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Continuing to read on psychoanalysis of fascism. Why was/is fascism so attractive to many? Paraphrasing Freud: It is very liberating! For 2 reasons: 1) Casting off restrictions of ego on the id. 2) Delegate responsibility for decision-making to father figure. 1/n

Union + SPD einigen sich auf Zurückweisungen an den Grenzen, alle freiwilligen Aufnahmeprogramme werden eingestellt, Familiennachzug zu subsidiär Schutzberechtigten eingestellt und Bundespolizei bekommt die Kompetenz eigenständig Personen in Haft zu nehmen.

This line of thought, in addition to having zero merit on the substance, objectively advances Putin's agenda of turning European people against the European Union.

Good morning to this man, and this man only #bbcqt

Fast ein Drittel der Zeit dieses 90-(!)-Minuten-Duells ging es um Asyl, Abschiebungen und Abweisungen. Null Respekt für alle, die hier die journalistische Verantwortung tragen. Was für eine Bankrotterklärung.

Scholz flext damit, wie gnadenlos seine Politik Flüchtende abweist, die Moderatorinnen nennen das einen Erfolg, Merz ist das alles noch nicht genug.

To all the analysts jumping on here to warn about tomorrow, Syrians are ten steps ahead of you. Have some basic human empathy and let those celebrating the release of the unjustly detained, the reuniting of families, the hopes of return, and the end of a brutal regime do so in peace.

I try not to talk (and think) about the US election, but I'd like to know the history of the arrow map. It is brillant, it works so well and I would never have thought about it. I find traces of it all the way back to 2016, but maybe it's older. Who came up wit this? Any idea?

Industrial policy is a generational project and the factories funded with these policies aren't even up and running yet. It takes about 8 quarters from breaking ground to production. So I think IRA/CHIPS were not good electoral projects but that doesn't mean they'll be failed policies.

Aka why tariffs are a bad idea for prices, consumers, and democracy