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Simpler guaranteed quality health care for all for life. Sign up for our free emails here:
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Regular Contributor A warning from Anonymous.

A cyclist was billed $1,862 by the company of an amulance that ran him over then took him to the hospital this past November. The cyclist has filed a lawsuit. #universalhealthcare

73% of Americans think the government should do more to limit the cost of prescription drugs. It’s time to take action. #universalhealthcare #medicareforall #pharma

Yes, this administration is dangerous and cruel, but they are also shockingly dim and incompetent. Opportunities are everywhere. Make everything as hard as possible. Resist every demand. Refuse entry without a warrant. Don’t take the buyout. Their problem solving skills are 📉

Do you want a universal health care system for Colorado? Ask your state senator to vote for SB 25-45. It would task the School of Public Health to analyze if universal health care would be a good fit for Colorado! Find your senator here:

Thank you! The loss of Medicaid would be personal for me. My d-i-l has multiple myeloma. Without Medicaid, she would have a year to live. With it, her life would be extended by years. I despise this man for his sinister, ugly view of an America that will not take care of its own.

Delays and denials by insurance companies in the U.S. can often be a death sentence for patients, say doctors. The person issuing the denial is often someone who doesn't have the expertise to make that decision. And it's all done in the name of making a profit for insurance companies.

Hello friends! We're Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care. Our mission: simpler guaranteed quality health care for all for life. Follow us and together we can work for a healthier world in Colorado and beyond. #UniversalHealthCare #MedicareforAll #Colorado #Doctor