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🇪🇺 Commissioner for Agriculture and Food | former Member of the @europarl_en and former Member of @ChambreLux 🇱🇺
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Hir Prioritéiten, Erausfuerderungen an Hoffnungen fir d'Zukunft vun der Landwirtschaft ze verstoen ass wichteg a wäert eis zukünfteg Generatiouns Erneierung Strategie guidéieren, déi spéider dëst Joer presentéiert gëtt
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Understanding their priorities, challenges, and hopes for the future of agriculture is absolutely vital and will guide our upcoming Generational Renewal Strategy that will be presented later this year
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L’agriculture est au cœur de notre souveraineté alimentaire, de notre compétitivité et de nos territoires ruraux. Je suis conscient qu’en France, ces enjeux sont particulièrement cruciaux et je continuerai à être à l’écoute
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Thank you Minister Annie Genevard for your warm welcome at the Salon International de l’Agriculture Great opportunity to discuss the future of the agricultural sector 🇪🇺🤝🇫🇷 We are working towards an evolution rather than a revolution of the CAP. Farmers need stability and simplification.
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The has fully supported Spain in dealing with more frequent dramatic climate disasters. Spain has just received €68 million from 🇪🇺 agricultural crisis reserve to help affected farmers. Investing in our resilience is key for our future.
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La ha apoyado plenamente a España - 68 mills. de euros de la reserva agrícola para crisis para ayudar a los agricultores afectados por las catástrofes climáticas en España. Invertir en nuestra resiliencia: clave para nuestro futuro.
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Placer encontrar el Ministro Luis Planas y los consejeros autonómicos La rica agricultura y gastronomía 🇪🇸 es reconocida mundialmente y me alegro de estar sobre el terreno para entender los retos a los que se enfrenta el sector agroalimentario 🇪🇸 ¡Hagamos juntos realidad la Visión!
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EU farming is highly diverse. It is a great strength. Our response to today’s challenges cannot be ‘one size fits all’ With pragmatic policies, territorial & tailored responses based on dialogue, I am determined to create the conditions to make the EU agrifood sector thrive
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Red tape stands in the way of competitiveness. I will present a 1st simplification package on the CAP in spring. And I will work with my colleagues to simplify as well other policy areas touching upon agriculture & food. This 2nd package will be presented later this year.
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Our farmers & agri-food sector deserve a fair global competition. Today, we present a clear principle 👉 The most hazardous pesticides banned in the EU for health & environmental reasons should not be allowed back in through imported products. The work starts immediately.
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Agriculture needs to remain a profession that attracts young people, where they can earn a decent living & be paid fairly for their work. Without the right conditions for the future, we risk losing the next generation of farmers - the Generational Renewal Strategy will address this.
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Agriculture and food go to the very heart of the European way of life. Every day our agri-food sector provides safe, healthy & high-quality food to 450 million Europeans. It’s a major employer, pillar of the EU economy, and a key part of the solution in our fight against climate change.
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Aufschlussreicher Besuch in Nordrhein-Westfalen 🇩🇪 Höhepunkt war der Hofbesuch im schweinehaltenden Betrieb von Heinrich Blommel in Ahaus & die nächste Generation zu treffen Es war mir ein Vergnügen, Ministerin Silke Gorißen zu treffen
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Les régions ultrapériphériques de l’UE sont essentielles pour notre secteur agroalimentaire. Un plaisir de rencontrer des producteurs de bananes de Guadeloupe, de Martinique, des Canaries et de Madère ! La PAC continuera à soutenir la compétitivité des exploitations bananières de l'UE.
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Reunión productiva con los miembros del Parlamento 🇪🇸 Mi solidaridad con la Comunidad Valenciana y los afectados por la DANA. La semana pasada se puso en marcha el proceso de desembolso de los fondos de la reserva agrícola para la ayuda de emergencia a los productores agrícolas afectados.