Exploring the future of organizations, innovation, and systems design.
Our legacy organizations are a technology in the throes of disruption.
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Thanks! Looking forward to reviewing.
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Agree completely!
Still looking for an unambiguously good collaborative digital network governance design, though.
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Good point.
But strange that dysfunctions seem to extend to less-profit-driven communities like The Well and even early Usenet and BBS groups.
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Is there some McLuhanian reason that sane democratic sense-making is so difficult to establish even in less-financialized digital networks?
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Just interesting that digital networks were originally heralded as inherently democratic because they offer two-way channels of communication across hierarchies.
That has ... not panned out.
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Everything from different prices tailored for each person, to memes that effectively coordinate demand and manipulate prices, to direct management of production by AI, to automation of 'entrepreneur' role.
None of it fits how markets are traditionally "supposed" to help society function smoothly.
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But one possibility is that markets as a technology for organizing resources/policy are being quietly undermined by other information tools, and so are likely fail more often and in ever messier ways moving forward.
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Literally, yes.
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The alignment with the generations-old Skinner v Chomsky debates is fascinating - as is the fact that Gary Marcus and the stochastic parrot advocates are all direct-lineage students of the Chomskyan linguistics.
Just completely reignited 70 yo battle lines.
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Likewise, Maxine!
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Putting feedback in Claude's project instruction sets has been kind of working for me.
But the models' need to flatter and act like little 'yes men' seems to be extremely deeply cooked in.