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ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: 2016 sees 2 new 1 part 12th Doctor releases: Doctor Who Magazine 496 had “Theater of the Mind” featuring Clara Oswald & Harry Houdini, and the 11th issue of Panini’s relaunch of Doctor Who Adventures had “The Spice Route” (1/4)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: 1980’s Doctor Who Weekly #17 features 3 Pt. 1s: that of 4th Doctor adventure “Timeslip”, featuring the franchise’s first ever take on reversed regeneration. Even more notable is the backup story, “Abslom Daak… Dalek Killer”, (1/5)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: In 2017, Titan Comics digitally releases the 3rd issue of their “Ghost Stories” miniseries, featuring the 3rd part of the titular story, starring the 12th Doctor alongside the supporting cast of The Return of Doctor Mysterio. (1/2)

You would never expect all but forgotten early 80s picture book K9 and the Zeta Rescue to feature the Time Lords with these radical, surreal, larger than life redesigns but I kind of vibe with them, there’s an experimental 60s animation feel to them that I really like

I love the 6th Doctor & Peri’s relationship so much, the way they see past the outer fronts that others judge them for and care so deeply for everything the other person is, their bickering becoming just their way of showing that… they make me insane sometimes

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: We begin with 2 1 part Doctor Who Adventures stories- 10th Doctor & Heather adventure “Junk Food” from 2010’s #151, & 12th Doctor & Clara tale “The Wheelers” from 2015’s #361. (1/3)

This whole photoshoot is peak

I don’t want to know how many hours I’ve spent just looking at random Classic Who production photos on Tragical History Tour… one of the best sites ever created

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: The 4th & final part of 2nd Doctor & Jamie tale “Father Time” is released in TV Comic #893 in 1969, while Pt. 2 of the 2nd comic starring the Doctor, “The Therovian Quest”, is published in 1965 in TV Comic #685. (1/2)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: The 2008 launch of Torchwood Magazine included the first ever Torchwood comic, the 10 page “The Legacy of Torchwood One”, featuring all the main cast in Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, and Ianto (1/5)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: In 1965, “The Daleks” strip premieres in futuristically themed comics magazine TV Century 21, giving the titular menaces their first comics appearance and first origin story with the beginning of 3-part story “Genesis of Evil”. (1/3)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: 1 part 10th Doctor & Heather tale “The Great Rain Robbery” is published in 2009 in Doctor Who Adventures #99. Pt. 1 of 1st Doctor, John, & Gillian tale is printed in TV Comic #736 in 1966. (1/2)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: After nearly 2 years of their separate adventures in TV Century 21, the Daleks invade TV Comic in Pt. 1 of the 2nd Doctor’s 2nd comic story, “The Trodos Ambush”, published in the magazine’s #788 in 1967. (1/6)

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: This date features 2 starting stories- the 1 part “Rory’s Story”, printed in 2011’s Doctor Who Adventures #200 & Pt. 1 of 3rd Doctor adventure “Deadly Choice”, printed in 1973 in TV Action #101. (1/3)

The Sixth Doctor isn’t quite my favorite Doctor, but in a way he really embodies the qualities I like about the character in general. He has quite a few qualities that make him difficult to get along with, but beneath them it’s always clear how driven he is to make things right.

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: The 2nd ever Doctor Who comic story, “The Therovian Quest” featuring the 1st Doctor & his grandchildren John & Gillian, has its first part published in 1965 in TV Comic #684. (1/4)

It’s kinda sad we’re past the age of companions joining the Doctor by entering the TARDIS expecting it to be an actual police box.

ON THIS DAY IN DOCTOR WHO COMICS HISTORY: “The Arkwood Experiments”, the 3rd Doctor’s first ever comic story & the first comic appearance of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, has its Part One published in 1970 in TV Comic #944. (1/4)