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Knowledge-monger at Carnegie Mellon University: clandestine print, weird data, book history, computational humanities, wrote a book called literature & the law of nations, co-founder of six degrees of francis bacon. humanities for all.
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Do you work with text data for your job or research? We’d love to talk to you! We're running a paid user study to understand how people explore and visualize text data while programming—and to gather feedback on our new open-source visualization tool. Details below 👇

Correct. If the birthdate field contains corrupt or mismatched data, it defaults to 1875-05-20, which serves as a flag. May 20, 1875, is the day the international standards and metrics treaty was signed. Everything is a conspiracy when you don’t know how anything works.

still true

I feel like it isn’t mentioned often enough that VP Vance’s mother-in-law is a Provost at a major public university

Intelligence officials are starting to leak to me now too. Here’s a memo Defense Intelligence Agency personnel received instructing them to suspend observances including: - Holocaust Remembrance Day - MLK Day - Juneteenth

Attacks on higher ed are also attacks on the economy. Pass it on.

Sergeant Gonell sent me this picture. This is his call log. Each call is an automated Dept of "Justice" notification saying "The defendant you testified against is being released from the dept of corrections." Each defendant assaulted him.

My studiomates are so cool

prepping for #mla25 panel on "Early Modern Social Media" and having way too much fun with my "whodunnit" slides

If you’re just now realizing the huge disparities in research funding for fields like history and literature as opposed to STEM disciplines, I hope you’ll check out and support the National Humanities Alliance and participate in this spring’s Humanities Advocacy Day.

The students in my Data Visualization class at CMU created some amazing final projects. I updated the curriculum to use a combination of D3 and Svelte, inspired and adapted from's course, which I think amplified their creativity. Here’s a 🧵 with some highlights:

Really enjoyed working with on this, even if it did involve the jarring experience of writing 'math' instead of 'maths' on several occasions...

Ben Welsh, data journalist & news applications editor at Reuters, wants people to spend less time coding to make more time for telling important stories. Learn how Ben thinks about building better data pipelines, AI, static sites, and "medium data":

On Jan 16 join us for the Munich launch of the art film Data Shadows - born of a collaboration with Jacob van der Beugel & Oliver Page, it explores the lives of data in ways that I find magical ✨ info & trailers: To register:

It’s practically conventional wisdom in some parts of political theory that Locke endorsed slavery in writing the constitutions of Carolina. It probably shouldn’t be!

So looking forward to this!!!

Colleague has just referred to a spreadsheet as "a spready".

Excellent use of $6. I imported my whole Twitter archive going back to 2011 with ‪Blue Ark Didn't capture 100% due to retweets, replies, etc. but definitely a valuable service that will help me feel better about deleting X.

In this piece excerpted from his book THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS AND SEVEN HEAVENLY VIRTUES: A VISUAL HISTORY, special faculty Ed Simon explores the ways in which good and evil have manifested throughout the ages.

Congratulations to Senior Literature & Culture major Jennifer Bortner, whose critical pieces were recently published at!

In an exciting literary moment for our department, three faculty members have released new books that showcase their voices and talents. Read more about Sharon Dilworth, Jane McCafferty, Lauren Shapiro, and their new works.

Hey, my Department’s on here! And my amazing colleague Camille Rankine’s poem is in!

In other news, I'm delighted that this panel has been formally accepted for RSA. This session will weigh humanities critiques of machine learning and #AI against its historical roots and the methodological possibilities for the study of old books.

On Election Day, please consider this lesson inspired by the most irritating children’s song I know

Spin the 17th-Century Death Roulette Wheel and find out what would have killed you in 1665. Threats to life included consumption, dropsy, “griping in the guts,” sciatica, “stopping of the stomach,” and of course, plague.

17th-century polymath John Locke's "Journals" are now available on the Digital Bodleian site! #earlymodern histsci 🗃

Thrilled to see's new piece on “Hobbes, Cavendish, and the Bermuda Company” in The Historical Journal! It's long seemed odd how folks have seen colonialism shaping nearly every major 17thC thinker EXCEPT Hobbes—yet Hobbes may have been the most involved.

some call it Hurricane Milton but I call it the First Defense

Usha Vance, spouse of JD Vance, apparently wrote a Cambridge MPhil thesis on 17th-century London printer John Field before law school and then clerking for John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh

Usha Vance wrote an MPhil thesis on 17th-century London printer John Field?

Spinoza voice: “why yes, the Bible IS a historical document”

getting excited for my first #dhsi

cool deep dive from Sarah Bender @CMULibraries on our work with ESTC

cool deep dive from Sarah Bender on our work with ESTC 📚 📜


the cognitive load is my own and does not represent the cognitive load of my employer