My purpose in life is to remind everyone that every ridiculous thing has happened before. That and to have strong opinions about Star Wars. Those two things.
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I try to limit using “lazy game design” only to shovelware that’s just a framework for predatory micro transactions or when someone’s motivation is clearly just to wallow in their own prejudices rather than actually make a game. Basically when being derogatory and dismissive is actually deserved.
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If we're going to get the dystopian cyberpunk future anyways they could at least give us the aesthetic.
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Used to be you had to remove a rib to fellate yourself this thoroughly.
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Frankly if someone didn't know he was lying just from watching the clip, I think they're kind of dumb.
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This is a pretty silly interpretation IMO but it seems just legally plausible enough for a very paranoid lawyer to push for a TOS update to cover their asses, just in case.
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…and with AI getting integrated into search specifically and web content generally, any string you compose in a browser might end up being part of a protected work.
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I wonder if someone on their legal team got paranoid about everyone else doing AI integration?
If AI generated content can be copyright protected, then the prompts that generate it might be protected…
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I have long contended that a majority of shounen series and basically all harem series would be better if you simply removed the male lead.
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I think that's just Himmler.
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True but I'm also certain American corporations are the only entities capable of making the airport security line even more awful if they were given control of it.
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"Everything but the squeal"
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I used to work in finance and a number of my relatives still do, and honestly the read is if things blow up that badly the money won't be worth anything no matter where you put it.
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The fash are definitely cynically riding the coattails of the understandable "we don't trust these deeply compromised industries to treat our stories with respect" sentiment, though.
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If you'd asked anime fans in early 2023 if they wanted a slice-of-life generic fantasy anime where the MC is a kuudere thousands of years old but looks maybe 20, you'd probably have gotten a resounding rejection.
And then Frieren actually came out to deserved acclaim and wild popularity.
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This is definitely true but when there's a break between what people say they want and what they do like with that visual novel, I read it as less some halo effect and more "we only want this if its done well, and don't trust that it will be done well."
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There’s also been a number of near miss incidents in the last few years and criticisms that the FAA was being too complacent. IMO it’s less that Trump’s actions are a direct cause of this and more that the situation was already tenuous and now the ability to course correct has been badly damaged.
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Little bit of both I think. A lot of minor incidents that don’t normally get much attention (like aircraft bumping each other on the ground) are getting top line coverage. But there have definitely been more major incidents already this year than there have been in years.
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I had this impression but then so many people showed up to the prerelease at my LGS that they ran out of seats. So I don’t know what to make of it.
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I quit smoking by chain smoking the last 3/4s of a pack, then getting in a car with broken AC and driving from Florida to Massachusetts.
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Well shit
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Layers. A lot of players complain about it being clunky or unintuitive, but they’ve got it backwards. The layers are always in play, they don’t suddenly appear for specific cards. For the vast majority of interactions they work so well they aren’t even noticed.
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Then later phylogenetics comes along and oh shit they are closely related, it’s just an evolutionary quirk that one looks more like hamsters and the other more like moles in physiology. But by then all the literature has been using the first interpretation so the name sticks around.
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…it’s easy to conclude your other thing is actually not all that closely related to zokors, and is really a strange mole offshoot that happened to evolve in similar ways. A false zokor.
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So you have these things you’ve already decided are zokors and these other things. Before phylogenetics, if the other things by chance have evolved to gain or lose physiological features that make them look more like say moles and zokors look more like hamsters…
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I couldn’t find references for the zokor specifically but I know how some similar cases worked. Historically you have these animals and people just go “oh there’s zokors in all these places.” Then early taxonomy happens and suddenly they realize no, these actually aren’t even the same genus!
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On top of 30 odd years of being aware enough of it to maybe try and avoid it, there's a filter effect where people largely stop watching the crappy movies most guilty of it. It's a bit overstated now but it was definitely a thing.
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People started talking about this long enough ago that film makers became conscious of it and stopped doing it quite as much/quite as obviously.
For example Canadian Bacon was parodying it back in 1993.
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Those kind of conversations are good because even when you’re in broad agreement on a topic, letting everyone expand on their thoughts can bring up factors you hadn’t considered, even if they don’t contradict your position. Basically “yes, and…” conversations.
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But if you’ve come to it later, when the popular conception of the post apocalypse is mostly driven by YA books and works like The Road and various flavors of the modern zombie flick, it can seem like a non-sequitur.
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If you’re coming to AW from the world of Tank Girl and Logan’s Run, where a bunch of edgy weird comics and low budget B-movies and arthouse flicks represent the bulk of material at hand, the idea that stories about the post apocalypse will naturally include a lot of sex makes way more sense.
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Another factor is that AW is 15 years old now, which means the primary source material it was inspired by is more like 20 years and older. In the meantime there’s been a big renaissance of post apocalyptic media with a very different tone than the predominant style back then.
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I didn’t realize that’s where they were located. That explains everything.
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I suspect a lot of it was intentional but in what is now a nearly 40 year old context, which is why it’s even more shocking how generally positive the portrayal is.
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For a very long time the “good” Star Wars was like 2.5 movies at most.
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In contrast Girls Und Panzer is clearly made by people deep in the grip of hardware fixation, which is basically a kind of platonic fetish and is definitely too much of a sicko thing for them to risk latching on to, despite the WW2 military stuff seeming more their speed.
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For the kind of Worst Person involved I think it makes sense. Those guys are willful know-nothings who find subtext or critical analysis abhorrent, and as much as I actually like K-ON, it is a show largely about aesthetic fluff. Much easier to latch onto for that kind of asshat.
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Some of the players in the game see this so I haven’t filled in all the cards yet.