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Founded in 1977, the Center for Austrian Studies is the Western Hemisphere's largest and oldest research center that promotes scholarship on Austria, and on the regions and cultures in Central and Eastern Europe with links to the former Habsburg Empire.
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Trump an Selenskyj: "Sie riskieren einen dritten Weltkrieg". Der US-Präsident überzog den ukrainischen Staatsgast vor laufenden Kameras mit Vorwürfen. Das Treffen wurde nach dem Eklat abgebrochen, die geplante Unterzeichnung des Rohstoffabkommens ist geplatzt.

Der Präsident eines Staates, der seit drei Jahren geschunden und zerstört wird und dessen Bevölkerung vergewaltigt wird, muss sich vom US-Präsidenten vor der ganzen Welt anbrüllen lassen. Was für eine Schande

Here I react to the shameful encounter between American leaders and media and the Ukrainian president. No doubt there were more, but I saw five failures on our side: of hospitality, decency, democracy, strategy, and independence. Please watch and share.

Donald Trump is embarrassing the United States on the world stage. We are a country that stands up to dictators and fights for democracy. Minnesota stands firmly with our allies in Ukraine.

I have covered presidential politics for 40 years. This was the most juvenile display by a President and Vice President I have ever seen. Other presidents treated their enemies with more respect. This is a low point and a dark day for the US. Totally embarrassing.

To make sure the gravity of this lands: there is no other place in the US to study this many rarely taught languages over the summer. Middlebury Summer School offers but a fraction, the Defense Language Institute in Monterey but a few.

Echoing this to say: many, many people have been the beneficiaries of IU's summer language workshops, and Title VIII (as well as Title VI) funding for language learning. This is a grave mistake on numerous levels.

Some great fiction on this list, including Eva Menasse's Darkenbloom (German: Dunkelblum), originally published in 2021

The Orbán government's crackdown on Pride marches has been growing for some time. This article from Reuters highlights the proposed constitutional amendment that would pave the way for an outright ban.

"Damit hat Österreich auch knapp fünf Monate nach der Parlamentswahl immer noch keine Regierung - so lange mussten die Menschen seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg noch nie auf eine neue Regierung warten."

Breaking News: Three mainstream political parties in Austria have agreed to form a government that excludes the far-right Freedom Party.

CHGS has developed classroom resources by a number of scholars that are freely available on our website. Learn more at

Heute einen Aufsatz über Elfriede #Jelinek und ihr #Sportstück abgegeben. Das hier wirkt fast wie eine Illustration dazu.

OPINION | Zachary Price “I’m a law professor who has written about Congress’ power of the purse and some of the legal and constitutional issues that surround it. Here’s a brief explanation of the concept – and of why you should care about it.”

Timothy Snyder, Yale professor and author of countless books on Central and Eastern Europe, responds to the absurd notion that Ukraine started the war

There are as many versions of eintopf, a hearty German stew, as there are people who love it. This recipe, made with bone-in short ribs, is braised until the meat melts off the bone.

"When you’re averting your eyes, you can’t even think your way into next month. Casting yourself any further ahead than that feels like asking for trouble. Frozen feels preferable to adapting to a new reality. Sometimes you don’t have to look for it – trouble will find you anyway."

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany on Saturday accused Vice President JD Vance of unacceptably interfering in his country’s coming elections on behalf of a party that has played down the atrocities committed by the Nazis.

Using history to inform and understand today's conversation about immigration.

Motyl’s “Embodied Histories” was also the recipient of our First Book Subvention Award. Excited to see Scott Spector’s review!

I hope it dawns on colleagues in the sciences that the road to the NIH cuts began not with Trump but with normalizing cuts to the humanities. All that time, most of them showed no interest or stood by in silence and indifference—in a way their predecessors in the 20th c hadn’t done.

The "Gulf of America" thing is ridiculous, but if the press gives in on this, the administration will just keep pushing - maybe conditioning access on deadnaming people, saying Trump won the 2020 election, you name it. Draw a line in the sand now, while the stakes seem small.

Die geheimen Protokolle der Verhandlungen zwischen FPÖ und ÖVP zeigen: Die FPÖ hält nicht viel von den geltenden Gesetzen und den Gerichten. Viele ihrer Pläne wären wohl gar nicht umsetzbar. Mehr dazu liest du im Interview mit der Menschenrechtsexpertin Marianne Schulze.

Die Februarkämpfe 1934 brachten die endgültige Zerschlagung der Demokratie & Verbot von freien Gewerkschaften. Die Geschichte lehrt: Demokratie ist KEINE Selbstverständlichkeit! Ein Ja zu Demokratie ist ein klares Nein zu Rassismus, Faschismus & Krieg!

Rebuked by the pope not long after he was rebuked by countless legal scholars for his pretense the judiciary cannot set law for the administrative branch, affirmed in the famous Marbury v. Madison case.

The great Yale historian, Timothy Snyder, expert on fascism and on Ukraine and Russia

Falls ihr euch fragt: Und jetzt? – Unsere Kolleg:innen Oona Kroisleitner und mögliche Szenarien:

For UMN graduate students (esp. those at the Ph.D. level and post-exams): our summer funding application period is now open. The deadline to apply is March 7th, 2025 by 4:30 P.M. More information can be found here:

From Lea von der Hude, Patricia Seifne, and the U's current Fulbright Visiting Professor, Martin Tschiggerl

OPINION | Ralph Brauer, Northfield “…restoring our country means correcting a playing field that has become the most tilted since what I have termed the Age of Discontent in the late 19th century.”

Blau-schwarze Verhandlungen: SPÖ geht auf ÖVP zu

One was fired by email at 12:47 a.m. Another wept as security escorted her from the office. A third frantically tried to fill a prescription after she got a 24-hour notice that her health care was ending. These workers are grappling with the Trump administration’s war on the federal bureaucracy.

A must-read essay on the convergences between far-right thinking and GenAI operations, which make GenAI a potent political movilization tool, harnessing its “systemic nostalgia” & inherent biases to pass resentments for truth.

When U.S. customs officials denied that Wong Kim Ark was a citizen in 1895, he took his case to the Supreme Court and won. Today, that decision is the focus of debate over who can be an American.

for pity’s sake, I am BEGGING university leaders to stop framing this issue in terms of what this will cost the university. people dont care! EXPLAIN WHAT THIS WILL COST THE PUBLIC: closed hospitals and clinics, skipped treatments, loss of access to experimental drugs, unemployment, recession

UMN students: IHRC academic year fellowships are available for the 2025-26 year. Learn more and apply at

The Center for Austrian Studies was proud to sponsor the post-film Q&A of the opening-night film last week, Edelweiss (Dir: Anna Gaberscik; 2023). We are grateful to all of the filmmakers and actors, who shared their art with festival goers, and to the organizers and the MSP Film Society community

Musicians in the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra are building new lives as refugees in a German town. But they face shifting attitudes about migrants and an unending war. "My body might be here," said one violinist, "but my heart is in Ukraine."

Syracuse University Press will be taking part in the CNY Humanities Corridor's "Getting Your Book Published: A Roundtable." Learn more about university publishing, as well as local editors discuss the questions they most often hear from prospective authors. Sign up:

If you have German and need to take your mind of Trumplandia, here's a very cool long feature on Gorizia/Nova Gorica, a town once divided between Italy and Yugoslavia (now Slovenia)--its Cold War-era life and the current efforts to build a shared memory.

Recently, UNC Press authors have had their US visas revoked and talks canceled. For over 100 years, we have stood for academic freedom and open discourse, and continue to do so. Read more on the UNC Press Blog ⬇️

See this book available here:

„Ich glaube, daß die Demoralisierung und Verwahrlosung der österreichischen Öffentlichkeit aufgrund der Verkommenheit der österreichischen Presse so weit fortgeschritten ist, daß ich gar keine Lust mehr habe, mich damit auseinanderzusetzen.“ (Elfriede Jelinek, 1996)