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Thank god you’re finally here. Family law partner | coffee | cinema | amateur hour photography (Instagram: david.lillywhite) Never knowingly without a pop culture reference.
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Excellent start to the cinematic year. HERETIC last week with an absolute scene-stealing performance by Hugh Grant (third act doesn’t quite stick the landing but worth watching) then NOSFERATU this evening and WE LIVE IN TIME Monday.

Notifications started blowing up the last two weeks when Family Law Twitter departed en masse from the other place. Still wading through my work inbox after a two week break but will get around to all those follow-backs. Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed and all that.

Definitely trying to be in the moment during the thrilling denouement to the annual Jersey family law conference but then I wouldn’t have caught this image with my now humble iPhone 12P. #photography #iphone

Reading an article about how flight delays are the new normal but smugly thinking ‘What’s an hour? Just price it in’ then finding the last Sunday flight delayed sufficiently enough to deposit you back into the apocalypse and having to describe your coffee as ‘jet fuel only’ for the rest of the day.

No better prompt to get back to it than some #leica #photography on the Q3. Faversham to Whitstable, 10.6 mile route.

Everyone can relax, there will be sloe gin again this Christmas time (or 2025, depending how long it gets rested). Quietly amazed to find ripe sloes out today (definitely the earliest I’ve ever seen them) and enough for a good bottle.

Finally got around to watching DOUBLE INDEMNITY at the weekend and my, what a film. Barbara Stanwyck shows up in her first frame and Fred MacMurray is immediately in way over his head and just doesn’t stand a chance. Wonderful stuff.

Success stories of re-engaging here: photography, fountain pens, coffee. Top of the flops: a comment on the state of online discourse about a popular sci-fi film franchise, complete with knowing reference to the second of those. Must try harder.

BlueSky has such a positive vibe, I thought it might even escape the Alien/Aliens/entire franchise debate in light of the release of ROMULUS this weekend but no, it’s there, coming out of the goddamn walls!

itshappening.gif (Great writing, essential reading, so pleased it’s here on Bluesky)

The sunsets on BlueSky are really quite lovely. A token effort from Over Haddon near Bakewell and shot on an iPhone 12P for my sins.

‘Skip intro’ on an episode of Law & Order: SVU? Grow up, Netflix. NEVER.

Friday morning #streetphotography #leica #q3 (June 2024)

Two double espressos before 7.45am never fails. In the cup this morning: Rave Coffee’s Colombia Potosi No.246.

Right, out into the heat to forage for food. Currently obsessed with the TO LIVE & DIE IN L.A. soundtrack so entirely appropriate for the weather even if the environs of Clapham don’t have quite the same epic feel.

Major cinematic oversights corrected this weekend. BRIEF ENCOUNTER followed by FIVE EASY PIECES. Found the latter utterly fascinating as a character study, Nicholson is magnetic in every scene and I am always here for a last, lingering shot.

Nearly 28 years old and it’s absurd how fresh Endtroducing still sounds (and very excited to finally have it on vinyl). There are few first sequences better than Best Foot Forward into Building Steam with a Grain of Salt.

View from the top of Predigtsthul. Leica 28mm fixed prime lens. The detail on the image is utterly insane and I’m fairly convinced that social media won’t do it justice.

Finally, the automatic update from Calibri to Aptos as the default Microsoft font. Neither is particularly inspiring but better the devil you know.

Suitably #onbrand with the debut of my new Nanopresso in the office y’day. It’s obviously no substitute for a full-blown machine but infinitely preferable to burnt high street coffee and involves a nice little meditative routine. A double, naturally.

I always look forward to filling some gaps in my cinematic knowledge over the festive break. CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT (1945) was a treat earlier in the month and now ready to cue up DOUBLE INDEMNITY next week.

Best foot forward with that first post. Clear sign of a hobby, knowing reference to the day job. All boxes ticked. Here we go again.

Absurd to think I could entertain the possibility of a day off so close to the Christmas break and finish at a reasonable time. This morning’s double espresso in full: Rave Coffee’s superb Christmas Blend 22.