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Dutch entrepreneurs who were forced to leave Ukraine because of the war, have joined forces in Stichting De Leeuw Kyiv to support Ukraine. Will you help?
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Keep supporting us so that we can continue to help Ukraine with Arno: ➡️ (via creditcard and other payment options)
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Keep supporting us so that we can continue to help Ukraine with Arno: ➡️ (via iDeal, for Dutch bank accounts)
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Developments in America are following each other at breakneck speed with Trump making new statements every day. "It is hell on earth at the front," says Arno. That is why our foundation will continue to be active in our aid to Ukraine.
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Because it has become such a large project, we are now also asking for support from the Ministry of Defense. Despite the fact that everyone thinks it is a great project, it has not yet yielded any support from the government. In the meantime, people in Ukraine are living between hope and fear.
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These are discarded fishing nets from the Dutch and Danish fishing fleet, which are strong enough to stop kamikaze drones. "These nets have already saved hundreds of lives in UA," he says. We have now carried out almost a 100 transports with about 1500 tons of nets.
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Eens! Dit had zelfs al veel eerder kunnen gebeuren. Niet het risico van aan het front vechten, maar wel een groot gedeelte van UA veiliger houden van drone en raketaanvallen. De vliegtuigen kunnen in buurlanden gestationeerd worden. Ook geen escalatie, want russen worden niet direct aangevallen.
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voor een groot bedrag aan onderhoudsmateriaal gedoneerd! Nu kunnen de leden van de club weer het water op en dan hun leven in oorlog even vergeten. De Leeuw Kyiv heeft de actie ondersteunt met de administratie en import van goederen.‍
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drempelwaarde voor het bedrag. Je vult op het aangifte formulier het ANBI/RSIN nummer van Stichting De Leeuw Kyiv in: 816855341. Je kunt ons nog steeds steunen door middel van een donatie op IBAN NL12 INGB 0674 6788 42 of via onze site, dan kun je het voor dit jaar weer aftrekken van de belasting.
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Please continue to support us so that we can purchase and repair more cars for the Ukrainian army. Donate via (iDeal for Dutch bank accounts)
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Please continue to support us so that we can purchase and repair more cars for the Ukrainian army. Donate via (creditcard).
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This was the 186th car that we delivered via Unbreakable hearts! They were very glad to receive it.
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Unfortunately we received news that later that day near Izium the van broke down. Fortunately they were able to bring it to a garage for repairs. They drove on with the other car to hand it over in time to the soldiers of the 93rd brigade Kholodniy Yar.
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Or donate through or through (via creditcard and other payment options) Thank you very much for your help! (End of 🧵)
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Your donation ensures that we can continue to support Ukraine! Donate through: (via iDeal, for Dutch bank accounts)
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350 mobile battery systems (gel batteries, inverters, chargers) have been supplied by us. These ensure that soldiers in the field can always charge their electrical devices and systems.
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Through our contacts with social services at municipalities, we ensure that the aid reaches the right people. Finally, an important pillar of our aid is the supply of energy: 2,150 generators (large and small), 2,500 power banks made from recycled batteries and ...
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In addition, together with the ‘ Maakt Mogelijk’ foundation, we have delivered thousands of food parcels to vulnerable elderly people. They live in regions close to the Russian border or in liberated areas and have little money to buy food.
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of which about 185 via our partners 'Unbreakable Hearts' in Irpin. These vehicles are of the utmost importance for logistics, transport of troops and wounded.
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We have already received many photos of Russian drones that have been caught in these nets and have saved a lot of valuable equipment and lives! We will also continue to deliver cars and generators. In total, we have already brought 330 cars, vans and pick-ups to Ukraine,
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We have made agreements with fishing organizations in the Netherlands and Denmark that we will receive these nets for free, and we will take care of the transport to Ukraine and the distribution to military units at the front.
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In the meantime, we continue to provide vital support to UA.Our website has been updated and a counter has been added with the numbers of the most important aid supplies that we have delivered.Recently, we have been focusing a lot on old fishing nets that are used as anti-drone nets.
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In the wake of Trump, Elon Musk is trumpeting all kinds of unfounded lies to weaken Ukraine's position. Europe must therefore take extra steps to safeguard security on the continent.
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With President Trump in power in the US, Ukraine is losing the support of this country and Trump is even emerging as a Russian pawn. He parrots Russian propaganda and in so-called peace talks he effortlessly complies with Putin's demands.
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Ukrainian citizens in occupied areas suffer from repression, rape and child abductions. Russia is systematically trying to destroy Ukraine. However, the UA defenders continue to put up strong resistance and the will of the population has not been broken either.
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Many thanks for these shiny awards, and of course also many thanks for the courageous defense of Ukraine! #SlavaUkraini #SupportUkraine #TogetherForTheVictory
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and the '110th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Marko Bezruchko'! The latter unit has shot down a Russian SU-25 fighter plane every time we gave them a generator! So we will definitely continue to do so! 😊
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Ik vind dat heel erg om te horen. Ten eerste natuurlijk dat hij gesneuveld is, maar helemaal dat je dan geen vergoeding krijgt💔. Zit er echt een tijdslimiet aan het indienen van de aanvraag? Oekraïense bureaucratie 😒
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Link to article without paywall
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Or donate throug WhyDonate ➡️ (via creditcard and other payment options) Link to (Dutch) article in the comment. (no paywall)
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He also supplies generators to civilians and soldiers with De Leeuw Kyiv, as well as vehicles and anti-drone nets. Please keep supporting us so that we can continue the support with Kees ➡️ (via iDeal, for Dutch bank accounts)
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The violence of the war is also noticeable on his company, a drone has already crashed on one of his fields and cruise missiles regularly fly over. In addition, he regularly suffers from power outages, against which he 'arms' himself with generators.
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Kees has the option of exempting some of his staff from mobilisation, an exercise that he does not find easy. However, his farm must continue to invest: new cowsheds are being built, a central workshop for vehicles is being built and the new office space is almost ready.
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Dat is helaas ook waar, al hoorde ik van iemand anders dat het bedrag ook niet klopte. Ik vond het al zo veel...
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Glad to hear!
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🔹Or donate through (creditcard) 🔹 International foundations in Europe: collect old fishing nets in your country and send them to Ukraine 📢 Every net can save a life!
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But then she has to survive the war. The fishing nets are crucial for that. Together with Life Guardians and Heaven's Shield we bring these nets to the front. Your support makes the difference! 🔹 Donate via (iDeal)
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She is extremely grateful for the many military support from the Netherlands, but urgently asks for more nets. She dreams of the end of the war so that she can "hug her mother again, pet her dogs, plant flowers and have a child".
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Daarnaast bespaart het miljoenen euro’s aan militaire uitrusting. In alle opzichten is 2500 euro per vrachtwagen dus meer dan goed besteed. Steun ons en deel dit bericht!
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Wanneer een soldaat sneuvelt, betekent dat voor Oekraïne een gebroken familie, verminderde moraal en verloren ervaring en expertise. In geld uitgedrukt gaat niet alleen de investering in training verloren, maar ook een uitbetaling van ruim 300 000 Euro aan de nabestaanden.
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gepantserde voertuigen etc.Dit moet uit het budget betaald moeten worden dat NL heeft vrijgemaakt voor militaire steun aan UA. Er moet alles aan gedaan worden om het maximale aantal netten te verschepen.Elke volle vrachtwagen met netten redt meerdere levens,tegen een gemiddelde kostprijs van €2500.