said cargo to overseas countries. They use American crew with American ships loading at American shipping terminals. That whole delivery chain staffed by American workers will take a hit , farmers, truckers, rail operators, terminal operators, sailors, logistics…
Hey, don't forget the added bonus of losing China, who is a massive buyer of American soybeans!
They'll just turn to Russia for their supply and make oligarchs rich again! And they won't buy from America anymore, either!
Maybe this was part of his plan?!? (shrugs)
Good luck red state farmers!
The red hats voted for people to be hurt and suffer. Getting what they voted for. Pain, be it physical, or financial, is the only way some people learn.
A long time ago I actually said if we ever want to truly stop the nightmare WE need to just shut up and let them wreck everything. I reasoned the only way voters who keep choosing this crap for US will STOP voting for these nuts is when they ruin themselves. The downside, though...
They invested so much of their life in Trump anf this stupid ideology. They are gone. They won't realise their mistake, because they will always find a democrat, liberal, black, moslem etc they can blame for everything...
It’s like children - sometimes saving them from themselves causes more problems in the long term so you have let them learn a painful lesson now. It’s just a shame that we will all feel the pain of the lesson
True! At times I’m glad my grandfathers and their brothers aren’t here to see this. My great uncle helped liberate concentration camps. He often sat crying. We always thought he was strange as a child, now I understand.
Unfortunately, I agree with you 100%. Until the pain is felt there will never be change. I would have thought a million Covid deaths would have prevented version 2.0. I do think there was fraud in the election.
I agree about Covid deaths having zero impact on Maga voters. But practically everyone I know voted for Trump and I know how closely election sanctity is protected in my state. I have no doubts he won. That's why I've lost all faith in this country, and am in a constant state of fear.
I just don't think the elections every jive with reality like us cities filled with pro Pali protestors and Jill Stein gets like nothing in votes. Those two things don't jive. Or like Bernie filling stadiums and losing to Hillary.
it's crazy to me that this is our reality. that people can really just make it to their adult years with ZERO empathy for others, and not give a fuck about whoever's lives get screwed over for whatever bs reasoning they have. i was taught to treat people with kindness & how you wish to be treated
Totally agree!! Sooo baffling, but most of those didn’t even believe in Covid and in my area I watched some die and even then it didn’t phase their support for him. I live in major Trump areas
Here in the UK our 'Red Hats' (aka Brexiters and Reform voters) did the same. They allowed themselves to be conned by smooth talking snake oil spivs thinking they would get Nirvana but instead are getting right royally shafted.
The farmers will be upset, the idiots who drink and smoke all day will have zero clue it’s hurting them too. They’ve already picked a liberal to blame for it.
Remember, they thought his policies would only hurt POC, specifically Black Americans. They’re now realizing they’ve been conned by a con man. I wonder how much sympathy they’ll garner when they have to sell their farms to big ag
I fail to see how this attitude is productive in any way. If people lose their family farms, that's an opportunity to educate them. Why waste it with your pettiness when there will be people in that demographic who are literally children going hungry?
I learned long ago when Trump first served that anything he does that appears to be good, then figure out exactly why he was doing it. Some only accept what he does, never realizing his base motive. I can’t understand why some won’t do that. He has proven his walk over and over and over!!
I saw the first YouTube video of someone saying that murdering trump is not the answer. I’m isolated from news, but sense a growing frustration in America.
Me too…however the administration has shown they do not care about people’s well being. That behavior doesn’t change easily and Trump is old already. Imagine being his age and all you wanna do is hurt ppl before you die. So sad
You are right we have to try to do something to stop this.
In the fall of 2024 in the Upper Midwest I noticed that more farmers had Harris signs up than had Biden signs in 2020. And in 2024 the proportion of Trump to Harris signs at those farms seemed to be lower than Trump to Clinton signs in 2016 and Trump to Biden signs in 2020.
Farmers are now more reliant upon immigrant manual labor and do their math.
It used to be in these parts I would see no Hispanic workers shopping even at the closest Walmart (if there was one) or grocery stores 20 years ago. Now there are many because of farm and factory/food processing work.
And that was also the case in other areas of Wisconsin that are even more distant from MSP. It actually surprised me, but I also knew it wouldn’t make a difference (at least not yet). But it gives me hope that the Fox News & Co “fear ‘the other’” brainwashing machines can be disrupted.
The majority of farmers and others in those area indeed did seem to still vote for Trump. But Harris had improved over Biden and Hillary Clinton with the farmers in the Upper Midwest, so at least some farm owners had learned lessons from Trump’s first term.
Because I, a "Libtard", invested my retirement heavily in the S&P500 I'm actually mostly safe, but ONLY because (as we saw when the stock market tanked bad for 2 days), if Wall Street rips into him when he costs THEM (& me) money, he dials everything back. I desperately hope he chokes on a BigMac.
Or they have another oh shit moment and get it all back up and running… who can even tell anymore? They have no idea what they are doing.. they have no idea what it will cause.. wild ass guess that is going to affect red states .. so there may be pressure to get turn back on
If only there was one! My daughter jokes all the time that my tone is mean in texts. What? Just asked when coming home. Have to start adding a smiley face!
I knew! Worked for Harris campaign. Just saying the economic impact is going to be big. People need to know how interconnected we are. Farmers will hurt, true, but a lot of supporting industries will be impacted.
Not sure. Farmers work on very thin margins. People in general don’t realize how much land, seed, seed treatment, inputs like fertilizer, herbicides, etc. or equipment costs. They are at the mercy of weather and work 24/7. It’s a hard life. Maslows hierarchy. Without food (& water), we can’t live.
Produce prices are going up and will stay there, USAId provided a reason to farm at such a large scale. Farmers had a market to sell at. There's no incentive to produce more than you can sell. So they'll raise the price of what they sell and produce less of it. But they're going to take a hit ...
Because farmers had to already buy their seeds for planting this spring. So are they going to eat the cost of that or charge Sysco (or the suppliers to Sysco) more to recoup costs?
My job before I retired was working with farmers in financial distress and I can tell you that they refuse to admit they need the government and will always vote against their better interest. Always. And I say again. Always.
I don't wish for hard times for our farmers, but if they voted for him, they have only themselves to blame. I can only imagine their worries and fears, but dammit, I have worries and fears of my own now, and I most certainly did NOT vote for him.
Hope you’re paying attention all you magat farmers in NE Idaho whose made in china trump crap in your fences and on your houses took away from the otherwise beautiful scenery of your state.
You are very correct. I remember as a kid going with my Dad to my grandparents chicken farm to get a dump truck full of chicken shit for fertilizer. That was a really nasty ride.
Musk was allowed to say he was a Tesla founder as part of his position in the company. Tesla is a cautionary tale that getting a couple of 100 million can cost the founders everything. Beware of rich men bearing gifts.
You realize your attitude is functionally the same as the “Dumb AF MAGA Farmer” not caring what happens to anyone else as long as Trump “owns the Libs,” right? You know, the mentality that got us into this mess in the first place?
Peace can only occur if both sides want it. They don't. And if you don't think this devolves into Republicans persecuting Democrats with the Legal system and taking away our Civil “Rights”, possibly even leading to Detention Camps, then you don't understand the situation.
The point is that treating politics like team sports and reveling in the suffering of the “other” is what got us here in the first place. And there’s far too many Democrats giggling and saying “enjoy the camps” for my taste.
I’m not giving up yet.
My people have survived worse than this.
And the best way to do that is to strengthen the community , not turn on it.
The dopamine of spite isn’t enough.
I understand what you're saying, and it's truly a conundrum, but it's just like the hard-working migrant families (legal or undocumented) picking produce being lumped in with a criminal illegal who's crime has been weaponized to add teeth to other carnivorous criminals overthrowing the constitution.
Frankly, even just talking about people who do crime, you should not be lumping that fascist in with poor people who do crime because they have no other options and need food or medicine.
It’s not their fault our system is crap. But it is trump’s
Federal grants to farmers implemented by IRA are still frozen. Farmers are owed hundreds of thousands of dollars for projects already completed. No explanation, just frozen.
The Trump Regime doesn't want anyone to have grant money, so Trump froze it. If they're expecting a detailed explanation, it isn't coming. "Why me? Why my project?" Because he won. In his mind, it's his money. That's the explanation.
Yeah, and then bailed them out courtesy of the American taxpayer. This time around, it won’t happen because he doesn’t need them anymore. Everything Trump touches, dies.
True, nothing is going to change until trump supporters and stay at homes suffer enough that they stop believing him when he blames everyone else for his failures.
But last time he bailed them out right before the election to buy votes… He’s not going to need to do that again. Besides JD Vance owns stock in a company that helps foreigners and corps buy American farmland. So they will literally all benefit if farmers lose.
Yes, he did and then he gave subsidies to some of the industries, most especially the pork industry, which FYI is almost 100% controlled and owned by the Chinese, subsidies were, for all intent and purpose, bribes sent to China
US farm subsidies are actually very harmful to poor countries. They should have ended decades ago. If the agricultural sector can't survive without government intervention, then it *should* fail. Can't have any "socialism" now, can we?
Whatever happened to the #invisiblehand of free markets?
Between this and trying to deport all of the farm labor, there is no reason for farmers to vote GOP. They’ve been gaslit that the Republicans are pro-farmer (except for huge corporate farms).
Exactly the same thing happened here in the UK. Farmers told lies to get their votes only to find out they had been screwed over. Politicians lie about everything just to get into office. Racist rhetoric taken hook 🪝 line and sinker. Now, we have no food security because of no workforce.
Good! I saw a Nebraskan farmer begging. Please Trump - don’t take our farm workers. The sick bastard didn’t care about mass deportations until it affected him. I now assume everyone from Nebraska is an asshole.
Farmers deserve what they get. They’re always yammering about socialism & welfare etc. but they’re more than happy to take government handouts for their farms.
Got 'em here in my blue state. And when I camp in the next Blue state, the farm across the way had Harris/Walz signs up in 2024 and BLM up in summer of 2020. I appreciate seeing who grows my food.
The goal is to crash the entire economy apparently. Fuck it, keep the food, share it with your community farmers, ya’ll are gonna need to feed yourselves.
Well he gave Bigley socialist money to the farmers last term after soy beans Debacle and China just brought the beans from Brazil instead so I guess he might do that or like last time ordinary farms will collapse and big boys buy them and then get less tax to pay after death of said rural areas
If there is one group of Americans I’d love to see get absolutely annihilated by the orange shitbag’s policies, it would be our racist farmers in places like Wisconsin.
Stupid fucking rural fucks. Greed is a disease. Just because your family chose farming as an occupation doesn’t mean you should be able to keep the American people hostage for your product.
Y'all better start learning to like rice, because that's all we'll be eating! And that's IF it can get to the market. Otherwise, we're going to have to learn to eat mice and maggots~
the only thing i seen that kinda made me mad, was usaid spent 175,000 on a study to see how goldfish act on cocaine.. but who knows if this is true or not. if its true, whoever signed off on it should be fired and jailed. but, food for people that need it, people should still be fed
Old Trump Donald had a Musk
And with this Musk he raided the Treasury
With an injunction here and a barment there
Here a crony. There a crony. Everywhere a phony crony.
It goes to show they don’t even know what the fuck they’re doing. They’re just cutting these programs and have no idea what the program serves, but they will continue to spread disinformation. I make it look like these programs are waste of money.
I guess the farmers are going to find you can’t trust a convicted felon. However last term when the felon but tariffs on other country’s he gave huge subsidies to farmers to off set their loses. That’s why they vote for a convicted felon.
Hey, elon's about had enough of the rest of world respecting the USA & counting on US to do the right thing, for the people of the world who have little, while we have (had) plenty ! And instead of that money going out to do good things, elon wants that money going out to him !
As painful as this is for ALL Americans, it's the only way to teach MAGA Americans their lesson. They will hurt even more because they'll feel betrayed by Trump like no one else & regret their loyalty to a man who lied to them. THEY will join the resistance, too. It's already happening.
Most people don't realize how much foreign aid is linked to purchases of their own country's products, creating jobs and profits in their own countries
Well said, it is thinking beyond the soundbite or what's in front of them to understand the nuance of how things work that trips them up. I am not saying there is not an opportunity for improvement, however immediately defunding every aid project is shortsighted.
True, but much of that kind of procurement is for items/resources not available in recipient countries.
Whereas agriculture and food systems in many poor countries have been irreversibly damaged due to US farm subsidies causing cheap food to flood their markets, with really harmful outcomes.
Yea but I think these other countries are and have bought most US cattle ranches and processing plants and are also exporting the beef. China and Brazil mostly
This will likely do the most harm to smaller family farms. This administration couldn’t care less about that. But watch for huge bailouts if rural areas begin to struggle and suffer and the publicity gets bleak. Happened in his first term.
Haven’t they heard of “cutting off your nose to spite your face” or maybe Trumusk will give them subsidies to cover their losses? Oh, wait, they’re stopping all those types of waste!
Add that to tariffs and a strong dollar and you have a recipe for losing money. Most likely they will throw billions at farmers in the form of subsidies.
They want the American people hungry so they’ll fall in line and be grateful for the crumbs. Everything they are now doing is for population control. I see only one solution left for what ails America.
The majority of farmers I know donated and supported Trump. Fuck em. They are hoping robots will pick their fields and automated farm machines will make farm labor obsolete.
Well. FRacists are probably thinking the for profit prisons can be their new source of free labor snicker snicker. And it’ll be black men picking their crops again. So disgusting it’s doin’ me ‘ead in. 🤮
That’s what the drug war was for.
It didn’t reduce drug problems did it? Yet not a single dem ever said a word. The same noise they are making during this overthrow.
They’re complicit.
Additionally all those automated farm machines have moved to subscription based plans for maintenance, servicing, etc. so the farmers actually never really outright own the equipment and end up paying more than the human labor -- well if the human labor is seasonal migrant labor).
I've struggled with how it is not commonly recognized that Brexit and MAGA are both in Russia's favor, and both received financial and social media support from the Russian Government.
already saw a comment from someone who's friends with a farmer, the farmer voted for Trump, the overseas company that buys his crop told him that because of the unrest here they are canceling and buying from a farmer in Brazil. He lost the money as #45 and they voted for him again, no sympathy here
During the last go round, soybean farmers had to be heavily bailed out thanks to the tariffs. They’re in for a surprise when they realize P25 was serious about removing farm subsidies.
Also, the Dept of Agriculture grants and loans were also hit by his freeze order.
Letters went out canceling soil conservation programs. Ie payments were a farmer leaves a fields fallow or with a cover crop . Lots of farmers depend on that money. ( and no it’s not paying them not to grow)
They got their covid aid checks, then built mega mansions on their farms. I saw it happen here in Michigan, after letting the crops rot in the fields. Then they voted for Trump again.
Good maybe if we stop subsidizing their products and they feel the pain they will vote differently. It also sucks because oh you know starvation and famine.
Those subsidies were only for real people: corporations. The insignificant humans had to solve the ensuing problems themselves: decreasing the surplus population.
It's hard to believe any farmers would vote for him after what he did with his stupid tariffs last time, all the bankrupted family farms and the thousands of suicides. It was pretty dark back in 2018. But hey those factory farms are great! Loving the bird flu. #Felon47 is a vile, greedy clown! 🤢🤬☠️
Makes me sad, that there are so many people who fell prey to #Felon47 And his cacophany of lies, confabulations and web of deceit. They were GAGed and now we're all suffering.
You'd think so, but I see so many Trump signs up around major farming operations. They ought to know better, but they are either willfully ignorant or they feel it's hurting others more.
Oh yeah, and project 2025 doesn’t believe in farm subsidies. Farming is hard. I can only think farmers deliberately want to lose their small farms to corporations because I keep hearing that no one wants to work anymore.
African farmers, it’s your time to shine and fill that void. Traitor Trump and Apartheid Elon are creating vacuums that will be filled by other countries.
I appreciate farmers, they have to be prepared for the worst every year, and sometimes they live with very little to show for their effort (not talking factory/big ag farms).They must have forgotten how they needed to be subsidized for taking a massive hit due to 45's tarrifs. Migrants work for all.
Red states are getting the shittier end of the stick. The problem is that they're too ignorant to realize this, and they'll fall for the grifters over and over
I'd feel more sympathy for the soon-to-be serfs but I'm fresh out. Shame they didn't learn last time their neighbors had to sell off their family farms to bigboy companies. At least some of them will be allowed to still work the land for their new landlords.
Yeah,.. when someone blatantly telegraphs their punch that far in advance, and you just stand there & get hit,...
It makes it harder to be sympathetic.
Of course, Felon MUSKrat is a short-sighted man whose agenda is strictly that racist Nazism must rule. He likely believes he’s rich enough to buy the World, and run it like he’s bigger than God!
I don't think he has a political stance. I don't think he cares about Nazism or anything else. He just wants money and power, and if becoming a Nazi is the way to get money and power then that's what he will do.
EM, the South African-born billionaire who claimed Apartheid supported racism against whites… 🤔
Mm—sounds a lot like a true Nazi sympathizer. (He has also adopted Canadian-American citizenship.)
The sad thing is that if he did something noble and useful like end homelessness or world hunger he could still be the richest man in the world and also gain the ego stroking admiration and praise he desperately seeks. He'd be considered a good guy instead of a rich asshole.
Ironically the same thing was said about Hitler in the 1930's, I think there was even a comment that if he stopped after the Anschluss and the Sudetenland venture (where he stripped the outer border areas of Czechoslovakia and all of Austria), he would be remembered as a great German leader....
when this happened because of Trump's tariffs during the First National Nightmare, farmers got a bailout. Will be interesting to see if they get another one.
Yet they voted for Trump bc of the color of other's skin, nat'l origin, or they're afraid of #LGBTQIA, almost forgot, subjugating women. Racism was the dog whistle. Why did this abomination spread hate? So he could rape/
raid the U.S. Treasury & give OUR tax money to the super rich. 😡😡😡
My first thoughts immediately went to the adage of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The only people I feel sorry for are the ones who will now starve because of this loathsome decision. Fuck you Elon Musk. And every person in congress that allows it to happen. #2026 💙
I think once all the agriculture is super majority owned by trump and his friends, they will "sell" the aid in form of allowing corporations to come mine resources from countries needing the help. He'll brag about all the "help" they send and never mention what they are getting in return
But he did turn *on* the faucet that flooded farmland, didn’t do anything for the fires, & won’t be available during the hottest, driest, part of the growing season.
That was kinda the point. Now repeat that for other industries and you’ll see a pattern of consolidation of wealth on track to collapse under its own weight.
👆👆this…the billionaires can’t billionaire with the pesky farmers in the way of their mega farms. They got their votes now they are disposable like everyone else.
Biden- Harris program to purchase from American farmers and distribute via USAID. It was a wonderful idea with other avenues for local farmers to access revenue.
Getting awfully tired of hearing, “people didn’t realize . . . “ when it comes to the orange blob. Hey, if you voted for him, suck it. This is what you bought.
Live in farm county. All the info and signs were there but no, most farmers clung to some insane idea that he would help them. A lot of my empathy died with the coup.
We need to reinvigorate Americans to take pride in being a country to help bring others along to prosperity. The future of the Democratic Party in foreign affairs is a globalism that cultivates new allies by helping them instead of exploiting developing countries for short term profit.
People need to better understand what USAID does and WHO it affects and who benefits.
They’ll just scream *fake news demoncrat
They'll just turn to Russia for their supply and make oligarchs rich again! And they won't buy from America anymore, either!
Maybe this was part of his plan?!? (shrugs)
Good luck red state farmers!
They invested so much of their life in Trump anf this stupid ideology. They are gone. They won't realise their mistake, because they will always find a democrat, liberal, black, moslem etc they can blame for everything...
They are pathetic
You are right we have to try to do something to stop this.
It used to be in these parts I would see no Hispanic workers shopping even at the closest Walmart (if there was one) or grocery stores 20 years ago. Now there are many because of farm and factory/food processing work.
You say "Frank's Red Hot" and everybody knows what you mean.
Leopards eating faces.
Good! I hope that dirty Traitor POS has to watch his 6 year old Daughter eat out of a trash can.
The point is that treating politics like team sports and reveling in the suffering of the “other” is what got us here in the first place. And there’s far too many Democrats giggling and saying “enjoy the camps” for my taste.
You just gonna lump them in with the people that ruined their lives?
My people have survived worse than this.
And the best way to do that is to strengthen the community , not turn on it.
The dopamine of spite isn’t enough.
It’s not their fault our system is crap. But it is trump’s
Whatever happened to the #invisiblehand of free markets?
More subsidies anyone?
Maybe Norway, not here
Betting his neighbors would have run me out of town
Visiting the old family farm and interacting with the community there is surreal AF
I hope you have support, I had to run screaming once I turned 18
But farmers overall?
I'm guessing and would bet north of 90 percent went for the Orange Felony Factory
Oh, never mind.
Farmers: Reap America.
Trump: Now you're talking my language.
Farmers: Reap, the word is reap!
Asleep America Showing!
And with this Musk he raided the Treasury
With an injunction here and a barment there
Here a crony. There a crony. Everywhere a phony crony.
Old Trump Donald had a Musk
Whereas agriculture and food systems in many poor countries have been irreversibly damaged due to US farm subsidies causing cheap food to flood their markets, with really harmful outcomes.
It didn’t reduce drug problems did it? Yet not a single dem ever said a word. The same noise they are making during this overthrow.
They’re complicit.
If we really were serious about a war on drugs there would be harm reduction, education, adequate access to therapy, treatment and recovery.
Letters went out canceling soil conservation programs. Ie payments were a farmer leaves a fields fallow or with a cover crop . Lots of farmers depend on that money. ( and no it’s not paying them not to grow)
Oh this is going to be a rough summer.
GAGed= Gaslit And Groomed.
It makes it harder to be sympathetic.
Mm—sounds a lot like a true Nazi sympathizer. (He has also adopted Canadian-American citizenship.)
raid the U.S. Treasury & give OUR tax money to the super rich. 😡😡😡
The only people I feel sorry for are the ones who will now starve because of this loathsome decision. Fuck you Elon Musk. And every person in congress that allows it to happen. #2026 💙
Two billion dollars for American farmers. Poof, gone.
But that is not all. Farmers get millions in farm subsidies.
Trump shut that faucet down too.
How many farmers will be pushed into bankruptcy as a result? Big Ag will snatch up those farms for pennies on the dollar.
Of course the page has been deleted by Trump, but it still shows up in Google, The Internet is forever!
But that's a lot of words for tiktok and X users.
“But we give them $”
Yes. We do. So they can buy simmering they don’t have, but we have in plenty. Who do you think they end up buying from at that point?
Some large % of our foreign aid is just corporate welfare to ourselves.