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Interdisciplinary research engine and STS (Science and Technology Studies) network @DeakinUniversity
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Great to see Anne Pollock open with observations on how problematic the critique to Trump's USAID and other funding cuts in South Africa are - especially as depicting South African's as pitiable objects of charity - jump on now presidents past and present are in the room at Deakin Downtown. Jump onto the Livestream to hear about Anne's new work on vaccine and pharmaceutical production in Africa

Anne Pollock going live with the SSN in 35 mins - at 15:30. You can jump on here directly! is chairing and we are delighted to have Laura Foster joining via Zoom.

We're so thrilled to catch Anne Pollock whilst she's visiting Naarm! Join her #SSNseminar at Deakin Downtown TOMORROW, 5 March, 15:30. She'll be in conversation with Laura Foster after her talk, which will be Livestreamed

Just noticed that there's a 2.5-year STS postdoc position available at, to work in the excellent Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society. Closing date very soon: March 7! #STS #histstm #medanthro

Pharmaceutical manufacture touches everyone. Have you registered yet for our #ssnseminar with Anne Pollock on 5 March yet? Its both in-person and online, and we're delighted to have Laura Foster join as discussant

My series of 'Researchers and social media' workshops is starting up again in April (Deakin folks, you can register here for the 1st one: It's hard these days to teach social media. It's such a fraught space, but I think there's still value. #DeakinRDA

Pharmaceutical manufacture touches everyone. Have you registered yet for our #ssnseminar with Anne Pollock on 5 March yet? Its both in-person and online, and we're delighted to have Laura Foster join as discussant

If you missed Jane Calvert's fantastic book talk on Tuesday - you're in luck. You can hear Jane's walk through the many rooms of #STS and the rich ensuing discussion with in the live recording, here

An opportunity to work in #emergencymanagement in Australia. Briefing on 25 March. Activities include lit reviews, consultation, surveys, co-design and more

@Jane Calvert "thinking with others helps show that things could be otherwise" #SSNbooktalk

Visit our website to browse our amazing archive of SSN seminars, view the excellent interdisciplinary projects we fund, and sign up for our newsletter

Jane Calvert is discussing the importance of STS in the classroom. She quotes Callard and Fitzgerald (2015): Interdisciplinarity can be a way of "perturbing the existing order of the world". That sounds more important now than ever #SSNbooktalk

Going live in 8 Minutes! #SSNbooktalk with Jane Calvert on her brilliant new book. Chaired by and in discussion with Jump on directly here to join us

A reminder that we are hosting Professor Jane Calvert for an online #SSNbooktalk today. Join us as at 15:00 for 'A Place for Science and Technology studies'

Post-doc in planetary health humanities, to work with Andy Lakoff and colleagues at USC on their timely project on 'The city on life support: Los Angeles as a laboratory for planetary health'. Important topic... #STS #envhum #medanthro

We're so delighted to have Anne Pollock visit us on 5 March - register below for her SSN hybrid seminar on "Transforming the Pharmaceutical landscape from & for Africa"

The call for #AusSTS2025 is live - submit your proposals by 14 March to join us for #signalsandnoises, 9- 11 July.

Our first SSN event for the year is live! Please join us for a Book talk on "A Place for Science and Technology Studies," 18 February 15:00 AEDT. Online only - please register below.

The SSN is so excited to be co-sponsoring this - keep your calendars cleared (and plan a some Melb meet ups?) as we also have an interdisciplinary symposium that week 👀

We're super proud to have supported Ben Pederick, Martin Potter and their team whose SSN project "The Adaptation Game - building climate resilience in Merri-bek" won the Local Government Award Category in last week's #ResilientAustralia awards.

This is a useful resource on referencing and citing Indigenous knowledges from the Deakin library crew #libraries #IndigenousKnowledges

It feels fresh and good to be here - #interdisciplinary and #STS friends please add us to your starter packs, follow us, show us the good things.

Congrats to our #SSN #environmentalchallenges streamleader and former Convenor, and team for his #ARCDP success: "Embedding Net Zero Carbon Emissions in Northern Australia" sounds like an amazing project