Photography, Pixelart, Videogames (playing and sometimes developing). He/Him.
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Pretty hyped for this! You cooked pretty hard with Hazelnut Hex, one of my favorite recent shmups, so... glad and excited to see another one of these! Love the style!
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I feel the Bluray future is linked to Sony largely. If they decide to stop physical media with a PS6, that might be a critical hit to the target group still caring about physical media. It might become a niche format for enthusiasts with less releases than DVD, like Laserdisc in the 80s/90s.
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That's so annoying. I treated myself to Loki s1&2 because I truly love that series... but paying premium for additional 4k blurays I can't use feels so redundant.
For the rest, I hope for cheaper collections way down the line (unless physical media finally dies out.. urks).
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Ja, die Bubble der "coolen Tech Nerds" in den USA ist geplatzt. Sehr viele sehr finstere Gestalten. Passt, dass sie jetzt alle, die irgendwie 'anders' sind, wieder rausdrängen wollen im neuen Amerika :( Und so viele (nicht alle immerhin) in Gehorsam Trump und Musk 🫣
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It truly was a moment of awe for me. I really thought "this is it, it does not need to get any better than this." (Coming from N64 (which is fine ofc), Gameboy Color and low spec PCs.)
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Ich fand lustigerweise Yakuza 5/6/0/Kiwami visuell am ansprechensten. Ja, die Lichter sind hübscher in den neuen Main-Series Teilen, aber die wirkten irgendwie so clean und polished.
Ishin! wirkt teilweise etwas unausgereift, so als ob man mit Beleuchtung & Effekten noch nicht so perfekt klar kam.
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Cooking is the responsibility I have to bear as the director. Many will die if I fail. This can not be allowed. I do not know how much longer I can go on like this.
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Und schaue mir zb das hier an, um mich ein bisschen zu hypen (hab mir Lost Odyssey erst vor 3 Monaten rum Mal bei eBay für meine neue Low Budget Oldschool Xbox One zugelegt 😅)
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Cool, Danke für die Empfehlung, check ich Mal aus!
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Besitze keinen ausreichend urteilenden Blick für diese Information :P
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MS-DOS what NintenDON'T.
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Finde aber auch, dass ist ein Spagat, was das Medium selbst auch immer noch spannend macht. Legt es Wert darauf, einen Erfahrungen sammeln zu lassen, zu erkunden? Oder eher Optimierung, Skill, Learning? Und ist das Storytelling mit dem Gameplay gut verknüpft oder ist es ein Film mit Spielsequenzen?
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Interessant, bei mir war es eine umgekehrte Entwicklung. Wo ich früher vor allem tiefe Stories und riesige Welten liebte, hat sich alles so ein bisschen zu "Gameplay first" verschoben. Wobei der richtige Vibe immer superwichtig ist. Heute spiel ich im Sommer Action & Arcade, im Winter dann RPGs.
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(für Empfehlungen zu langen Videoessays zu obskuren Spielen bin ich btw. offen und dankbar 🤗)
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(oder vielleicht liegts auch daran, dass ich bei der Arbeit - relativ monotone Tätigkeit oft - relativ viel Podcasts schon höre und irgendwann der Input-Pegel erschöpft ist :D)
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Das kann ich auch nachvollziehen. Bei mir sind dass dann gerne Mal Podcasts neben dem Grind wie zb. das enorm gute Stay Forever, was mich dann sogar gelegentlich dazu bringt, mir noch unbekannte Klassiker zu spielen. Wobei bei mir die Multitasking-Fähigkeit etwas nachgelassen hat :/
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Was mich mehr nervt, dass Reviews oft 40-60 Minuten lang sein müssen. Ich verstehs aus Werbesicht (mehr Werbepausen, Youtube bevorzugt die Länge). Aber oft will ich einfach in 5 bis 15 Minuten eine gut formulierte Meinung von einer Youtubepersönlichkeit, deren Genre-Geschmack sich gut ergänzt.
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Eine Zeit lang hab ich das lange Format sehr gefeiert. Aber beiweitem nicht jeder Youtuber kann die Qualität halten und oft wird in viel Zeit erstaunlich wenig gesagt. Wenn es interessant oder gut gemacht ist (Stichwort zb Tim Rogers oder Electric Underground) dann mach ich das gerne.
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So I was able to see it glitch out like this right now in Green Hills.
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I ran into some of your examples myself. While I can't replicate them at will (except for the underwater i-frame one) I also had some other oddities, mostly level architecture collision stuff and mostly in later 2D Sonic stages unfortunately.
It's still good fun, but it's a bit annoying.
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This, exactly at that moment, I can also confirm. Happend to me during the 3. or 4. time when getting red rings/S-ranks.
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That I can also confirm, happened to me as well. Several times.
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Actually, yes! I put in the disc to install yesterday night, had some dinner and when I returned, the PS5 already went into rest mode. So I booted it up again and started playing right away.
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But I see all your examples and I almost have to believe something in the way physics/collisions are handled is just ~slightly off in certain angles and speeds. Hope it is fixable via patch.
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I was actually wondering about that after glitching out of an automated loop sequence in the first Green Hills with classic Sonic.
Though to be fair, that was the only instance of "glitching" for me so far (I'm at the Sonic Heroes part of the 2011 campaign now, PS5 version).
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I plan to return to it some day, the vibe was so charming... I can imagine how this must've blown minds of RPG fans back then.
My backlog of CRPGs grows steadily. Can you imagine, I haven't touched Baldur's Gate 3 nor Pillars of Eternity 2 even though both of them are installed and ready to go 🙈💁..
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(So I think I've played around 7-8 hours...
I also got myself Ultima: Underworld, which I heard about in the same podcast. Have yet to give that a real go.
I knew about those games before but somehow I failed notice how far ahead they were for their time)
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But if I did have this game back in the 90s with my first computer, it would've cosumed a lot of time, for sure.
It's pretty impressive how deep a lot of the simulation aspects went and how much interaction was possible.
Also, what it did for UI and controls in the genre.
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I've played it for the first time earlier this year after hearing a podcast about it.
I was amazed how modern a lot of things still felt and how you could draw a direct line from this to modern CRPGs such as Divinity:OS.
I didn't play very far, but I at least traveled to see the lord :)
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I mean I get that not everyone is invested in all forms of media. E.g. I don't watch a lot of new TV series and I mostly read non-fiction. And games still have a higher entry barrier.. the article mentions that almost everyone plays on their phones. But that's more like "distraction media" in a way.
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(Then again, even gaming enthusiasts are unaware of really financially gigantic stuff with an enourmous fanbase such as Asian Gacha games, Roblox, younger gen gaming culture memes like Skibidi and so on which are bigger than anything AAA gaming related)
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It's completely baffling to me.. if I mention a TV series, movie, book (even scifi/fantasy) people are open to it, maybe reccomend stuff themselves. But as soon as it's games, I might as well tell them I still play with LEGO and read Disney comics on a scale of "adult acceptance interest level".
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Like, sometimes in certain groups (office work/academia), if I even mention games having any kind of cultural impact or that I use free time to play games, I get utter disbelief or comments why I waste my time from some while others obviously also play games. These all are people roughly my age.
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The article shortly mentions that the people born in 70s/80s now working in news should be aware...
... Yet I need to note that within that group and even younger people, there's a strong divide.
For a significant number of people, gaming doesn't even register as a form of adult entertainment.
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It's cool that so many Turtles games seem to be just really good and fun again.
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Mhh ok sounds grindy. I went up to level 50 in the pit before and it was a bit of a slog. And I did the GlitzPit thing with the optional fight actually.. but I was also glad when that was over ^^"
Ok, in that case, I might just start up Zelda instead and keep the good memories of Paper Mario 2.