9 posts
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This is NOT ENOUGH from our legislative leadership! Please fight back! Take the offensive side - enough of this defense!
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Please say this louder! So embarrassing to be an American today. I was shouting at the TV. Bravo President Zelenskyy.
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Perfect melding of RI traditional industries to keep leadership into the future. Nice job Bristol!
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Thank you for paying attention and for keeping us informed.
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So please do something about it! Are you going to USAID with the other senators? Why are Democrats acting like there’s no rush? Why does there not seem to be any sense of urgency coming from Democrats? Please no more words. Action needed now and aggressively.
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Please stop voting for his outrageous nominees! Whose side are you on? You’re a leader I’ve come to trust. Your slow deliberations and benefit nobody Please be more aggressive in your opposition and stop this carnage of RIers and regular working folks who count on you to protect us.
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Seems like an easy decision from my perspective
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We know it’s bad. Now do something about it! Where’s the coordinated Democratic war room to implement strategies to protect the innocent and hard working citizens? Do something!!
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Please fix this. What are the democrats doing about this! Do we wait until there are LEGAL AMERICAN children dying of starvation on the streets? Outrageous that he’s allowed to get to this without any pushback.