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A lover of cats 🩁 An avid gamer đŸ–„ïž A dreamer without dreams đŸ’€ A night person 🌃 A fan of sci-fi đŸ‘œ and fantasy 🎃 đŸ“đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Finland Posting in: đŸ‡«đŸ‡źfi & 🇬🇧en Socials:
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No johan nĂ€itĂ€ nyt taas menee tiheÀÀn đŸ„ș Hetki sitten 39v Michelle Trachtenberg kuoli myös. Genen ja hĂ€nen vaimonsa kohdalla nĂ€emmĂ€ useampi epĂ€ilee hĂ€kÀÀ tai kaasuvuotoa. Kuulostaisi kyllĂ€ loogiselta jos kolme kuolemaa (koira mukaanlukien) yhtĂ€aikaisesti lĂ€htevĂ€t.
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Tai eipĂ€ oikeastaan mitÀÀn. Helpompi vain olla seuraamatta koko tyyppiĂ€ 😄
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The same thing applies to GamePass. I know it may be great for some, but I usually buy older games on heavy -75% discounts for 5-15€ so when a subscription asks for 18€ monthly, it's a no from me. I'm just not their core audience since I never care about 60-80€ costing newer games đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
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Must vÀhÀn kuule tuntuu et toi sun kannanottos se tÀssÀ nolompi asia on :)
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MitÀköhÀn ajattelivat tarjota tilalle ehdotuksiin runsaan ja tÀyttÀvÀn aamiaisen kohdalla? Kaikille ei puuro maistu ja pelkÀt salaatinlehdet, kurkut ja sen semmoiset eivÀt leivÀn pÀÀllÀ nÀlkÀÀ vie. Kananmuna on toki yksi vaihtoehdo paistettuna tai keitettynÀ. Tai leivÀn pÀÀllÀ juustot.
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Kahvin voimalla töitĂ€ tehdessĂ€ tÀÀllĂ€kin 😁 Aika rauhallista, kun ihmisiĂ€ on tĂ€hĂ€n aikaan lomalla paljon.
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SiitĂ€ uusi slogan. "Kiinnostaa yhtĂ€ paljon kuin rahoitushakemusten tekeminen" 😁😾
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Samaan kategoriaan pistĂ€isin vuohenjuuston. Miks sitĂ€ pitÀÀ tunkea joka paikkaan? đŸ€ąđŸđŸ§€
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But that being said, sometimes it's best to let some people do certain mistakes for themselves so that they'll learn to avoid them in the future.
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When I was young, I got annoyed when people older than me gave me advice, telling that "they know and they've been there". Later on now that I'm older I sort of get what they meant. I was too arrogant then to realize that they've probably already made those mistakes and were trying to help out.
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I already used Mastodon 🩣 for a few years, but people didn't jump there and I saw that Bluesky 🩋 was getting attraction and was touted as the new Twitter đŸ€ with an oldschool vibe. I liked Twitter back in the day, but ever since Musk took over, it's gotten worse. I don't want to use it anymore 🙄
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*10 vuotta myöhemmin joku Kokoomus-painotteinen hallitus* "NÀÀ on nÀitÀ Marinin hallituksen jÀttÀmiÀ velkoja" Yeah, sure.
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Currently half-way through listening. Good stuff as usual, Robert! And I say this as an European who isn't directly affected as much. But I like to keep in touch with the "Muskow Times" from time to time and you're my preferred source for that.
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Kai sekin sitten karaistaa. Achievement unlocked. Kai tÀstÀ jotain hyvitystÀ kÀrsimyksistÀ saa? PÀÀhÀn taputusta? Jotain? Ei sitten. TehdÀÀn uroteko ilman palkkiota.
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Indeed. Along the same lines as, from what I've heard, Alan Wake 2 didn't meet sales expectations and I'm sure it being only available on the Epic Games Store had a part in it. Then again, Epic Games funded it so it's a double-edged sword for sure.
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En itse ainakaan huomaa valtavia eroja nĂ€itten eri "mikrobloggaus-sivustojen" vĂ€lillĂ€. KĂ€yttĂ€nyt aktiivisesti aikoinaan twitteriĂ€ (X) ja nykyÀÀn Threads, Mastodon ja Bluesky. EnemmĂ€n se on kai siitĂ€ kiinni keitĂ€ seurailee đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž Seuraa hupiukkoja niin saa hupicontenttia 😾
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I also honestly wish that some day the whole Xbox library would be accessible on PCs and other devices (handhelds etc.). That's the dream. I play a ton of older games like Fallout 3 and New Vegas and would just love to see those games work on a dedicated Xbox handheld. Steam needs competition
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Phil has stated numerous times (and did so again), that they're not getting out of the hardware side and that "box" is in the name of Xbox. They're just expanding (providing more ways to play) and it's a very pro-consumer move if you ask me. Your progress carries over and you get to choose.
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He answers that in Destin's video (and can't remember, but possibly also in the Gamertag radio video as well). Reasons to buy: The ecosystem (play anywhere, backwards compatibility, game pass...) and their hardware differentiating factors (quick resume, the UI etc.). Others prefer the controller.
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Toivottavasti viihdyit! Itse 14v Lahdessa asuneena en ole kĂ€ynyt vielĂ€ kertaakaan, mut pidĂ€n silti hienona ettĂ€ tÀÀllĂ€ joitain tapahtumia jĂ€rjestetÀÀn â˜ș Suomi maailman kartalle ja Lahti Suomen kartalle 😁