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Educator, PhD Student (TEL online social support and wellbeing )OER /OEP/ open badges😻cats/pink 🦄stuff 🤷‍♀️ #phdchat #phdsky #phdhelp #phd_education #heuristic_inquiry #qualitative #deblovesbadges #debsphd #debbaff_MyPhDResearch
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Ooh now there’s a question ! 🦋🦋🦋🦋 paging 😉

Thanks to our weekly #LTHEchat 'tweetchats' will now be referred to a flutterchats

Thanks for the fantastic summary of #SocMedHE24 in your blog post!

It was such a fab event .. delighted to have been part of it .. and those bowler hat props were inspired ! Wish I’d thought of that ! 😆 was on top form as usual !

Aww amazing ! Thanks so much l♥️🙏 it was lovely to meet you today x

Great reflections and like the threaded flutter posts too ! 🦋 #socmedhe24

This was a really engaging and inspiring talk with the most awesome slide deck too ! ♥️ #socmedhe24

#socmedhe24 super lovely to see everyone today! If anyone has any comments, suggestions or feedback on my PhD research following my Gasta session or if by any chance took any piccies of my talk (for me blog ) i’d really appreciate u getting in touch ? 🙏debs ♥️

You are so welcome ! It was super lovely to finally meet you in real life as it were ! 😀 #socmedhe24

#socmedhe24 navigating the social media dilemma and channeling his inner

#socmedhe24 in action … talking all things National Teaching Repository (which is fab😀)

#socmedhe24 More… legoplay workshop with #socmedhe24

I am a excited because on the 8th of January &I will be doing the 1st ever #LTHEchat on BlueSky talking about feedback.If you’ve never been on 1 before in the other place,we post a blog in advance & from 8-9 pm uk time we post 6questions for a worldwide community to answer

This is a great conference in its 10th year for anyone with an interest in the ever changing world of social media for learning in HE. Taking place at Sheffield Hallam University next Thursday. There's still time to book. Bring your Christmas jumper.

If u r doing a PhD and for some random reason haven’t yet come across Inger’s stuff yet I would highly recommend .. simply AWESOME ⬇️⬇️⬇️♥️ #phdchat #phdsky #phdhelp #phd_education #heuristic_inquiry #qualitative

#debbaff_MyPhdResearch Forgive the intrusion .. I’m wondering if I can get this hashtag to work …? 😀

I am so regretting attending #lthechat in the other space and not here. So much more discussion. Great work Wendy, Gosia, Maeve and all contributors.

#LTHEchat lovely to see folks still persevering and engaging despite all the time lags and broken stuff ! Lets hope are able to scale up sufficiently so that our 'flutterchats' as I am calling them become easier to do. I really think this place could be great in time🦋

A6: It's that old 'effective communication and listening properly' chestnut for me - too often people get dismissed and are unseen / unheard if they are not perceived as being 'valuable'. EVERYONE is valuable .. no matter who they are or what they do ! #LTHEchat

Q6: How might academics, professional services, and third space practitioners work together sustainably in an increasingly pressurised Higher Education sector? Reply with A6 #LTHEChat and your response Finally found the last Q !

#LTHEchat oh dear and now I’ve made the app cross ! It’s gone red !

Sadly the search for tag thing is also not working for me now 😢 as I say though I'm happy to bear with all the niggles if it means we end up with a nice fluttery butterfly space #LTHEchat

#LTHEchat oops and the main app by the look of it … I’m keeping everything crossed the improvements will come …

#LTHEchat Think I’ve broken the deck blue thing …

Q5 What are your best suggestions to break down silos for third space practitioners at universities? Reply with A5 #LTHEChat and your response

A4 #LTHEchat ( trying quote posts to see if that helps with timelag ?) Hmm I think I would rather focus on bringing all parties together really - for me the more diverse the voices in the room the better

Q4 If you were a Vice-Chancellor of a university, how might you seek to recognise third space practitioners? Reply with A4 #LTHEChat and your response

A3 #LTHEchat I'm not sure it does really - I mean I get the idea but I do worry it might actually create an additional artifical divide ___ Q3 Does the term ‘third space’ sufficiently convey the broad range of skills and knowledge required in these roles? Reply with A3 #LTHEChat and your response

Aww it really is lovely to see this over in this new space ! Good to see some familiar faces and find some new friends .. I guess we must be patient with the teething time lags etc #LTHEchat

A1 #LTHEchat Hmm, like others I don't really hear the term used in the general conversation at work ____________________________________________ Q2 What kind of activity in your institution could be considered third space? Reply with A2 #LTHEChat and your response

A1 #LTHEchat I put this on 5 mins ago but I guess no one has spotted it yet ?

#LTHEchat haha I just heard the backwards cat meow thing then for the first time and didnt realise I had my sound on - thought I had accidentally trod on my cat 🤣

A1 #LTHEchat Yes I would say so former Senior Academic Developer, now Subject Specialist Digital Leadership and Development so I think that counts right ? ____________________________________________ Q1 Are you a third space practitioner? How do you know? Reply with A1 #LTHEChat and your response

#LTHEchat joining in from a very chilly South Wales this evening 😊🥶

For those new to #LTHEchat there will be 6 questions posted at intervals which will precede with Q1, Q2, Q3 etc. To answer a question, simply add A1, A2, A3 etc followed by your answer, and include #LTHEchat, anywhere within your answer.

Are you read for the #LTHEchat tonight? 20 minutes to go. Let's talk #ThirdSpace in #HE.

a HUGE thank you to for helping me set this up today for #LTHEchat

One day to go to #LTHEchat This week we will be using both Bluesky and Twitter X. Our amazing guests, and will be engaging with both platforms. The topic is 'Living in the Third Space – Reflections, connections and conundrums'