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A person of many hobbies. Soap & body product maker, knitter, yarn spinner, a dabbler in a hundred other fiber-related crafts, gamer, gardener, cyclist, aquarium keeper, and painter of very small things. D&D nerd with an excessively large collection of dic
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Some people can’t ride a bike!!! Actually this is true. Despite being a "gotcha" on Twitter. Also true: - Some people can’t take transit. - Some people can’t walk. - Some people can’t drive. That’s why we need safe and practical options for everyone. More:

The seawall detour around science world irritates me so much I want to run for Parks board, fix it, then immediately resign.

Next year, the EU will require cars to have buttons & dials -- not just touchscreens -- to get a top safety rating. This is a great move. Drivers can fiddle with knobs & buttons without taking their eyes off the road, but they can't do that with touchscreens. (Even better: Tesla will hate this)

I watched Back to the Future last night. If they filmed it today, the past they would go to would be 1995. The future they go to in II was 10 years ago. I hope this hurts your feelings as much as it hurt mine.

Sometimes in these troubled times you just need to watch this particular video. There. All better.

Heated seats make me slightly revise my dislike of driving.

Oh good. Jury summons. At least this one is only 7 days, and not the FIVE MONTHS the last one would have been. (I did not get chosen, it was for the Queen of the North trial. They were sequestered on my wedding day so that would have been bad for me to have been picked.)

…846 unread work emails. 35 I can delete out of hand. 500 or so I can skim and mostly just delete. 30-40 will probably need direct attention. The rest need to be at least looked at. Eff this I’m going back to the Bahamas where my emails don’t follow me.

ROMANCE IN GAMES IS GOOD. MORE queer romance in games. MORE intimacy in games. MORE sex in games. JUST MORE ROMANCE IN GAMES.

Babysaur asked why we don’t fly business class. Had to explain the difference between “financially comfortable” and “business class rich”. Sorry kid, we ain’t business class rich. This trip cost enough without an extra $3k per person.

It’s always disconcerting when you’re the last people left on the airport shuttle. Apparently Terminal A isn’t a very popular one.

Me a month ago: this flight lands at 9:30pm, no problem! We’ll be getting home a little late but we can make that work. Me today: my body is on Eastern time, I have to work tomorrow, Babysaur is supposed to go to school, we’re all going to die.

yes. love it. do this.

Please I am begging you, if you must constantly port crap over from X, defeating the purpose of leaving there in the first place, can you please use alt text to describe it as such and include the names of the shitheads being highlighted so our filters will catch it?

every single transportation conversation ever

I have an earthquake app and it’s like “did you feel that?” No, I’m on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean. Shockingly I did not feel an earthquake on the other side of the continent.

It’s very weird hearing about an earthquake in my home when I’m not in my home.

Anybody else get hot flashes along with … like, undirected rage flashes? I had a hot flash where if you had put some dude in front of me telling me to “just dress in layers!” I would have thrown him off the ship.

“Maybe they were American portions.” “Well, everybody else ate their meals.” “Everybody else was from Jersey.” “…right.”

Just overheard some boomers asking a toddler if he has a girlfriend. Are the straights ok?

We found a little bird on our balcony. As best I can tell, it’s a bananaquit (Bahamian subspecies.) Poor little guy. We’re missing our last port due to poor weather and are headed back to New York. I don’t think he’s ready for the mean February streets of NYC.

A friend asked me if I was worried that americas decline into fascism and my dependence on my kindle (I got locked in before there were alternatives) if I worry they might remove my books. My kindle is mostly fantasy, cliterature, and fantasy cliterature so I think I’m safe. They’ll never find it.

I keep seeing "Why aren't the Americans striking" and "Because our healthcare is tied to our jobs" and it never gets less true or less depressing

Fun fact: one of the more famous PSAs from the time was, "It's 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?"

Gators. Everywhere.

I think the part I didn’t realize about “every body of water in Florida has a gator in it” was how many bodies of water are just EVERYWHERE. There are random lakes, ponds, ditches, canals, etc literally everywhere. And yes, they all have gators in them.

I wasn't on duty yesterday when this happened, but watching our emergency response systems light up and coordinate minutes after this happened was amazing to see. Patients were taken across the city and seen and treated within minutes of arrival. No deaths, thankfully. Bravo!

America is effing weird. The giant screen outside the Kennedy space center started playing the American anthem and everybody took off their hats, put hands over heart, and applauded. Hardcore patriotism is weeeeird.

I got some really awful news this morning and I don’t really know what to do with myself. I can’t do anything about it, I’m heartbroken and scattered, but also like… on vacation? Do I mope through Florida or do I just try to enjoy myself? Life is fucking weird. She would want me to enjoy myself.

We’ve been in Florida for less than an hour, haven’t even left the ship, and the humidity is already making me a little batty. I swear my hair was dry a few minutes ago.

Had a lovely knitters meetup on my cruise this morning. But hey Norwegian, maybe schedule these for 1: a quieter area than the atrium, and 2: a location that exists on a map.

Babysaur checked himself out of the kids club (a perk for 10-12 yr olds) because it was “too rowdy”. There’s your paternity test if we ever needed one. Yep, he’s’s.

I feel like I’m in a hammock. Wheeee!

The ship is rocking enough that they’ve put out the barf bags. Here’s hoping we don’t need to use them. Pre-emptively hitting the ginger chews.

This is the wobbliest hotel.