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It’s alright, I’ve got someone who goes on it on my behalf
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This fella must think the Battle of Hastings was fought between a bunch of people who’d gone for a nice day out at the beach
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Players shouting at each other to get up and back into the line towards the end gave me Shaun Edwards-era Wales tingles
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And for your nettles, cut top half of an old squash bottle and put it over the sprayer, you can tactically nuke individual weeds with no overspray or wind knackering your roses 👍
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The haplogroup line absolutely folded me
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Gareth Parkgate, much less noble and some would say an incoherent waste of money
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If I heard the WRU were on a plane to Switzerland I’d assume they’d had a sniff of free toblerones being given out at Zurich airport, but we can only dream
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Enormous ‘we wandered out of the meeting room with no real plan, but looked up and saw the Arms Park and thought ‘sure, that’ll do’’ vibes so far
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Maybe they think they’re taking a gamble
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I am lobbying my family hard that loft entry should require breaching a threshold of minimum 3 things needing getting/putting away/boiler repressurising, we cannot justify how often that hatch seems to need opening
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Detroit might disagree
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Would‘s explosion be visible from inside a nearby black hole, I wonder?
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I’ve been trying to use this as a basis of a swap for months
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It’s not that rare, I have the same allergy
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You can’t put a price on consistency like that
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One of those ‘My family owns most of the balls, and the ones we don’t we’ve just legislated to make ours via our hereditary and undue influence in Parliament’
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The principle is ‘I’ not ‘you’, surely?
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It’s obviously the opposite of those 3 words
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It’s a shame the fella in the house is such a nasty git
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I vaguely remember that there would be a boundary rope around the perimeter of the main bar so to leave or go to the gents you’d have to walk over it giving plenty of opportunities for fairly weak banter
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I had so many details worked out that I’ve totally forgotten, but I remember it was going to be called ‘The Half Cut’ . I think the bar was going to be wicket shaped in the middle of the room but I can’t remember if punters would be batsman’s-side or keeper’s side. There were some things to iron out
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I once dreamt of opening a cricket themed pub where I’d pipe old TMS in as ambient music in the toilets
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That’s a hell of a leap from ‘one particular analysis concluded with low confidence’
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YUSSSSS A BOOK will it be readable by idiot laypeople with more enthusiasm than understanding?
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I’d pay good money to have had the opinions of the kids broadcast 😂😂😂
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House transformed! Still should move and put family enjoyment and moments before period aesthetics 😂! You’d sit in some of those gardens watching your kids play and think ‘can’t believe I was putting a bay window above this’ wouldn’t you?! It’s attached to a kwikfit! Hope he’s actually happy 😬
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I’m 15 mins behind on pause but has there ever been a stronger case for list it? It’s madness?! ‘I’ve always lived in period properties’ - you’ve lived in this period shoebox for 17 years?! 😂
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I mean, that would be the non-insane thing to do so seems likely
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If I have to go to another UK Polish wedding and hear it sung during the ceremony I’m going to have a lyrics card printed, highlighted, and distributed at the reception while I stab my finger at various lines
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The most unnecessary POTM announcement ever 😂
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He looks like the kids on the Calpol bottle
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A drop goal being awarded 13 points might be the thing that finally kills Woodward as he drowns in his own ‘moment of overstimulation’
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They think she’s gonna outlast the game in Wales then huh? Bold
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You want to give Swindon the benefit of the doubt and then it does stuff like this and the Oasis rec centre
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If they’ve got young kids awake like we have all that’s going to do is galvanise them that they’ve nearly made it to daybreak
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The sheer volume really helps you balance out a good core of control bags like blue cheese & pancetta and goats cheese & chilli, and then your obvious mad flavours like aioli
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That’s excellent and so much better than the looks I took off the checkout lady in the summer as I watched 30 bags of Brets, 12 tubs of sea salt, and 12 boxes of La peruche sugar cubes go through the till as I tried to say ‘these all cost €6 a go in England’
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It’s extremely annoying to pay £4.50 a bag here and then find they’re a euro a bag in French supermarkets
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Once you crack that, can you write a kind of primer for architectural criticism please, like a Dorling Kindersley guide but with your wit and heavy cursing laced through it like rebar
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My wonderful wife took me to Bruges as a surprise for my 30th and made the mistake of asking what I wanted to do on the day itself, to which I answered ‘take a train to Oudenaarde to visit the Tour of Flanders cycling museum’ so our most special meal was a shared foil wrap of chips on the train home
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If a supplier I paid as a client asked me to effectively pay their insurance for them I’d try punching myself nice and deep in the retina to see if that made the nightmare stop, but appreciate it may be a totally natural outcome in the 10yrs since I had a US landlord so here’s my rage solidarity 👍
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I’m 11hrs into a 2hr flight to Krakow and this essay has kind of rescued my day - I thought I might die reading ‘authentic medieval gutter’ and then ‘CtrlV’ actually did it. Patreon joined!
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Good - they generally suck balls - the work will still need doing won’t it?
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Excellent as usual - I’m not sure whether my favourite line was ‘noted local philanthropist’ or ‘why don’t caversham residents talk about how great it is more’ 😂 get charging - I’ll happily stick a few quid in an upturned top hat 👍
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Splashed out on prepainted architrave today and I’ll tell you something - I’m never going back to painting my own like a peasant
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Hell is an endless staircase, a shit brush, and a tin of gloopy Dulux
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You can’t see the framing, the tiles are mostly on already