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It’s important to recognize this in part because that makes it a lot easier to convince people we have the resources and capacity to help this very unfortunate, very small population.
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The theory of evolution is true and the fact that people voted for creationists does not in fact change that. Misleading and incoherent narratives do not change the objective facts.
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Socialized systems are better for most people in most circumstances. If you have anything weird and particularly expensive going on, you’re still going to be SOL. The version of M4A where denials never happen is basically mythological.
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The difference between a socialized/state run system and the current US system: “We won’t give you this expensive biologic because we could pay for 30 heart transplants with the same amount of money” vs “we won’t give you this expensive biologic because our CEO wants a fifth yacht.”
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That seems to be Stancil's point, that in order to enact change, you need to have the buy-in of the majority who like their policy and don't want to see it change -- even if they 'like' their policy because they haven't had to seriously use it.
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It doesn't matter though, if most people generally like their insurance (evn if the reality is that their insurance sucks) - then they'll hesitate to vote for healthcare reform (see the pushback on ACA).
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Does that make a difference when they vote though?
1. People generally like their insurance
2. Their insurance is crap
Number 2 doesn't negate number 1 even if it should because they just don't know it yet.