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The lesson of centrist electoral defeats is not "be more moderate", it's be LESS. Centre-left politics is always in a defensive posture. "Oh we support trans rights but not the WEIRD ones", "oh we support abortion but there must be SOME limits", "oh police violence is bad but we can't go TOO far"...

bin glücklicherweise zu trotzig um zynisch zu werden

This post is still up on gamefound by the way. They are not moderating anything at all. I suspect if you said Awaken Realms empowers racists, that might get you modded. Gee, i wonder which above board member of the board game content creation community is that places marketing manager?

drunk history darmok and jalad at tanagra

Discworld QOTD, from Small Gods

Discworld QOTD, from Lords and Ladies “Personal’s not the same as important. People just think it is.”

Schulsystem? Kaputt. Gesundheitssystem? Kaputt. Rentensystem? Kaputt. Digitalisierung? Haha, Faxgerät. ÖPNV? Ein teurer Witz. Steuersystem? Ungerecht. Klima? Gefickt. An nichts von alle dem sind Flüchtlinge schuld. Sondern Privatisierung, Lobbyismus, Schuldenbremse und Kapitalismus.

ME: *biting nails* omg i’m so nervous it’s my first day PERSON I’M GIVING A MANICURE TO: i think you’re supposed to use a file

sankt martin: (reitet) : gib mir was von deinen buchstaben stm: na gut ankatrin: omg danke stm

Palm Springs embracing greatness.

remember; we're now back on natural time, because summer time is the one we made up. changing times is kind to different latitudes at different times of year and the change we really need is in our attitude to what a schedule looks like and why we let capitalism make it so unpleasant

Krankenkasse sollte 1 Pizza pro Woche für Wohlbefinden übernehmen

Discworld QOTD, from The Truth “William wondered why he always disliked people who said 'no offense meant.' Maybe it was because they found it easier to to say 'no offense meant' than actually to refrain from giving offense.”

we fixed acid rain! we fixed the ozone layer! we beat polio! we’ve rescued scores of species from the brink of extinction! the despair many of us feel about climate change isn’t that it’s too big to fix. it’s that we know it is fixable but we’re being thwarted by greedy ghouls at every turn.

Der Spiegel findet, dass nach dem Ende der Geiselnahme v.a. die Frage offen bleibt, ob Flughäfen ausreichend gesichert sind. Ich frage, ob Frauen und ihre Kinder ausreichend vor gewalttätigen und kriminellen Ex-Männern geschützt sind.

Ah yes, my neighbours terrifying *checks notes* their own dogs with very loud fireworks. Great job, friends.

auf eine einsame insel würde ich butter und eine zwiebel mitnehmen weil wenn man die zwiebiel in die butter wirft tauchen sofort 20 leute auf um 'oh das riecht aber schon lecker was gibts denn' zu sagen

„Wenn sie kein Brot haben, dann sollen sie doch Kuchen essen!“

mir ehrlich gesagt relativ egal wie spät es ist

People do not seem to think that understanding history deeply helps with understanding present problems, and it’s fascinating to see how the erosion of the humanities has contributed to this.

The Brexit playbook, in Germany: run down public services and infrastructure to the point of collapse, blame immigrants for the fallout. And the country is falling for it, too.

This may be the most important piece of journalism in the entire pandemic. Brilliant detective work by scientists; compellingly told.

Picard management tip: Always obey orders, except when the orders are wrong.

Sorry to report that the Cybermen got Spongebob :(

Meine unangefochtene Nummer 1 für immer

Watching people on tv talk about how losing a girlfriend and losing a job are stressors that can play a part in motivating a mass shooter and nobody’s talking about the fact that women lose jobs and relationships too and it literally almost never ends in mass murder.

Discworld QOTD, from Going Postal “What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”

The 2023 state of the climate report: it's fucked

Jon Purkis on fire. And on point 10 out of 10 times.

Movie idea: A remake of The Thing by John Carpenter, with the Muppets. Where everything is played totally straight asides from whenever someone becomes a thing they are replaced by a muppet version of themselves and no one reacts to that fact.

ehrlich gesagt scheue ich sowohl kosten als auch mühe

In this episode of #channel Ben and Steve solve the A.I. debate with the help of our discord members! Get on it!

Wenn es wirklich die viel beschworenen anständigen Konservativen gibt, dann würde mich mal schwer interessieren, wo sie sind.

when wikipedia launched, the idea that an encyclopedia could be reliably maintained by the public was a joke. now, it's a marvel, a remarkable resource, virtually the only website that remotely delivers on its potential and practically the last pleasant browsing experience on the internet.

Discworld QOTD, from Witches Abroad “Progress just means bad things happen faster.”

Oft lese und höre ich: „Wir müssen die Menschen doch mitnehmen, dürfen sie nicht überfordern und müssen ihre Sorgen ernst nehmen“. Klimapolitisch wurde ich in diesem Land noch nie mitgenommen, sind meine Sorgen noch nie ernst genommen worden und die Klimakrise überfordert jeden Tag.

So much this!

in the wise words of