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Creator! I wrote a TTRPG called a Tale of Snakes and Rats. I do 3D modeling, programming, play guitar. I like making stuff. Hey look, a link to my game:
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🎲 #RPGDesign time! 🎲 If you could scrap one common RPG mechanic entirely and replace it with something new, what would it be and why? What would the new system look like, and how would it improve the game experience? #TTRPG #GameDesign

Someone on mastodon mentioned what a pain point prophecies are in play. Soooo... I'm writing a whole blog post about techniques you can use from performers and charlatans as both players and GMs to convey knowledge and that prophetic aura. Stay tuned friendos!

#TTRPG people! As a GM, what player ideas have you said yes to? Or as players, had a GM say yes to? Some idea that was totally crazy but fell into the rule of cool and didn't ruin the campaign so you just rolled with it and went for it?

Mixing contrasting themes be like: ▶️Grimdark worldbuilding. Cute talking animals. ▶️High-stakes action. Characters bickering over lunch. ▶️Serious finale. A perfectly timed joke. It shouldn’t work, but it does. Do you enjoy unexpected or subverted combos in your stories? #WritingCommunity #TTRPG

How does A Tale of Snakes and Rats handle spellcasting failures? Well, if you treat magic with respect and prepared your spells properly, the failsafes you included will ensure that nothing happens. BUT! You can cut corners to cast spells faster. And the more you do it, the more like things get Bad™

#ttrpg people! Favorite rpg class archetype, and favorite game to play it in, go! Big strong bruiser, glass cannon wizard, holy warrior, red mage turned to black after the war of the lance?

Hello all the people who've recently followed me! I like making stuff. Recently finished writing a ttrpg after 8 years. Now I'm working on a video game of my ttrpg. Also writing a program for writers that'll basically be notecards on steroids. Because I want to use it. Taking ideas for that.

#ttrpg people! What kinds of external media do you incorporate into your campaigns? Or reference when you make a character? I've played as 40k style imperial zealots before. Wrote a campaign (or several) shamelessly derived from the SCP foundation. I borrow names just to see if anybody notices.

#ttrpg people! Do you include star maps, celestial bodies, constellations and the like in your campaigns? Associate them with times of year or months? Do they have any bearing on your world / campaign? Does a passing comet empower fire magic users or somesuch? A moon empower water magic users?

Who loves a retrospective? The content of my game was 80% complete like 6 years ago. I spent those last 6 years just experimenting with layout, art, and rewrites. Here are older versions of the first page of spells compared with the final version. I settled on the boxy layout during the lockdown.

#ttrpg people! Why are so many ttrpgs focused around adventuring? Where are the games about nothing? What game can let me reenact Seinfeld's parking garage? ATHF's Total Recarl episode? ASIP's gas selling scheme episode? Metalocalypse' Mordhaus tour episode? I need this.

#TTRPGQuestion Simple one today What Is your favorite insult or slang that you've made for your game world and explain how it came to be?

Well yall it's #TTRPGrising time! Seems I've somehow gotten to be above the usual mark for advertising myself so time to see what yall have! If your under 1k Share your work below or that of folks you admire (no ai jank or I'll block) Tell us about yourselves and what your doing!

HAPPY LOKI'S DAY MY LOVELIES! (shut up Thor) đź’šStop by and tell me how your week is going? đź’šHype up the project you're working on? đź’šHype up someone else's project? đź’šShout if you want CAKE or HUGS? đź’šNever chatted b4? Dive in everyone's welcome!

The DM is the most important player in #dnd Idk why this is controversial: they are the WHOLE WORLD & also GOD 💕 I’m currently a player & I’m living my narrative passenger princess dreams. My mind is unburdened by elaborate lore, prep or planning. No pressure, just shenanigans 🕺

#ttrpg people! Ever messed with your players psychologically? Been messed with? "After you've slain him and check his pockets, you find a little paper note with today's date, a pair of crudely drawn stick figures, and 'I luv u daddy!' Scribbled below it." Similar type stuff?

[No] Tavern Tuesday 250: The PCs wake up in a hospital in the modern world, told they were comatose. Their memories are a confusion of this world and the one they adventured in. Over time, they start revisiting those lives in dreams and their dream actions have an impact on the "real" world.

Learning me come C++ on one screen with a movie on the other. Hmmm, now how do we make a class initialize its own attributes... Meanwhile on the other screen: "Throw it in the fire! What are you waiting for!? Just let it go!" "The ring is mine." Oh screw it, I'm not writing squat more tonight.

The best D&D idea I ever had was making all gold cursed. A ghost ship full of murderous spectral skeletons would hunt down any gold in the area and add it to their hoard. Items were bartered for and roleplay took a front seat as different people valued different things. Seeing gold became terrifying

#TTRPG people! Do you ever think of different kinds of foods for your players? Always seems like a really fun little tidbit of world building that just doesn't seem to come up a lot. Some players might not much care, happy with "We've eaten, back to adventuring." I like to know what my people eat.

Weird things about c++ as read by someone coming from Python. Arrays have predetermined lengths and cannot be extended. Arrays will populate with junk data unless you specifically tell it not to. Arrays can be read past their length, returning other RAM data. wtf? Just gonna stick with vectors...