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Losing David Lynch was a rough one. I can still remember watching Blue Velvet for thé first time and being so entrenched in the world he was creating. Little did I know it was preparing me for Twin Peaks. #RIPDavidLynch

Trudeau stepped down in hopes it stops Canada doesn’t make the same mistake they did in the US. Let’s hope it pays off

Just throwing up some videos from some incredible YouTubers who do great work

I’m having a very Canadian craving. I’m craving Bologna and beans right now. Missing some of my Canadian foods tonight

Christmas reading haul

Part 3! My favorite standalone Blu-ray releases of 2024!

Enjoying my trip to Newfoundland spent quality time with family now getting ahead with some editing for the channel . Out and about and haul videos coming up next month

I can’t resist a good mystery bag.

The number one advice any & every writing professional can & will give you is this: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. You have spent years reading books, watching movies & TV, developing taste to know good from bad. NO ONE GETS TO READ YOUR WRITING UNTIL YOU LET THEM. Trust your taste & write fearlessly.

There are currently only 22 films streaming on Netflix made before 1980 and not a single one made before 1960, with the oldest film on the platform currently being PSYCHO. I know I’m a broken record but: buy physical media, support your local library, etc etc

Editing a video looking at the HMV shop in St Johns

Loving the new DC Compact Comic Line

Tonight was an absolute dream. I say with an audience to watch one of my favourite films 1981 My Bloody Valentine with the director in attendance. Thank you Fog Fest

Eibon Press makes these incredible sets. My love of horror cinema and comics along with boutique labels all combine in this peanut butter and chocolate amazing mix

We lost a true legend tonight with the passing of Tony Todd . He will live on in the incredible performances he gave us all and in the hearts of the many people he affected by his generous presence

My first official meal back in Canada Viva La Poutine !

Found out the original My Bloody Valentine is playing Sunday with director in attendance so fingers crossed I’ll be there

Waiting in Montreal. Next stop St Johns

Severin Films has dropped the Russ Meyer trio of 4Ks with features , prices and bundles options. Love living during a time when such physical media choices exist

Some of the best horror films get made during incredibly trying political turmoil . I guess a new golden age of horror is upon us

If I had the same followers on here as Twitter that platform would be dead to me.

Waiting in Montreal. Last leg of a 22 hour flight back to Newfoundland

#NeverHikeAlone2 is the best Friday Film I’ve seen since the Paramount era

Thank you . The Cult of Cinema has finally reached the Blue Sky