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dwarves. The races that stand for community, family, & craftsmanship, they are a race that are a race that is meant to be bulky, hill dwarves getting more health & mt. Dwarves getting armor proficiency, making hill dwarves built for any class and mt dwarves best for warlocks, sorcerers and wizards
submitted 9 days ago •
Race of the day DND: dragon marks. These are a collection of different races from eberron marked with draconic symbols. Each one does provide unique benefits. Generally they provide an ability or 2 relating to the race, like mark of sentinel getting a d4 for insight and perception checks 1/2
submitted 10 days ago •
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DND '14 race of the day: variant humans. Yes, the base human gets a variant. This one has the lowest ASI yield of +2, tied with a couple others, but don't let that fool you, they are one of the most versatile, able to get extra feat of your choice at lvl 1. Tough, war faster, Sharpshooter, anything
submitted 13 days ago •
DND 2014 race of the day: PHB humans. They gain a +1 to every stat for total of +6, which is the highest ASI you can get through a race, double what you can get normally and 2 more than half elf. However, they don't get any other racial feature, making them the worst playable race.
submitted 14 days ago •
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