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bert every once in a while (inconsistent uploads due to personal matters)
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as some of you have noticed, the bert has not posted in 2 days, this does break the "daily" adjective on the bert's name, and to adress it: the people helping the bert send drawings have been busy or wont help, so the bert will change. from now on, the bert will only be "occasional"

Day 56 oh but the bert is simply so joyous, so excited and pumped!! yes yes!! #homestuck #johnegbert #happey

Day 55 curse the bert's distasteful rotund being #homestuck #johnegbert #chunguslifefunnymoments

Day 54 the bert would like to apologize for the lack of spooks for today, even if today is a special date, the bert was busy trick or treating around the town!! here is a picture of the bert in his wonderful adventures #homestuck #johnegbert #holyshititshalloween

Day 53 bert. #johnegbert #homestuck #doy

Day 52 auoauouauouoauouoauouaouoao the bert auouououauouoauouoao #homestuck #johnegbert #littlealiensmustdieallofthem

Day 51 the bert finds these mammals so incredibly hilarious that they affect the bert in ways that drive him to merge without awareness of the space around the bert. #homestuck #johnegbert #thebertfunnymomentspart257

Day 3 this is the bert as brazilian, yes yes!! very good, the bert loves this stunning location!!! #homestuck #johnegbert #brazil #fuckyeshellfuckingyes

Day 50 have any of you fellows seen the bert's spectacles? #johnegbert #homestuck #hashtag

Day 49 the bert and the stride enjoy a nice day outside!! #homestuck #johnegbert #davestrider

Day 48 the bert appears to have entered the dimension of a certain video game called "rayman". how colorful and how splendid is this place!! #homestuck #johnegbert #rayman

the bert would like to announce that his direct messages are entirely open for anyone to drop a humorous or nice sounding request! the bert sends thanks those who would wish to do so.

Day 47 the bert.. sniff.. sniff.. appears to have fallen.. #homestuck #johnegbert #sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff

Day 46 what if John Egbert was green and he was called grebert #homestuck #johnegbert #fuckyougrebert

Day 45 to celebrate the release of a certain quirky animal game, the bert has decided to pose with the bert's good friend for an awesome adventure, too. #homestuck #johnegbert #bertxkarkatgenerations

Day 44 #johnegbert #homestuck #bertimwatchinyostreamwhyyoutryinnottolaughbruh

Day 43 the bert has finally caught up to his quota of bert supply. he shall rest well at last. enjoy the double dosage, bertlings!! the bert will see you all come the next day. #johnegbert #homestuck #relief

Day 42 the bert does not understand the bert's location, but it is most certainly painful #homestuck #johnegbert #owmanthatkindahurtscanyoustop

the utmost holy of the smokes!! the bert has already ascended past his previous following twofold!!!!! the bert is quite giddy at the moment, yes indeed.

Day 41 ... #johnegbert #homestuck #thelategiftartisalsolate

Day 40 the bert has just received news that on this day, he shall be officially unemployed from his place of work. #homestuck #johnegbert #itsgenuinlyover #sorryformissingyesterdaybro #anothercomingouttoday

daily john egbert has reached the ranks of the triple digits! the bert could give every single one of his wonderful bertlings a warm bertly hug out of the joy this brings him... the bert hopes to continue to bring you more joyful bertilicious content, and wishes you all a happy halloween!!!

the bert would adore to announce that suggestions are still on the table for the giving!! simply reply below this post, or send a mail on the bert's direct messages to get your idea drawn!! (disclaimer: the bert may not comply to every proposal!!)

Day 39 yield the bert.. to claim their grist.. #homestuck #johnegbert #straightlineage

Day 38 #johnegbert #homestuck #darkandtwisted

Day 37 the bert almost forgot to post today i will not spread lies.. i apologize for my misbehaviour #homestuck #johnegbert #mybadgang

Day 36 the bert wants to apologize for the late posting lately, the bert has not received drawings to post until very late at night!! either way, please have this #homestuck #johnegbert #johnegbertrespectbutton====>

Day 35 fuck!!!! #homestuck #johnegbert #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Day 34 oh!! goodness!! gracious!! me!! i!! need!! to!! go!! and!! post!! to!! my!! fellow!! bertlings!! aaah!! #homestuck #johnegbert #sorryforthewait

Day 33 the bert has gone swimming with some friends... its not going well..he..hel..helpme #homestuck #johnegbert #helpmeiamunderthewatehr

Day 32 the bert is recovering swimmingly!! #homestuck #johnegbert #ilivedbitch

Day 31 ... #homestuck #johnegbert #egg

Day 30 it seems as if the bert has fallen. #homestuck #johnegbert #neverforget

Day 29 the bert has found himself in a sparring match against the antas, oh how nice it is to have fun with your super supportive buddies, or something like that!! #homestuck #johnegbert #karkatvantas #superepicfightholyshit

Day 28 the bert is enjoying his time at the beautiful pool on a rather hot day, this is so radical, yes yes!! #homestuck #johnegbert #waterloverclub

Day 27 uh.. uhm.. ah.. #homestuck #johnegbert #thirsty

Day 26 the bert has commited quite the humerous action against the londe, who has fallen for his predictable trap, the pranksters gambit will shoot up quite nicely from this one!! #homestuck #johnegbert #gottemlmao

Day 25 the bert is quite excited for the upcoming days of scares and treats, and so he has decided to prematurely dress up for the ocasion!! expect more fearful presentations in the future!! #homestuck #johnegbert #boo

Day 24 the bert has found himself somewhere a bit uhm.. uhm im not sure where this is, theres lines everywhere and the bert feels a bit, strange.. oh well!! #homestuck #johnegbert #clickthelikebuttonifyourespectpaper

Day 23 the bert's slang term, "whole deal", at this moment is as they say nowadays, "lowkey chill". the bert would like to add an important note, that note being that he also quote on quote, "doesn't really give a fuck", during this hour. #homestuck #johnegbert #chillasf

Day 22 the bert has finally found an oasis but... the bert would rather apologize for the lack of quality of this piece, the bert did not have much time and is quite tired, hopefully tommorrow will be nicer!! #homestuck #johnegbert #ooohhhyeahhhhhhhh

Day 21 the bert's adventures do not stop evolving!! the bert now finds himself in the scalding deserts of... nowhere? the bert does not know how close he is to safety, but he will thrive in the most desperate times!! #homestuck #johnegbert #ouuuughhhineedwaterughhhhhehh

Day 20 the bert has made a cunning escape!! the bert has left the dangerous ice cube and now is wearing some cozy outfit given to him by the people around the area, it's so warm!! #homestuck #johnegbert #notcoldnotascoldimwarmandcozyinthisworld