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Associate Professor in World Literatures at Durham University. Marxist literary criticism & environmental humanities, new peasantries, agroecology, evolution, post-capitalist futures. Views mine.
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Minor Compositions Podcast Episode 10: Autonomia and Art with Jacopo Galimberti This episode is a discussion with Jacopo Galimberi about this book Images of Class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the Visual Arts (1962–1988)

Assistant Professor in Postcolonial and Global Literatures Trinity College Dublin 5 year fixed term

Now available online! 🎉🧐 My article "'Wessex and the Border': Thomas Hardy and the Imperial World-System" appeared in the 2022 Key Words special issue on Raymond Williams and World Literature. Edited by Daniel Hartley. Includes other fab essays! #ThomasHardy

Now available online, too:

Two years since my special issue on Raymond Williams and world literature came out.

In this new piece we show that as the imperial core imposed structural adjustment programs on Africa, Africans were forced to consume less while their surplus resources were transferred instead out to the capitalist world economy effectively *for free*.

Perry Anderson, on top form, in the NLR

These folks just won the most votes amongst German youth

Preliminary thoughts on the German election results so far: 1) Chasing the far right vote by demagoguing on migration has brought the CDU/CSU it's second worst performance in history. It's in first place, but it's a weaker result than anything Merkel posted.

Long, very interesting (and informative) interview with two members of the Endnotes collective about the history of the journal:

My first book is going to print! All being well, it should be out in paperback and OA on March 28. If you read it and enjoy it (or hate it!), let me know.

By Jairus Banaji

solid first attempt at a theory of the current conjuncture: escalating decline

BREAKING: Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier released from prison after nearly 50 years

Shop update.

Today's teaching.

The scenario where renewables bloom to power data centres, so that edgelord675 can up his Roman Centurion meme game, while fossil fuel production re-ups is not ironic. It's the logic of energy 'transition' in capitalist modernity. Never been a progression, always a mix. And this cocktail is toxic.

Food commons summer school. Wageningen, June.

BREAKING NEWS: Durham UCU's consultative ballot on strike action over redundancies closed this afternoon. The results, with 61.5% of potential votes cast: 87.0% YES on a ballot to mandate industrial action.

Es ist offiziell: Ich habe ein #Berufsverbot bekommen (Auszüge⬇️). Weil ich eine marxistische Analyse der #Klimakrise vertrete. Ich stehe dazu: Die Wirtschaft muss demokratisiert werden, damit nicht einige wenige Superreiche für ihre Profite den Planeten zugrunde richten können.

"Shutdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Amoc) is likely within the next 20-30 years, unless actions are taken to reduce global warming – in contradiction to conclusions of IPCC." 😬🥵🥶

"Reshaping Nature: Atomic Agriculture in the Cold War Era," a special issue of Agricultural History edited by Francesco Cassata, is now available! View the TOC and read the introduction: Buy this issue:

This is a huge, violent sectoral downsizing. And it includes me because today is my last day of work at Brunel, following taking voluntary redundancy as part of the closures announced last Autumn. Fortunately, Arts & Humanities has now been taken 'out of scope' but there will be compulsory (1/-)

Universities announcing job losses and/ or course closures in just the last two weeks: *Cardiff *University of the Creative Arts *Dundee *Durham *Kent *Lancaster *Newcastle *Open University *Reading *University of the West of England

cool to see my book summarized in one sentence in a piece on comrade Luigi in Rolling Stone:

Durham UCUs statement on the cuts announced today.

"The staters bear the name of the British Celtic king also known as Cunobelinus, immortalised by Shakespeare as Cymbeline in the play of that name, who reigned between AD5 and AD40 in the south-east of Britain."

president of California Citrus Mutual: “We’re in the middle of our citrus harvesting ... Yesterday about 25% of the workforce, today 75% didn’t show up.”

Solidarity with colleagues at Newcastle University, who just announces 300 FTE redundancies.

Kale MacLachlan’s tribute to David Lynch on Instagram. 😭💔

We're delighted to announce the return of the Raymond Williams Society postgraduate essay prize. The prize for the winning entry is £250 and a year's subscription to the Society. See full T&Cs and details of how to enter on our website:

"The poet listens intently, tries to bring the future closer while carrying the voices of the lost and martyred with her." loved this by Luke Roberts on the poet Anna Gréki's Algeria, Capital: Algiers in

In the context of the unfair levels of grief, stereotyping and villainisation that young people are subjected to in this country, this in Leeds is lovely. The kids are alright

Manuel has been been working in strawberries for 15 years. He's currently planting strawberries in Watsonville CA. "The rows are wet and it is difficult to walk. To do this job I must bend over all day and by the end of the day I am exhausted." #WeFeedYou

mine will always be the sperm whale who reacted to a Roman soldier throwing a bottle at him off the Byzantine coast by sinking every ship he could off that coast for the next 60 years and had the emperor declare him an enemy of the state and name him after the Titan who attacked mount olympus

Hillsborough campaigner Phil Scraton refuses OBE "I could not accept an honour tied in name to the 'British Empire'. In my scholarship and teaching I remain a strong critic of the historical, cultural and political contexts of imperialism and their international legacy." ❤️

Listening to an interview with Michael Moorcock in which he says when he first started writing comics as a teenager, he could make his rent in one day.

"Winstanley’s appeal to Marxists lay not only in his perceptive social criticism, but also in his recognition of the importance of agency and self-emancipation."

The old colonial mindset is never far away among French politicians

Fucking hell... Seriously, there's no going back from this. If it were not from Haaretz, nobody would believe it. Worse part? Nobody fucking cares.

Henri Simon has died today. A militant marxist and proponent of council communism, Henri was a founding member of Socialisme ou Barbarie. He was also a good friend and a comrade with an unsurpassed history of experience and struggles. Goodbye friend ✊

Sassetta, 'The Blessed Raineiri Frees the Poor from a Florence Prison'

Celebrated reaching the end of term by immediately falling asleep 🥳