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Retired teacher, unretired poet. Latest collection: THE HONEY OF EARTH, from Terrapin Books (2019). I'm also mad about photography. My website:
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Today it was time to re-read some Paul Violi. Facebook has many problems but one thing I like is that every day it often reminds me of something I have forgotten. Today my post from 10 years ago probably meant that I was first reading Violi's *Selected Poems* and enjoying it greatly.

Re-reading William Stafford. This poem from his 1987 collection *An Oregon Message* struck a nerve for me then, and has continued to grow since then. It occurred to me today that this poem was published when he was about 73. I'm soon about to turn 72, and "come to the edge" of "the very old":

Here's an early notice for a poetry reading coming up. I'm honored to be part of the Writers Project at SUNY Adirondack in Queensbury NY. I just love to say I'll be appearing at a building called Dearlove . . .

I also recommend this book.

I brought this beauty home today. Hundreds of Le Guin's poems that I've not read. Oh boy! Plus her translation of Lao Tzu's TAO TE CHING, about which I've heard good things. And a little lyric to whet your appetite. I think this book will live on my desk for a good while as I savor and sip. . . .

Three new poems in the new issue of LIVE ENCOUNTERS:

ICYMI! Fantastic conversation with on #poetry, illness, partnership, and what's to come! 🎉🎉🎉

"Writing a little bit each day is akin to leaving the faucets dripping on a cold January night; while the ideas are flowing the creative pipes won’t freeze." ~

“The president extemporized with a blithe disregard for established fact.”

The good news this morning is that I have a poem in the new J Journal. The poem is one of those personal favorites that somehow took a long time to find a home. (The less good news is that we were up at 4 a.m. changing the battery of a chirping smoke alarm.)

"This keeping vigil, this poet’s labor of naming the many forms of our pain without giving in to “the tragedy or temptation of turning ... life into myth when it is really all piss and marrow,” rewards the reader at every turn" Luisa A. Igloria

A favorite poem by Lorna Crozier, one of my favorite Canadian poets. We poets in the U.S. don't pay enough attention to poets from our neighbor to the north.

"And what is more generous than a window?" From Pat Schneider's book, The Weight of Love: #poem #patschneider #poetry #books #writers

I'm reading Alex Dimitrov's LOVE AND OTHER POEMS and wondering, not for the first time, how many strangely good poets I somehow haven't heard of till now. "I love the January sky and knowing it will change although unlike us. . . " --Alex Dimitrov, *Love," a fragment of his "endless poem."

A poem George Franklin wrote for me back in the day

Thanks to Hayley Mitchell Haugen for including my poem in the latest issue of Sheila-Na-Gig online. I am currently circulating a manuscript called "Sounds Like Singing." This is the title poem. #poetry #poetrycommunity

Pine needle italics

And here's the title poem, from this month's POETRY:

I wish more poets talked about the late John Engman. I keep returning to his poems, which aren't quite like anyone else's. Here's one that brightens my day with his typical bittersweetness and humor. I wish I had any photos of glads, but I hope an amaryllis would work. . . . #poetry #forgottenpoet

Zeno’s icicle droplet

RIP Michael Burkard — a devastating loss for poetry. I’ll be saying hello to the moon 🕯️🌙

I don't know about you but sometimes I need a dose of optimism. This poem's got you covered.

A few years ago I was smitten by the poems of Anele Rubin's debut TRYING TO SPEAK, which won the Wick Poetry Prize from Kent State. Chosen & introduced by Philip Levine. I remembered it today and thought I should re-read it again. Here's a sample.

Lyn Lifshin

Been loving all the solstice poems folks are posting today.

Happy Winter Solstice to all in the northern hemisphere. The turn of the year's tide, a pivot-point, a day of hope—when the dark stops rising & after which the Sun begins its slow climb back. A day I celebrate more than Christmas or New Year. Fiat lux! 📷 by

The solstice says “everything on earth is True.” --Jim Harrison. *Jim Harrison: Complete Poems* (p. 676). Copper Canyon Press. ["The Schroon River. December 2024." David Graham]

Lately I've been catching up with *The New Yorker Poetry* podcasts. Today I listened to Natasha Trethewey discussing Charles Wright's "Toadstools" with Kevin Young. I've like every podcasts I've listened to. This one is from 2019. "Toadstools" from *The New Yorker*, 3 May 2010.

If you like Wislawa Szymborska as I do, you should check out Ilya Kaminsky's link. He did a wonderful "10 day book club" on her work--all free.

IT’S POETRY DAY! From 1948 nominations for 368 magazines, here is who our community has named the Best Poetry Lit Mags of 2024!!! ⬇️ Their details & how to submit your poems

Wish I'd written this poem. But then, I often feel that about Lee Upton's poems.

Today's Poetry Thread: GRIEF Feel free to add poems.

I remember the first time I read Nikki Giovanni’s “Allowables” — being overcome by the extraordinary thing she taught me about my own fear, its murderousness. And she did this not by standing above me, but by turning quietly and saying: see what we did?