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historian | food security and environment in modern german and international history | emmy noether research group leader @zzfpotsdam
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Irmgard Braun-Lübcke, die Witwe von Walter Lübcke, zu Merz Aussagen: "Die Aussage von Friedrich Merz am Samstag beim gemeinsamen Wahlkampfabschluss der CSU und CDU in München hat meine Familie und mich sehr befremdet und ich möchte sie so nicht stehen lassen.“

The deadline for applications for 2 PhD positions in my research group is approaching fast! Apply by Friday, Feb. 28

Join us! Science Homecoming helps scientists reconnect with communities by writing about the importance of science funding in their hometown newspapers. We’ve mapped every small newspaper in the U.S. and provide resources to get you started. Help science get back home 🧪🔬🧬 🏠

This Wall Street Journal video about the cost of military deportation flights is one of the wildest things I've seen in a while. It cost $2.8 million—with 2 in-air refuelings!—to deport 104 people to India on February 4. $27,000 per deported person.

Erst seit 1997 ist Vergewaltigung in der Ehe strafbar. Eine kleine Gruppe aus CDU, CSU und FDP, darunter Friedrich Merz, stimmte auch damals noch dagegen. Die Historikerin Catherine Davies über die lange Geschichte der Verhinderung dieses Gesetzes.

A great topic, a wonderful team and a supporting research environment: These PhD positions provide an excellent opportunity for young researchers. Please apply!

Interested in pursuing a PhD in Germany with a focus on the int’l/ transnational history of technology, medicine, and environment? Come work with me ! I’m looking to fill 2 PhD positions (for 4 years), details below and inquiries very welcome

Sweeping restrictions at NIH have halted grant reviews, workshops, and hiring. Travel and communication bans block scientists from presenting work, recruiting for clinical trials, and publishing. Fear and uncertainty now threaten U.S. biomedical research progress. 🧪

This is a great idea: a developmental editing workshop, run by the Journal of Global History. But, it's for colleagues for whom English is not a first language - and who work in institutions outside Western Europe and North America. 🗃️

7 A.M. (New Year's Morning) - by László Moholy-Nagy. circa 1930.

Interested in doing research in Global Environmental History and the Environmental Humanities in Germany? I am scouting! Offering an up to 2 year research fellowship with the Humboldt Foundation. Deadline, December 13.

I requested a library copy last week and am looking forward to reading this important book

Starting this Wednesday: our conference "Dark Networks. Imaginaries of Shady Connections and the Global Underworld/ Réseaux obscurs. L'imaginaire des mises en connexions secrètes et des bas-fonds transnationaux" at the German Historical Institute in Paris!

Excited for our upcoming infrastructure workshop with some very cool presenters. Check out the program below and stop by if you’re in Potsdam/Berlin!

Excited for our upcoming infrastructure workshop with some very cool presenters. Check out the program below and stop by if you’re in Potsdam/Berlin!

L’album photo de la RDA : Entre quotidien et propagande ( ; pour et parmi d'autres #skystorians, #history)

Humboldt Fellowship: Berlin offers fellowships for early career researchers up to 4 years past PhD or for experienced scholars up to 12 years past PhD. More info here: Please get in touch if you are interested!

The Austrian History Yearbook 2024 is out and the forum "Food Shortages during the Post-Habsburg Transition in the Bohemian Lands and Slovenia" is now available in print. I contributed the introduction, written together with Václav Šmidrkal, and an article on post-war food riots.

Are you working on a history of transnational or global infrastructure projects in the 20th ce? Come join for a workshop in Potsdam this November! Details below ⬇️

It’s official! So excited to share the news that I’ll be starting a 6-year Emmy Noether-Program research group on “Cooling the Global South: Technology, Society and Thermal Regulation in the 20th Ce” funded by the DFG! Thanks to & others for their support

Nun ist es spruchreif! Ich freue mich sehr, dass mein Projekt "Cooling the Global South: Technology, Society and Thermal Regulation in the 20th Ce" von der DFG im Rahmen des Emmy Noether-Programms gefördert wurde. Vielen Dank an u.a. für die Unterstützung!

Submit your work for the NTM Article Prize for Young Authors! Deadline April 15, more info in en/de below ⬇️

Promising news from France— Sorbonne’s embrace of free research platform shakes up academic publishing

Submit your work for the NTM Article Prize for Young Authors! Deadline April 15, more info in en/de below ⬇️

Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk (, Images of Revolution and Transformation / Bilder von Revolution und Transformation (EN/DE; Public History Weekly,; 🗃️ #skystorians)

CfA: Studentische Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der GWMT #histsci #histtech #histmed #histsts

Alle gehen gegen die Deportationsphantasien der AfD auf die Straße. Währenddessen beschließt die CDU in ihrem neuen Grundsatzprogramm die vollständige Abschaffung des Asylrechts, und es gibt keine einzige Meldung dazu.

Ein sehr erhellendes Gespräch über die schwierige Lage und die Zukunft des wiss. Publizierens in D. — unbedingt reinhören!

📣 CfP: Wissenschaft und Aktivismus: Historische Perspektiven und methodologische Herausforderungen der Wissenschafts-, Medizin- und Technikgeschichte / Jahrestagung 2024 der GWMT in Lüneburg 2024, 25.-27.09.2024: #histmed #histtech #histsci #histstm

Never gonna GEW you up! End precarity in academia! Together on the streets for better study and working conditions. 👉20.11. 12PM in front of the Humboldt University #ProfisbrauchenMEHR #TVL examines the variety of diagrammatic representations of relatedness in scientific and popular practice. In the Age of Revolution ca. 1800, logical and iconographic meanings of the tree in depicting descent gained new resonance and political urgency /1

Literaturtipp - jetzt erschinen: "The Lancet Commission on medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust: historical evidence, implications for today, teaching for tomorrow."

Save the date! 📅 Nov 17, noon ET / 6 PM CET #booktalk #history Next Friday, I will present "Generations of Empire" at Columbia's Italian and Mediterranean Colloquia (online) in a conversation with the amazing Konstantina Zanou. I hope to see you there! More details 👇

Am Wochenende erschienen: ein Interview mit mir in der Hannoverschen Allgemeinen zum semantischen Rechtsruck in der aktuellen Migrationsdebatte und wie das die Werte und Grundfesten der europäischen Nachkriegsordnung aushöhlt:

CfA: Managing Editor bei #NTM. Bewerbungen bis zum 20. November 2023, weitere Informationen im angehängten Dokument #histsci #histmed #histtech