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Associate EU Director at Posts about #EU foreign policy on #HumanRights, mainly #MiddleEast, #Asia, #EUtrade, #UN #HRC Slowly transitioning here from an irredeemably ruined Twitter. Usual caveats
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On #India’s declining rights record, Jaishankar shifted from acknowledgment to denial, dismissing concerns as politically motivated. This won’t address the widespread abuses documented by India’s own civil society, NGOs, and UN experts -

This should resonate, 👉🏼

With a government accused of #genocide and #apartheid, the only trade you should discuss is the one you should ban, #StopTradeWithSettlements

A European Parliament delegation held an official hearing to talk about "trade potential" with #Israel, a state on trial for genocide, whose ICC-wanted PM just announced a plan to keep starving 2 million people. This is appalling,, and you shouldn't have let it happen.

In line with their plan to thwart EU unity on #Ukraine, #Hungary & #Slovakia didn't support a EU statement at #HRC58: The bloc must realize it can't remain hostage of #Putin 's trojan horses. Keeping the unanimity rule is suicidal.

It takes a village to get a EU statement out, but you shouldn't allow the outcome to be garbage, Own the statement, the process, and block it when it reaches these levels. Be better than this. This is embarrassing. #Gaza #ceasefire

This is barbaric. You do not starve 2 million people to put pressure on an armed group. We’re not in the middle age - or shouldn’t be. Humanitarian aid must get into #Gaza, regardless of any ceasefire. IHL + ICJ rulings are crystal clear. #Israel keeps violating both, with impunity.

Umpteenth, unanimously approved, #EU statement condemning #Israel ‘s settlements: Then why do EU/states keep trading with them? When will they #StopTradeWithSettlements? 👉🏼

1/3 First appearance new minister Prévot in Belgian parliament. The good, the bad & the ugly: 👍 Belgium will implement ICC arrest warrants (yes, that's unfortunately newsworthy) 👍 Supports review article 2 EU-Israel Association Agreement

Under #Modi, #India authorities jail, harass peaceful critics, harshly repress dissent & minorities, incite hatred & violence. All amid EU silence. A mature #EUIndia partnership should embrace scrutiny, not fear it. If that's what you seek, show it

With the #Omnibus published, the Commission sides with giant corporations rather than victims of corporate abuse. Under the pretense of ‘simplification’, the Commission’s guts its own achievements on corporate accountability & abdicates principled leadership in advancing a #sustainable economy.

She's right. Isolate the idiotic bully, and the evil minds puppetmastering him. Don't amplify their bullshit. Don't even give them the outrage they're aiming at. Ignore. Stay focused on ongoing atrocities, the need to end them, and holding criminals to account.

In #India, & Commissioners should break the #EU silence on #Modi ’s human rights crackdown - and stand ready to receive well deserved criticism in return A mature #EUIndia partnership and strategy should embrace scrutiny, not fear it: #IndiaEU

We are deeply worried that Laila Soueif, mother of jailed British-Egyptian Alaa Abdel Fattah, is in hospital after almost 150 days of hunger strike. No mother should feel such a desperate act is her only recourse. We call on Egypt to immediately #FreeAlaa, & on the UK to step up diplomatic efforts.

ليلى سويف، الأم، والإنسانة ذات الضمير والعلم، بين الحياة والموت في المشفى. إن كان للرئيس السيسي رغبة حقيقية في إصلاح سياسي، فإن ملف معتقلي الرأي والضمير هو واجب الوقت وطال أوانه. علاء سُجن نحو ١٠ سنوات، ولو كان في نظر السيسي اقترف جرما، أليس ذلك عقابا قاسيا؟ الرحمة

A powerful, beautiful testimony from a week on a boat that saves lives in the Mediterranean: And a reminder of how abhorrent the EU's policies of "deterrence by drowning" (or torture) are. Sign our #WithHumanity petition:

#Germany has taken a turn to the right after the🚦traffic light. The future government will face enormous challenges at home & on the international stage. It's crucial that coalition talks center around human rights. my take for

As chairs #EU-#Israel foreign ministers meeting today, one thing must be clear: this can be no ‘business as usual’ The only use of this Association Council is calling out Israel’s atrocity crimes, and finally announcing measures to address them ⤵️

Tra veti, ipocrisia e complicità, l’Ue non ha MAI denunciato NESSUNA delle atrocità commesse da #Israele a #Gaza, né adottato misure per contrastarle La situazione “surreale” nella quale i ministri degli esteri Ue ricevono quello israeliano lunedi 24, su #IlManifesto:

Uncertainty grows among refugees and migrants as #Germany heads to the polls. via

Heartwarming meeting yesterday with #EUStaff4Peace I thanked them for their perseverance in showing that the EU is not a monolith oblivious to, or complicit in, atrocities against the Palestinians Let's keep it up and do everything we can for this EU to stop being the worst version of itself

At the debate on #India, explains how 🇪🇺 's silence has contributed to human rights deterioration under Modi’s rule, sending a message of impunity as repression intensifies. ⚠️Crucial to keep human rights on agenda, ahead of the Commissioners’ visit.

#Bahrain: EU citizens al-Khawaja & al-Muqdad are among the too many jailed for peaceful human rights work 31 NGOs wrote to + SW & DK govs, urging they end this long collective failure:

#Bangladesh: damning UN report finds brutal, systematic repression of protests, calls for justice & reforms: #HRC58 resolution needed to help consolidate hard-won progress, accompany reform & accountability process:

Welcome, overdue, and finally unequivocal EU call to #FreeAlKhawaja, Danish human rights defender unjustly jailed in #Bahrain since 2011: Pressure needed to let him & others out of jail:

#Trump ’s absurd, abhorrent plan on #Gaza would move the US from being complicit to being direct perpetrators of ethnic cleansing Governments must unequivocally reject his criminal nonsense, stand united to protect the Palestinians from further atrocities

Il ddl sicurezza minaccia gravemente i diritti fondamentali in Italia Criminalizza le proteste pacifiche, con pene severe per manifestanti, migranti, e detenuti Gli organismi per i diritti umani lanciano l’allarme ❌La repressione non è sicurezza❌

Italy’s security bill threatens fundamental rights It criminalizes peaceful protest, with harsh penalties for activists, detainees, and migrants Human rights bodies warn of serious risks - the Senate should listen ❌Repression is not security❌

Tous les États #UE affirment que les colonies d' #Israël sont illégales et un "obstacle à la paix", liées à des violations très graves. Pourquoi, alors, continuent-ils à commercer avec elles? Lettre de 163 ONG & syndicats:

Tutti i Paesi #UE concordano: gli insediamenti di #Israele sono illegali e un "ostacolo alla pace" Perché allora continuano a commerciarvi e quindi supportarli, violando il diritto internazionale? Lettera di 160+ sindacati e ONG all'UE: #StopTradeWithSettlements

All #EU states say #Israel 's settlements are illegal and an "obstacle to peace", linked to very serious abuses. Then why do they keep trading with them? 163 NGOs & trade unions urge to #StopTradeWithSettlements, in compliance with #ICJ ruling:

The Chinese government has been permitting some Uyghurs to travel to or from Xinjiang, with the apparent aim of presenting a public image of normalcy. shows that onerous requirements and official tours are the latest measures in the region.

La decisione della Corte d'Appello su #Almasri desta forti perplessità. Ma anche ammettendo irregolarità nell'arresto: -Perché #Nordio non le sana ex post? -Perché #Piantedosi lo rimanda in #Libia? -Perché la CPI viene tenuta all'oscuro? ⤵️

Caso #Almasri: il governo #Meloni calpesta il diritto internazionale e sembra ostaggio delle dittature che supporta Intervista con Il Manifesto ⤵️

Da #Israele alla #Libia, l'Italia protegge presunti criminali di guerra Dalle parole su #Netanyahu ai fatti con #Almasri, ricercati dalla #CPI: il governo #Meloni dimostra disprezzo per il diritto internazionale e per le vittime dei crimini più efferati

From #Israel to #Libya, #Italy is protecting alleged war criminals Words and deeds on #ICC -wanted #Elmasry and #Netanyahu expose #Meloni 's government alarming disregard for international justice and for the victims of the most heinous crimes

#Bangladesh: hard-won progress risks being lost without systemic reforms to address and prevent repression, discrimination and authoritarian rule Government should seek technical assistance, monitoring and reporting by UN Human Rights office & experts New by

Auschwitz was at the end of a long process. It did not start from gas chambers. This hatred was gradually developed by humans. From ideas, words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanization & escalating violence... to systematic and industrial murder. Auschwitz took time.

The #Holocaust was based on the most despicable "idea" humans ever had: That only some lives have dignity, while "inferior" ones can or should be erased 80 years on, Europe is still struggling to learn and implement the lesson. Both within and outside its borders. #NeverAgain

Rome betrayed the Rome Statute, again After shameful words on non-cooperation with the #ICC on #Netanyahu, #Italy moved to deeds with #Almasri ‘s release #Meloni ‘s government seems keen to protect war criminals, flouting its obligations as an ICC member ⤵️

First, #Italy foreign minister #Tajani criticized the #ICC arrest warrants for #Israel crimes in #Gaza Then he announced Italy wouldn't arrest ICC-wanted #Netanyahu Now Italy releases #AlMasri, also ICC-wanted #Meloni government seems keen to protect war criminals:

Egypt's Supreme State Security Prosecution has charged Hossam Bahgat, executive director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), with involvement with and financing a terrorist group and publishing false news:

Europe can: 1. Join the race to kiss Trump's & Musk's feet, forget about its own past, and get ready to live it again; or 2. Remember why it exists, recommit to those values, and implement them at home and abroad Which one will it be,

1/2 🧵 Mindboggling selective empathy by the #EU 27 on #Gaza #ceasefire Hostages' "15-month ordeal" ends after Oct 7 "horrific terrorist attacks" But civilians in the region were just "caught up in violence" and "lost their lives". How,

1/2) No, #EUtrade with #Israel 's illegal settlements is NOT "overall consistent" with the obligations laid out by the #ICJ It's not about trade preferences: international law requires a *blanket ban* on trade & business with settlements: ...

#Ceasefire or not, People should never be starved, Hospitals, schools, humanitarians, journalists, civilians should never be targeted, No one should be held hostage, arbitrarily jailed, tortured. Those are VERY serious crimes. Impunity would only help them happen again.