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Policy & Practice Adviser at Save the Children Scotland. Trustee of Creating a Sustainable Gryffe. #Breastfeeding peer supporter. Ending #ChildPoverty, #InfantVoice, #EarlyYears, #ClimateJustice, music, books, yarn, #Gàidhlig are my things. Views all mine.
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"Politik darf nicht nur danach schielen, was der Wähler und der uninformierte Wähler will, sondern Politik muss vorangehen und muss auf der Basis von Informationen aus der Wissenschaft konsequentes Handeln anstreben und muss dafür aber auch eine konsequente Öffentlichkeitsarbeit machen."

I couldn't love this more. Will share with my local place plan initiative, councillors and villagers

Having just analysed the SG stats for school leaver attainment (bad news, the poverty related attainment gap has increased), I wonder if there's a data set comparing attainment of 5 Level 6 between least &most deprived areas, ideally with pupil characteristics data. maybe?

Am faca sibh am prògram aig an Lòchran rè #SeachdainNaGàidhlig? Tha pailteas ann eadar DiLuain an 24mh dhen Ghearran agus DiSathairne a' chiad latha dhen Mhàrt! Siuthadaibh, cuiribh dhibh leisge shòisealta a' chnatain mhòir 😉

Step back in time with a screening from the Cinema Sgire collection - a unique archive of Gaelic community films produced in the Outer Hebrides during the 1970s and 1980s. 📆 6:15-7:30pm, 26 February 📍Kelvin Hall, Glasgow 🎟️ Free Part of #SeachdainNaGaidhlig #WorldGaelicWeek

'We shouldn't be balancing the books on the lives of the poorest people. The Prime Minister said this was a decision he didn't want to make, and the truth is, he didn't need to make it' speaks to Radio Scotland about today's aid cuts/where the £ could've come from ⬇️

Earlier today the government announced a cut to the UK aid budget to fund an increase in defence spending. 12 years ago, we released this video to show how aid protects children in the toughest situations. Now, the message is more important than ever.

German politics has descended into the gutter. Dangerous, divisive and factually wrong on the eve of elections. And this person is likely to become the new Kanzler? What on earth is going on?

It is not too late to sign up for our joint event on 1st March, when @danwuori is welcomed to Lanarkshire! Please join us to hear all the fascinating insights to be seen in his videos of wee ones!

Looking forward to Culture of Childhood tomorrow @UniStrathclyde! Excited to hear @DanWuori on early years learning – catch him on our Play Well Podcast sharing brilliant insights on what really matters in childhood.

Play Matters: a groundbreaking guide to champion the power of play in early childhood. So proud to contribute to this document, which will be free to access online.,,

Delighted to be invited to give oral evidence to this important Transport Committee bus inquiry on the 26th February.

Wee yin (not so wee) asked if it was ok if a teacher shared their political inclination. What ensued were hours of discussion of this topic leading all the way to explaining Marxism. But back to the point, are teachers allowed? (Not trying to criticise I think it’s fine & it wasn’t anything serious)

it was a braw event! Bha e dìreach snog

Another radical request: can subtitles on #BBC Alba a) be optional b) have a choice of English or #Gàidhlig. Hearing one language and listening to another is causing headaches and I can’t not read subtitles if they’re there. For learners, target language subtitles (Gàidhlig) would be better.

👏 “After one year of the zone, nitrogen dioxide from traffic was lower, GP visits for respiratory illnesses were down by 25% and those for heart problems decreased by 24%”

Train station barriers… discuss

We're launching the 1st #Renfrewshire #RepairCafe! This Saturday at Freeland Church, Bridge of Weir, bring along small household items, electronics, garden tools or textiles that need fixing. Our volunteer repairers will repair them & share their skills. Free, including a cuppa & home baking! 🧰 🧵

More than one-in-five Scots and nearly a quarter of Scottish children are living in poverty, according to the new ‘UK Poverty 2025’ report from Economic growth alone isn’t going to resolve this; deeper structural reforms are needed.

Still European.

The words we use to talk about children in poverty really matter. Many of the labels educators use are inherently stigmatising - 'disadvantaged', 'vulnerable', 'lacking aspiration'. We need to resist language that ignores the structural causes of poverty and blames families for their hardship.

🎉 We're hiring! We're looking for a new Policy & Parliamentary Manager to join our team. 🗣️You'll work on policy analysis & advocacy, lead on parliamentary engagement & support new research projects. ➡️ Find out more #ThirdSectorJobs #PolicyJobs #Hiring

In a highly unusual move Angela Merkel strongly condemns Merz‘ move to win a motion in parliament with the support of the far right in Germany. She is right.

Quite the marmalade-dropper, this: 3 weeks before Germany's election, Angela Merkel has issued a statement criticising her own party for enabling ("with open eyes") a majority with the AfD. Effectively accuses Merz of breaking his pledge not to do so.

After starting the day with some really gloomy developments, here is a bit of good news to keep us all going in the right direction:

This. We are nature, we depend on nature, we are dissolving the very ground we stand on if we carry on our destruction. We are the most intelligent animals to have lived on the earth and yet we still don't get the basics and do populism instead of forward thinking.

4.3 million children are in poverty UK govt won’t see progress on child poverty by 2029 even with high economic growth 📢 Our analysis shows under our central scenario only Scotland will see child poverty rates fall by 2029 in part due to social security policies 1/5

The #EarlyYears team at has been working towards pulling together evidence and good practice in the Early Years on how to mitigate the impact of #ChildPoverty (while we work to end it) in an early years Knowledge Bank:

With a bit of a delay due to Friday’s cancelled concert, #CelticConnections has kicked off for me tonight and what a night it was! Should’ve taken my young Bowie and Pink Floyd fans along

Hello Climate Change. Make yourself at home. Biggest of the neighbouring trees at the Gryffe upended thanks to storm Eòwyn and dumped into our house/garden. It was a mighty crash and damage to be assessed later (fingers crossed roof is ok). Friends lost all their chickens 😭

Don't Mention the Children by Very powerful words.

What a throw back, that was literally us with the same book 😂

NEW on the blog Dr writes about the unaddressed challenge on the path to net zero of gender inequality in the green energy sector and the problems this could present for the workforce. 🧵 Read the blog:

Nobody puts today’s feelings better than Karine Polwart. Mairidh gaol is ceòl, so love and music to you all as the son of immigrants from Lewis and Germany takes office

These findings fit well with our national survey from last year. Didn’t think to ask about orbital/radial journeys but get a clear sense of the trips people see as being most practical by car. The ‘big shop’ & longer distance leisure trips hardest to imagine shifting

In partnership with Police Scotland, we are hosting a virtual event for parents and carers during Cyber Scotland Week. The event will explore how you can help keep yourself and your loved ones safe whilst online Tuesday 25 February 2025, 5:30-6:30pm Sign up here:

On CBC last night, I spelt out the moral case to keep on trying, however hard it might be. Defending the living planet is not an option we can abandon. Ultimately, it is all that counts.

We had a very successful soft launch of the #repaircafe. Lots of items fixed, new volunteers and lots of community connections and skill share 🎉 public launch 8th feb, see you there!
