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Guerilla advertising seen in the London Metro


Dus we laten mensen gewoon zonder medicijnen zitten. Gebeurt gewoon in Nederland #medicijntekort #geneesmiddelenwet Met dank aan de #verzekeraars die voor een dubbeltje op de eerste rang willen zitten ten koste van patiΓ«nten.

Tip voor iedereen die de #Lente in de bol heeft en komend weekend haar/zijn #tuin wil gaan opruimen. Doe nog even niets. Laat dat dood blad nog even liggen en die dode stengels nog even staan. De beestjes hebben die schuilplekken nog nodig want er komen nog koude nachten (met vorst) aan. #natuur

seen in newark, new jersey πŸ”₯

Today at Shadomain we highlight a great #ttrpg project: RPGs for Accessible Gaming, led by @jesthehuman. Check it out here:

And I am an ally. If you are too, let the world know.

It is always a good time to think about the "Regional Names for Isopods" list

Matching my outfit today and I’m obsessed, will be wearing this magnetic gel polish more often no doubt! It’s so pretty! #notd #purple #gelxnails #gelx

I have some bad news for you, Congo Ernie Hudson

knuckle sandwich (unwillingly 😞) #catart #artph #cuteart

Time to evict AirBnB from your life, if you have't already.

Geen enkele als je de schijf van vijf volgt en voldoende daglicht opneemt. Mocht je een donkere huidskleur hebben, dan kan in de wintermaanden eventueel vitamine D helpen. En veganisten kunnen baat hebben bij extra vitamine B12.

Watching the Gorge and while a bit predictable I’m enjoying it, the soundtrack is by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross so that is also a great plus in my opinion πŸ’œ

The measles outbreak in Texas is reminding me of the public letter Roald Dahl wrote about losing his daughter to measles in 1962, just before the vaccine was publicly available.

Brewdog. Another company whose products you should avoid.

Bernie Sanders: "They will use the enormous media operations they own to deflect attention away from the impact of their policies while they entertain us to death."

Words by Walt Whitman. Long tails, cherry blossom and the promise of warmth, love and dear friends. I have this picture as a card too 😊

My freebies have been downloaded over 27k times in total! 😱 Have you grabbed one yet?

Vijftig doodgebeten schapen in Friesland, en iedereen is β€˜begaan met het leed van de schapenhouder’. Maar die verdomde het dus om (gesubsidieerd!) zich aan zijn beschermingsplicht te houden en wolfwerend hek te plaatsen. De wereld op zijn kop, en de wolf weer de gebeten hond.

Ouderen langer thuis laten wonen zou fijner, beter en vooral goedkoper zijn dan in een verpleeghuis. Jaren later blijkt thuiswonen duurder en slechter. De 5 miljoen mantelzorgers besteden 1,5 miljard uren aan zorg. In totaal 850.000 fte. Een vrijwillige gift aan de samenleving van €22 miljard.

- racist DOGE guy (redundant) canned - federal judge upholds birthright citizenship - another judge blocks voluntary resignation - NY state going to court over treasury business - patel put on ice for at least a week

So these dudes just pushed past security? And folks are unable to physically remove them? These dudes?

Elon Musk is perpetrating a digital and financial coup. This is not hyperbole. This is not euphemism. This is what has happened. 🧡

gm fellow Klein blue appreciators



β€œAll shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” Julian of Norwich Painted in watercolours with Schmincke Aqua Bronze for the gold lettering. With inclusive imperfections in my work, a sure sign that it's done by hand and not a computer program.

Adobe alternatives (Open source and paid)

ME: *sits at desk and works* Just focus. Just focus. Don't look around. Do NOT look around. THE NEWS:

so the thing is just because someone is not posting about every horror, does not mean they aren't paying attention or being active in opposition, and I do hope people can learn to read for other signs of resistance rather than demand people create a 24/7 feed of screaming it's actually not helpful


Yoon declared the martial law on December 3rd. 55 days later, he is indicted. Those 55 days felt like 55 years. But considering that it was carried out without anyone dying, it’s not too late after all.

there was a mouse living in the oven mitt on our porch πŸ‚

It's crazy that my zillion hours on the internet has left me with a simple, unshakeable belief: If I see a product being advertised online, it is poor quality and should be avoided.

If you’re defending Musk’s β€œcontroversial gesture” (the nazi salute) you can do us both a favor and block me immediately. There’s no reason for me to waste time with bootlicking losers.