Does Pleistocene Archaeology @ Leiden University https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/gerrit-dusseldorp#tab-1
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Las ik daar nu net gisteren een quote over: "She argued against national security issues being subject to the Kyoto Protocol, one of so many ways the U.S. has never taken climate change remotely seriously."
Ook defensie moet zich aan de regels houden.
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Good evidence for the use of fire in Europe only occures after 300.000 years ago.
Yet to illustrate an almost 2 million-year-old find, AI just generates a boy-scout camp.
1). a backpack?!?!
2). A nicely laid fire with stacked firewood.
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I wonder if some of these bad faith samplers were not geologists at all, but simply rock dealers posing as scientists.
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I am definitely going to make the trip to Germany to see this now! Sounds like a very cool (and much needed) exhibition.
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"Downtrodden electorate". Alsof we lijfeigenen onder de tsaar zijn ipv. één van de welvarendste landen ter wereld met en bij de gelukkigste landen ter wereld staan (hoogste self-reported happiness).
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Ah, so taking inflation into account, this will indeed not be much :(
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35k in pounds seems a lot! Is it the metropolis that is expensive, or my mental conversion of GBP to Euro? Or both?
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Dat is denk ik vaker een probleem, zeker met detectorvondsten. De context is toch altijd gemankeerd, het is dus snel: Kijk goud!
Hoewel hier nog wel nadien opgegraven is (wat dat aan het licht bracht blijft onbenoemd in de berichten die ik las, terwijl dat belangrijker is dan de bling).
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In this case the hoard was bought by the National Museum, but after it had been reported, the finders could also have put it on ebay (and this has happened with important finds in the past).
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I do think that metal detecting also has elements of a tragedy of the commons, where a common resource (archaeological heritage) is exploited by individuals, sometimes purely for economic gain.
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Apartheid baby feeling nostalgic about apartheid methinks.
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Lighter skins appear to have been present in Scandinavia and perhaps also to the East. In W. Europe this seems to be associated with the Neolithic to my knowledge.
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There have been genetic analyses of Mesolithic individuals (for NL closest is I think Loschbour in Luxemburg). These individuals lack a skin lightning allele that we carry.
Scientific reconstruction a such as by the Kennis brothers than look like this
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Behalve in Heerlen schijnbaar.
"De vondst uit het jaar 0 is het meest unieke bewijs van Romeinse bewoning op deze locatie. Nooit eerder vonden we een Romeins graf uit deze periode mét naam."
Een wonderbaarlijk precieze datering ook nog.
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This clip is in the context of a Midwinter thing. I think on normal days you are still safe.
The actors that work there normally do it very good job I think
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Het probleem is (denk ik) de trainings-data die gebruikt wordt. Die is per definitie uit het verleden, dus AI kan nooit "cutting edge" inzichten weerspiegelen.
Betere selectie van trainings-data en beter nadenken over de "prompts" kan het vast minder slecht maken. Maar goed? Dat moet ik nog zien.
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Meanwhile, my post got some attention @nu.nl by @rutgerotto.nl
Interestingly, in the piece, Archeon's director states: "We will definitely use AI again next year".
I do hope they at least go about it more professionally.