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Purpose: love, lead & serve. Director AUHSD, Author, Speaker, ACSA17 Brd, ACSA Urban Ed Council Chair, #EdBranding, #YourStoryMatters & #TheVIETPodcast, #Ldrshpbkchat, #LeadershipBookChat
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On #YourStoryMatters Podcast Ep. 9 - Montserrat Garibay, frmr Assist Dep Sec & Dir @ U.S.Dept of Ed & Off of Eng Lang Acq. B4 that was a NBCT Bilingual Pre-K tchr VP 4 Cert Emp 4 Austin ISD, Sec-Treas 4 TX AFL-CIO, & Sr Adv 4 Lbr Relations, Off of Sec. #EduSky

Privilege to facilitate a panel on GenAI w/ the incredible, inspiring and innovative Stacie Stanley, Ed.D., Gunn Marie Hansen, Ph.D. and Kelly May-Vollmar, Ed. D.! They shared their expertise on GenAI implementation and use in their organizations. #NCE2025 #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #EduSky

I attd AASA Women’s Ed Leading Learning Luncheon. I was able to hear Jennifer Perry Cheatham’s powerful keynote on “Leading During Turbulent Times.” Now more than ever we need to embrace politics to strengthen public education. #AASAWELL #NCE2025

Flashback Friday from #AASA! Loved getting to the baggage claim and hearing some sweet jazz! Fun to see the #NCE2025 branding on the tuba! #EduSky #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #BeAConnecter #dbcincbooks #fitleaders #TLAP #LeadLAP #UnlimitedYou #LanguageExplorers #RenaeBryant #DrRenaeBryant

Thanks @aasahq #NCE2025 for having #EdBranding book in the #AASA Bookstore! This means so much to me as I have been a member since 2015 and have been buying books from the conference bookstore since 2018! Thank you for supporting your member authors! #AASAWELL

Join us on Sat., 3/8, from 8-9AM to learn from these three innovative & talented supts as they share how they have implemented GenAI in their orgs to build leadership & social influence (which the World Economic Forum sites as 3rd most in demand skill for 2030). #NCE2025 #EduSky #LeadLAP

On the 8th ep of The #YourStoryMatters Podcast featuring Dr. Kip Glazer. She is the proud principal of Mountain View HS located in the Silicon Valley. Listen to her inspiring story and be ready to borrow some great ideas. #EduSky

Time well spent w/ Dr. Kip Glazer as the featured guest for The Your Story Matters Podcast Episode 8. As the principal of Mountain View HS, she shared her inspiring story and so many important insights. Get caught uo on episodes now: #EduSky

This is Public Schools Week 2025 from 2/24 to 2/28! Let’s celebrate our public schools by sharing about them! Let’s own the narrative and become the media! #PSW25 #EduSky #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #dbcincbooks #TLAP #LeadLAP #CALSPRA #NSPRA #SuptChat #SchoolPR ##LanguageExplorers

Ep. 7 - #YourStoryMatters Podcast I speak w/ Madisson Romero Alarcón, recent grad of AHS, AUHSD, past DO ambass, & Dual Lang Acad alumna. She is a soph at CSUF, dbl mjr n policy & psych; goal=DA! #EduSky #EdBranding #dbcbooksinc #LanguageExplorers #LeadLAP #TLAP

On Ep. 6 #YourStoryMatters Podcast I speak w/ Debra Russell. Debra leads strategic staffing at the Thompson Policy Inst at Chapman Univ. She is also a Ca. Ed Policy Fellow w/ Ed Insights Cntr as well as Arts & Culture Commissioner for the City of Santa Ana.

Today some of our District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) members and neighbors organized a benefit for our DELAC President Naty Deloya! If you can spare some time and want a good meal come and join us. We are here now and will be here until the food is gone. #EduSky #EdBranding

A2: Nothing for them without them. Design with people not for them. #EduSkyChat

A2: Empower Tchr ldrs and lean into scholar empowerment and liberatory design so scholars help plan and facilitate learning. #EduSkyChat

A1: Ss should develop the 5Cs, Emo Intell., adaptability, & the ability to keep learning & unlearning. These will always be imp as tech continues to change. #EduSkyChat

How to participate in #EduSkyChat: ✅ Use the #EduSkyChat hashtag in all posts and replies 🚫 Do not use OTHER hashtags when in the chat ✅ Look for the Q1, Q2, Q3 from the moderator ✅ Start a new post and respond with A1, A2, A3

Good evening! Director @ AUHSD in Anaheim, Ca. Ed Branding author Here to learn! #EduSkyChat

On Ep. 5 of The Your Story Matters Podcast I spk w/ Dr. Benita Scheckel, an edleader, fierce arts advocate, singer, playwright, voice over actress, lover of humans & Coord VAPA @ HLPUSD. #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #dbcincbooks #EduSky #LanguageExplorers

I have been reaching out to local schools in Vancouver, WA to make connections! Was happy to deliver a staff set of journals, a signed #tlap, & a copy of #SheLeadsk12 to Hazel Dell Elementary principal, Lisa Reed, yesterday! #LeadLAP #dbcincbooks #EduSky

Join me in congratulating our AUHSD Supt Matsuda 4 being rec as the CAAPLE Supt of the Year this wk! As a CAAPLE mbr it was an honor to send a congratulatory msg celebrating and honoring his work & legacy. #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #BeAConnecter #dbcincbooks #CAAPLE #CAAPLEProud #EduSky

A2 #leadlap I 've asked for help this year. That is so hard for me. Agreements made but not followed through on. Try to be a good sport and nothing will be perfect but kids not getting what they need.

A3: I have been exploring The Way meditation app by Henry Shukman. I have always wanted to add meditation into my daily practice but have struggled. I like the looks of this one so far. #LeadLAP

A1: Just spend a long weekend in Chicago at the @NASSP student leadership conference with some amazing student leaders. We had the chance to share our story as well as learn and have fun together. #leadlap

A4: The thing I am most proud of building the capacity of Ts around the typologies, needs and effective pedagogy to serve ELs/plurilingual scholars! #LeadLAP #EduSky

A4: #LeadLAP #EduSky

A2: Help ppl understd EL/Pluril data; goal isn’t 2 kp ELs as ELs; goal -reclass them to RFEP. Ea yr we take r highest scoring ELs out of data grp. So when we spk about A-G (UC/CS rdins ) this % will always be lwr than it shd b because we do right thing of RFEP. RFEP score higher. #LeadLAP #EduSky

A1: A “touchdown” moment has been completing our BELIEF Modules 2.0 PL for all ELA/ELD Ts with positive survey results & given the green light to do PL for the math Ts. #LeadLAP #EduSky #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #LanguageExplorers

Good morning! here! Director AUHSD, #EdBranding co-author; #YourStoryMatters Podcast host. #LeadLAP #EduSky

On this episode of the Your Story Matters Podcast I have a convo w/ Dr. Adela Cruz. Dr. Cruz serves as the Dir of Mental Health & Wellness, McKinney-Vento & Foster Youth Prog at AUHSD. #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #LanguageExplorers #EduSky

#VAESPchat here is your feed #EduChat

Chúc mừng năm mới! Happy Lunar New Year! It was an honor for our scholars, staff, families & community to walk in 2025 Tết Parade in Westminster! Thx to Trustee Ron Hoshi for rep to Anaheim UHSD Board of Trustees. #PlurilingualServices #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #LanguageExplorers #EduSky

Check out my latest co-authored publication on the ethical considerations of using ChatGPT and other GenAI tools in education! #edtech #aiinedu #k12 #VAESPchat #EduSkyAI

TY for participating in this #EdBranding #VAESPChat #EduSky Slow Chat! I will repost one ques ea day this wk! Pop into the chat any time! TY your leadership & providing this format for ldrs to learn from 1 another! 💪 #EdBranding Bk:

Slow Chat Bonus: Search the #EdBranding #VAESPchat hashtags and find five new people to follow on X (if you are still on it) and Bluesky. Then give those five people a shoutout on both socials. Don’t forget to use the hashtags. #EdBranding #VAESPchat #EduSky

Q4: Connecting & networking w/ others 4 benefit of your scholars, staff, families & community is a must! What are some prof org you belong to that you want others here to know about? Use the hashtags. #EdBranding #VAESPchat #YourStoryMatters #DBCIncBooks #EduSky

Q3: What is your classroom, school, depart, or district’s brand? How do you build the capacity of your scholars, staff, & families to tell the story of the amazing things hap in your spaces? Use the hashtags. #EdBranding #VAESPchat #YourStoryMatters #DBCIncBooks #EduSky

Q2: Do you have a personal/prof board of directors to calibrate your brand & check in with? Give them or your PLN a shoutout. If you don’t have a board, work on formalizing one for yourself. Use the hashtags. #EdBranding #VAESPchat @AndrewBuchheit #YourStoryMatters #DBCIncBooks #EduSky Principal. Prince William Co in VA. #VAESPchat #EDbranding

Q1: World Economic Forum named “leading w/ social influ” as one of top 10 skills for 2030. We all have a personal brand. What is your personal brand? How are you leading w/ social influence? Don’t forget to use hashtags. #EdBranding #VAESPchat #EduSky @AndrewBuchheit #YourStoryMatters #DBCIncBooks

#VAESPchat trying a slow chat this Sunday, Jan 26 starting at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT with Topic: #EDBranding

Welcome to the #EdBranding #VAESPchat #BlueSky Slow Chat! Please introduce yourself with your name, role(s) and location. Share your intentions for 2025 in GIF form. Don’t forget to use the hashtags. @AndrewBuchheit #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #dbcincbooks

Please share. Excited to have an #EdBranding #VAESPchat! TONIGHT Sunday, January 26th at 5 PM PT & 8 PM ET. Slow chat from 1/26-2/1 on BlueSky starting at 5:30 PM. #YourStoryMatters #dbcincbooks #LanguageExplorers #EduSky

This wkmy guests 4 The Your Story Matters Podcast are Araceli Chavez, AUHSD, & Julio Moises Perez, from OC Immigration Coalition. These are 2 very spec “Know Your Rights/Conozca Sus Derechos” ep. #EduSky #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #dbcincbooks #TLAP #LeadLAP

Today we are dropping two episodes of The Your Story Podcast: Eng & Span. Our guests are Araceli Chavez, AUHSD, & Julio Perez, from OC Immigration Coalition. These are 2 very special “Know Your Rights/Conozca Sus Derechos” episodes. #EduSky #EdBranding #YourStoryMatters #dbcincbooks #TLAP #LeadLAP