I miss 2010s internet. Cat gal, horse girl, TBTL Ten. Feministin, Langzeitlehramt, Ex-Gastro. English-Deutsch-mishmash. she/her, Austria.
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you're welcome, good luck with your research!
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So I dug some more - this is the vxgl, a graded list of >125k American vocab items (you can find the corresponding research paper in the file list). If I were you, I'd use ChatGPT to write me a simple analysis tool.
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Okay, so I'm more familiar with CEFR than North American standards, but generally, there's no "exact" way to measure that (afaik). There's a variety of readability assessment tools out there; however, they're mostly for texts, not individual words. Maybe this link can help as a starting point?
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Bis auf die hygienischen Zustände überrascht mich daran leider wenig. Also: Nicht, dass es überall in der Gastro genauso zugehen würde. Aber zumindest über den Umgang und die arbeitsrechtlichen Geschichten wird sich kein Küchenmensch wundern.
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das ist ein Spitzen-Pun, den ich gerne in meinen Sprachgebrauch übernehme. Tröstet sogar ein bissi.
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It sure is confusing! I mean, it's also the same with fFacebook - their logo is stylized all lower case, but if you check their terms and conditions/any official communication, it's Facebook. I guess I'd just always check how the company uses it beyond mere branding purposes.
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The e. e. cummings one ... you could go either way, since cummings also did that. I'd go all lower case just because .. it makes sense? I would also go all lower case with deadmau5, since he *always* uses all lower case. More obvious example: iPhone.
long story short: it's a case by case thing? 2/2
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I would capitalize Reddit, since that's what they're doing as well in, uh, corporate communication? see redditinc.com . Twitter, for example, also used all lower case in their logo, but not in official contexts (Twitter, Inc.). 1/
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Hat das nicht die ÖVP auch gesagt? Glaubwürdigkeit Schmaubwürdigkeit
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Diese Einkaufsliste übt einfach so eine Faszination auf mich aus. Alles daran passt einfach wie die Faust aufs Auge.
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I've done all but two - I can't remember ever recording radio to cassette, and I've never paid with a check. I'm a millenial baby!
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you've never done any of these?
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play stupid games, win stupid prizes :)
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"Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie tragen unter Ihrem schönen Anzug Socken mit Einhörnern drauf. Die wollen Sie doch wohl eher nicht zeigen, oder?" - Frau Sandler und ich leben in zwei verschiedenen Welten
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@bundespraesident.at @bmeinl.bsky.social @andibabler.at @wernerkogler.bsky.social - wenn Sie weiterstöbern, werden Sie noch einige finden!
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I love the colors in this picture <3 Goose has the perfect camouflage for his environment it seems, no wonder he wants to deer🦌🐎
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Found this skeet when looking for horsesky posts! I *need* horse content in my feed, so happy to follow!
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Er hat jetzt einen Podcast weil er zeigen will dass er "nicht so ungut ist wie im TV". Ich war mir sicher dass das eine Tagespressemeldung war aber nein.
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When the whole beads-shebang was first happening, my brain automatically produced an internal "BEADS?"-drop because the first three AD seasons live there. And then they made it an actual drop! Best moment of my life
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Did I immediately destroy it when trying to put it on? Yes. Did I impatiently ignore fellow Tens' advice to be very careful? Also yes.
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I just want you to be normal, and clearly you're not!
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ich bin einfach nur glücklich über das neue Wissen um den Namen Caramella!
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I really enjoyed your podcast on the food pyramid! Mrs P is awesome and you have great chemistry, will listen on!
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2 acres per cow, and you need at least two! I can't wait for your neighbors' reactions on the TBTL voicemail line in this hypothetical scenario
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happy blursday, and cheers!
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is it too early to get a fish sandwich?
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The Americans, for no particular reason other than me being terrible with the idea of something coming to an end, as demonstrated by this sentence. This also happened with Mad Men. Walking Dead: same as you.
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thank you!!
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I draw the line at semicolons
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Office-Ken's job is spreadshees
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Here for it! 💃
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sollte für Qs überhaupt kein Problem sein. Trump war ja schon an der Macht, als die Bewegung richtig groß wurde und wurde damals schon als quasi-verdeckter Agent gegen den Deep State dargestellt. Oder überseh ich grad was an eurer Argumentation?
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ich hasse es dass diese Produktlinie immer noch existiert
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to be fair, it *is* one of the most ridiculous places on the internet.
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My partner for a pair homework sent me his part as five obviously chat gpt generated sentences that were also completely useless for the task we had to do. Was supposed to be a two-page curriculum analysis. We're becoming TEACHERS, for god's sake!
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I think I'm not adult enough for peanut m&m's. Might never be. Crispy over crunchy! That whole peanut is just too much for me.
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I'm just happy my first unknown follower is not a bot :D hello, fellow human person!