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And if you think there's corruption in the oil industry, wait till we give our government a $20 trillion dollar blank check. There's going to be trillions of dollars wasted. And of course we don't have that money so it gets printed and inflation destroys our poor.
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And maybe just like in the 70s when they said we're going to have an ice age soon, maybe just maybe they're wrong. Clearly all life on Earth is not going to end if the temperature rises because it's been considerably higher in the past. Same goes for CO2 levels.
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I am 100% down for any suggestion or anything they do that does not tax people or remove their freedoms or control them. I'd rather than spend the $20 trillion cleaning the oceans, feeding the homeless and starving, curing disease, cleaning the air of pollution and everyone have clean water to drink
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And like I said before in the United States we spend $20 trillion and at best we can cut 14% of the man-made CO2 produced in the world. Might not do a damn thing. It probably won't do a damn thing. The carbon tax, the rich don't care they just pay it. But the poor get destroyed. It hurts them.
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How many people are going to lose their freedoms because of this agenda? You can't fly on an airplane more than once every 3 years. You can't eat healthy meat because it has been deemed climate unfriendly. And whatever other crap they want to impose on us if we let them.
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But if man is behind all of this which he may very well be, the question is is it better to spend 20 or 30 trillion dollars right now and put many people in poverty and hurt the poor and middle class, with only the potential of saving lives or the potential of fixing the problem worth it? I think no
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There was a time that the smartest men on our planet thought the Earth was flat. They think they know when humans evolved and then they find a new fossil that completely changes everything. I think it's a mistake to ever be 100% certain about anything in science. There's much we don't know.
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But to think that there are some scientists that primarily get their money and fame by agreeing with agenda, that these scientists are 100% right and completely understand all the intricacies of our planet, I think that's crazy. They have an idea maybe, doesn't mean they're right.
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Let's say that man is slowly warming the Earth. Who's to say that's a bad thing? There may be entire areas that become farmable. Obviously an Ice Age would be much worse because we need food to survive. I've shown the Earth is Greening considerably. Eventually it finds a balance as it always does.
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People are easily controlled and so are their opinions and beliefs. I understand that it's very important for them to scare us about mmgw. I also understand that they have been wrong countless times about past scares. And they are using this to push an agenda I don't like that is harmful.
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Then from what I heard there is quite a bit of CO2 produced when mining the minerals to make the batteries for these cars. In some cases you don't even break even for 8 years or more in reducing CO2. Plus there's a big environmental impact with with the disposal of these batteries.
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Some rental car companies are getting rid of their entire Electric car fleets they purchased because they are wildly unpopular. And although there's a lot of corruption when it comes to oil prices etc, I'm not sure I want California to decide what my energy prices are with no competition.
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I'm all for weaning off of fossil fuels if it makes sense to do so. Look at electric cars for example. California is requiring them. Our grade can't even handle it. What happens if the grid goes down? What happens if there's some attack? And the majority of the electricity comes from fossil fuels
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What are some of the examples of the misinformation?
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When tens of trillions are involved, & governments all around the would using this as a scare tactic to control their people, I tend to be skeptical. Let's not forget "Climategate". It's likely man is speeding things up with CO2, but I don't think everyone agrees on the danger. Agree or b destroyed
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What made the climate change for the hundreds of millions of years before humans were here? All they have is a best guess. Humans weren't producing mass CO2 during the medieval warming period. That's within the last 1000 years or so. So many things can cause the climate to change.
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I'm certainly not arguing for the sake of it. The science is settled right? That's not science then. Real science requires you to be skeptical. Did u accept the reality that we r going to go into a new ice age in the 70s when they told you that? Or the reality that acid rain will destroy all crops?
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In California that's how it is right now. It's almost impossible to get a vaccine exemption because of the law they passed. And if a vaccine is new like Covid, or changes your RNA, it absolutely should not be forced. No long term safety data. Rushed to market. No more placebo group. No way.
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I could vaccinate my child for measles and my child could still get measles and die. I don't vaxx my child & they could get mumps and die. Both are tragic. But the most tragic thing I think is if my child had an adverse reaction to a vaccine in the past and they are forced to take one and dies.
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Any deaths are tragic. And people should vaccinate their kids. There were from 1989-2021 an average of 212 people die every year from vaccine adverse reactions (that got paid from our government). 20,000 were reported but only 7,000 got paid. So maybe as high as 600 die yearly or more.
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Because of better sanitation and understanding of disease and treatments etc, infectious disease deaths for nearly every disease was down about 90% BEFORE the vaccine was released. Most people don't know that. Bad flu years here can kill 80,000. Polio, Mumps, Measles etc combined for 12,213 deaths.
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If you look at all of the vaccines on the childhood schedule in the USA (besides the flu which isn't required anyway), and you look at how many people were dying of each disease the year before the release of the vaccine, there were 12,213 deaths combined. 1,700 die still today with the vaccines.
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I am for vaccines, but I am not a fan of forcing vaccines since there is no liability for the manufacturers. And there is no guarantee that there will not be an adverse reaction or fatal adverse reaction. Most people will choose to vaccinate on their own.
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I don't think RFK is anti-vaccine. This is the AI response. I think he is very consistent with his stance about safer vaccines.
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Carl Segan said this in 1996. I think it can apply to Covid, climate change and other things. People need to be skeptical.
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I think trying to lower CO2 is a good thing, why not. But spending trillions of dollars with no guarantee it will even help at all is not a good idea. Cure cancer. Feed the hungry people of the world. Make medicine free for all with all that money. Clean the drinking water etc.
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And if the USA did get to zero carbon emissions, and spend 10 trillion dollars or more doing it somehow, they would have lowered the world's human CO2 emissions by 14%. Would that even do anything? Probably not. But spending even 1 trillion helping people now, saving lives would be better.
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And they don't seem to care much about cleaning the oceans, the other pollution in the air (which is more harmful to human health right now), or getting rid of terrible chemicals, protecting the bees from the Round Up chemical etc. This they can scare people with to get the $ and power they want.
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My beef about the climate change agenda is that they are using it to tax people (which only hurts the poor and middle class), and they are using it as an excuse to print money to address it. In the USA they are talking 10-20 trillion. That is crazy. That will cause massive inflation & hurt the poor
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They tell us CO2 causes warming. But the ice cores tell us a completely different story about CO2 and temperature rises. The opposite story actually.
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Everything I have looked up shows the Earth has substantially greened. Trees remove CO2. There is a cycle at play here that happens with or without humans. Maybe humans are creating a lot of CO2 and there is some temporary warming. But who's to say the greening won't end up balancing it out?
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There is so much they don't know. They can make models and try to guess or predict stuff. But they have been wrong so many times. Acid rain. The ice age they predicted in the 70s. Ok CO2 is rising. Man is partially responsible for that I agree. What if having more CO2, the Earth greens?
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How much of it is from the sun cycles? How much of it is from the difference is distance of the sun and Earth that always changes. The Earth's temperature and CO2 and climate has gone up and down forever even without human contribution. Do they know what made it do that? They don't.
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Well, the climate is changing. Most people agree on that. Even climate deniers. The Earth has been warming. And the Earth is billions of years old, 30 years in the tiniest of blips in the history of the Earth. How much did the climate change because of Mount St. Helen's explosion. Anyone know?
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Here some more... Some really good points. Most people only ever hear the one side of this issue. I think it's always a mistake to only hear one side of anything. I like to know both sides well.
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We talked about Climate Change. Thought you may want to see what John Stossel reports on regarding climate change. It's quite interesting.
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So funny to hear a doctor say "I don't really test for covid anymore (as a doctor). Because it's really a cold now". For the overwhelming majority it was like a cold to them for the last 4 years. Many had no symptoms at all. But if you mentioned that you we silenced.
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And I've watched many dozen (probably over 100) videos of doctors/nurses (risking everything) coming forward to say that they were pressured (ordered) into putting covid as the cause of death when the patient only had a positive covid test but died of something else. And I know 2 people personally.
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Well the problem I had is that they were trying to force the vaccine on the very young (which as I said had about 400 deaths per year in age 0-17 in USA) instead of letting them get natural immunity which is better. And that the people dying all only were able to take Remdesivir as the protocol.
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This one never gets old.
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Yes some countries it is hard to get good data from them. I do consider that when I am looking at the data myself. Even in our country sometimes the data is not complete or certainly not up to date and you need to factor that in.
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Yes I agree with you. That is true. The average person that died of covid had nearly four other comorbidities. In fact many of the people that were listed as a covid death simply died of something else. Covid mainly killed the very old. And I believe the protocol is what killed most of them.
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And don't you think just the data alone is strange? The United States with all of its great money and medical advances, with just 4% of the world population we had by far the most covid deaths somehow. We vaccinated people. We had treatments. We had money. That should be strange.
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No I'm not saying but there was Zero hospitals that were ever overrun or had a problem finding beds for people. I'm sure that happened here and there. What I'm saying is if they went to Great Lengths to lie about this and put it on the news, then the average person should question other things.
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During covid, the peak of covid, I asked a nurse friend of mine if her hospital was overrun. And she says yeah it's been pretty busy the last two weeks. But then she told me this happens every flu season. It's no different now she said. She said this is exactly what you'd expect during flu season
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I'd have to dig to find the video I Remember at the peak of the pandemic. They showed on the news a very popular Hospital completely overrun. Even people lined up in the parking lot. The guy took his camera there and filmed the parking lot and went inside, and it was dead similar to his 2024 video.
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We were told to trust the science. Anyone that question what they said were silenced, ridiculed, attacked, fired, deplatformed etc. I was removed from a few sites for bringing up facts. I even backed with my facts with links from the CDC using their data, and it didn't matter.
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Now if you want to give people the impression the vaccine works better than it does, if the person is vaccinated and something like this happens, you don't count it as a covid hospitalization. If they're unvaccinated you do. They controlled the protocol, therefore the data.
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On top of that, they were tracking "covid hospitalizations". And people in the hospital for say a motorcycle accident, that tested positive for covid with no symptoms, they were listed as a covid hospitalization.