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Sports geek, brand manager, strongman promotor
29 posts 17 followers 22 following
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As part of #GamingLikeIts1929GameJam Sqwormy on Tumblr and I have made Am I Blue? A game for two, separated by the choices of one. Based on the works of Ethel Waters!

Check out this cute RPG 😍 Can be played via snail mail just as well as with a closed door between you and your co-player 😁 (could we call it a floor top role playing game 🤷‍♂️) - Briefcase Collection arrived in Norway today! Many thanks from me and 🥳

«Fine, then I’m out! Fuck you» - Magnus Carlsen

FIDE just dug their own grave… Best dressed chess player of all times thrown out of world championships for not having nice enough pants..

It’s christmas eve - remember to leave shoes, cigarettes and ammo in the ducktwork for John McClane! #diehard #christmasmovie #stayprepped

When a killer recreates the UNITED States of America… 😁😁😳😳

Oh hey, that's me!! What better first post (well, repost) to have on here than a Triangle Agency one? Been having a BLAST with this game lately, I'm obsessed, EXCELLENT work by the Haunted Table team

A single candle can both defy and define darkness

«Det va nära näsan», sa svensken - han ble skutt i øyet

Durek… du er en grenseløst tilbakestående rasist

Being nice is overrated - just get a lawyer, and choose violence

Durek… du er en grenseløst tilbakestående rasist

In 20 years… the only people who will remember you worked late will be your kids…

Being nice is overrated - just get a lawyer, and choose violence

The US in 2023 bringing the ancient desert religion back into politics… exactly what’s needed now… right wing christian fundamentalism… 🧐#mikejohnson

This just in! Satanic messages found when Blck Metal is played forward 😳😈

Ikke kjøp plastskjeletter til Halloweendekorasjoner! Det er mye mer miljøvennlig å finne ekte, natrulige og kortreist nær der du bor! 👌👍🤪😳

I read that 10% of women can’t have an orgasm… now, I’ve slept with A LOT of women… and that percentage is A LOT higher!!

The cruelty of the universe is not lost on me… shortly after this post, our coffeemaker bit the dust…

You want to talk before morning coffee?? Let me quote Hamlet, act 3, scene 3 and line 87: «No»

There’s a lot of «irreplaceable» people in the graveyard

At eldre sjåfører står for så mange ulykker på veiene er «overraskende» på samme måte som det at en kombinert jerv- og sauepark funker dårlig er «overraskende»

«Det va nära öget», sa svensken - han ble skutt i nesen.

Hva SKJER med å feste halsbånd med bjelle på katter?