Correct. If the birthdate field contains corrupt or mismatched data, it defaults to 1875-05-20, which serves as a flag. May 20, 1875, is the day the international standards and metrics treaty was signed. Everything is a conspiracy when you don’t know how anything works.
everything is broken: why do we pay for IT?
everything is working flawlessly: why do we pay for IT?
nothing is more aggravating than seeing how much work was done to avoid disaster on y2k and then millions of people like "see? it wasn't a big deal, just a false alarm" 🫠
Social media is full of experts and legacy languages are rather poorly documented.
Knowing little about coding when I read that SS runs on COBOL it makes me think "damn, COBOL is still a thing?"
They did.
He posted the session of the inner architecture of Twitter thinking it made him look technical without understanding people existed that could recognize exactly what it was.
He probably still doesn't know what is going on and pretended like he always does.
Somebody please tell the MAGA folks that the richest guy in the world is NOT the smartest guy in the world.
I've encountered programs in which a default or 'placeholder' value is used when a variable is being initialized, but to my knowledge, there is no standard.
It's certainly possible that a particular installation decided that '1875-05-20' was a date they might use.
What’s required used to be called analyst programmers and or systems analysts.
People that had actual brains, technical competence and the ability to challenge the wisdom emanating from fools.
Elmo’s a fucking imbecile.
It is okay to be wrong if your wrongness serves the purpose of the party.
They automatically think they found something that everyone else missed, when quite often it is the opposite.
...surprise! they found government waste.
"We've got to have a Department of Government Efficiency."
"What is 'efficiency?' Do you even know?"
"It's what our Department is in charge of."
in reality, the Republican National Convention would never -- um --
shit, never mind.
Call their offices 30 times a day. Email them 100 times a week. Show up at their offices demanding to see them. Stand outside holding signage about how they're facilitating a data heist that will kill millions.
This is intentionality masquerading as incompetence.
They know *exactly* what they're doing.
That needs to be engraved on a monument.
Soon, they’ll begin to wonder what “Windows 2000 Server” is and accidentally launch an unrestricted IRCX server.
150 year olds collecting social security will become "fact" before the truth gets out there.
I'm not really a coder either but I do some SQL stuff for work and I was only familiar with missing dates defaulting to 1/1/1970.
But also, I know if something seems odd, the initial assumption is a data problem, not corruption.
Musk and his kiddies tend to assume that the tech is perfect, which is really stupid and really naive. It […]
The thing is that it still works and if anything most of the problems come from the modern software that interfaces with it.
so unless you’re a real dummy or intentionally trying to sabotage the system you let it exist peacefully and you definitely don’t send in 20 year olds to glue some AI to it
Of course that's why Dweeb King sent his Dweeb Patrol into the buildings.
“Convention du Mètre” was signed in Paris. "
Right from the ISO document.
So dense he could bend light.
I know more about trucks than anyone
Hell, he stood next to OJ Simpson once and was suddenly able to run faster than him
He's like a shit orange Kirby
"By way of epoch, the day on which the Convention of the Metre was signed, which ISO 8601 defines to be 1875-05-20 (and 1875-140 and 1875-W20-4), is CJDN 2406029."
More on it from the ISO:
Here's where NASA says it uses ISO 8601:
Here's where OMB says it uses ISO 8601:
I miss the days when you gave a computer instructions and it did what you told it to do
Any errors were your own, discoverable (hopefully) and correctible
"LEARN THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT" is good advice for tourists
They are tryna wood chip the whole US treasury & economy they aren’t into efficiency
The soundbite was good in the moment even as it was a lie.
There are other epoch depending on the underlying system.
0 January 1900 of excel is my preferred wtf :)
If it’s showing DoB, you’d think they’d notice they’re all the exact same date?
Remember, these are not smart people, but people who (need you to) think they are exceptionally smart
“Your palm flower has turned black. Please report to Carousel for rebirth or the Sandmen will get you.”
But that's not what's going on.
The Republicans have been using this as their primary operating principle for years.
I remember the stories of his first attempt at a payment app being poorly written and easily hackable 25 years ago.
He's skated by on the standard that people don't have the time to dig into what he's doing and we have no functioning press anymore thanks to corporations buying the media.
Funny that all the departments doge is finding waste in either fined him or were investigating him 🤔
skimming the cream off the top of all Visa transactions: trillions
secretly selling information about everything you buy to data brokers: PRICELESS
And we know Elon is an idiot, and people younger than me sure didn't learn this.
How do I check my records have no glitch?
He isnt an autistic savant or a genius.
He is a an adhd imbecile.
The poor white magats will be allowed to roam and graze freely and serve them as cheap labor.
The rest of us all go to death kamps.
Adhd is not a fraudulent disorder, nor is autism.
But Elmo is a fraud. Just a dummy who accumulated money, and who conned people into believing he is Trump
"Wah wah it's illegal to look at NPI, but I'm going to ask for proof of NPI because I think I can pull a gotcha."
How dumb are you? Seriously.
You people are more upset at the messenger than you are at those stealing our SSI. That says a lot about you.
This isn't what the discussion is about bootlicker.
The government isn't the perpetrator of that fraud.
"Show me the payments" from a system I don't have access to.
So you're claiming that this can't actually be happening and nobody with an 1875 birth year, in the system, could possibly be receiving payments.
Now you're going to have another temper tantrum and call me more names. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!
Ya, that's an improvement. Nevermind, not worth my time.
Thanks for posting
This sick burn makes 1992 me very happy.
149 - NONE
148 - NONE
147 - NONE
146 - NONE
They didn't notice because the result was matching their expectations.
This is not pure ignorance, this is worse: this is ignorance believing you are a genious.
Death by Dunning-Kruger.
#DOGE #musk #harm #moron #trump
My agency's main system is DOS based lol I use command codes to access account information.
They hate boomers
until they need us.
Dump Traitor Trump et al
Destroying America like no other- Impeach - Arrest
25th Amendment
Rise up & call
I'm pretty sure it was COBOL that gave me the fixed width columns, but with exceptions, data import nightmare I had once. That was old government […]
However, if their system did have a default, any decent programmer should have noticed an unusually high number of people with the same DoB.