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Lärare i samhällskunskap, filosofi och (något motvilligt) juridik. Läromedelsförfattare. (Han/He/him)
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Jag pallar fan inte. Varför håller Sverige på så här? Sjukt kontraproduktivt på alla sätt

Martin Baron, en av USA:s mest aktade publicister, varnar för att Trumpadministrationen kommer att göra allt för skada oberoende medier.

2022 sköts 62 personer ihjäl medan 99 personer frös ihjäl. Debatten och de politiska förslagen har en väldig slagsida. "Stor ökning av antalet personer som fryser ihjäl" – Det är säkert så att många lever i socioekonomiskt utsatta situationer

Jag hade knappast väntat mig något annat.

It wasn't a "crisis" when women were earning less than men.

Hungary’s Orban has called for the EU to start direct talks with Russia on a ceasefire in Ukraine. Pretty soon the EU is going to have to find a solution to the Fifth Columnist in its midst.

The US has not always stood up for democracy, supporting coups in South America etc. But it has stood up for its allies, no matter which administration. Trump has shown Europe they can’t trust this. Another admin will not be able to repair it since Trumpists can return. Europe will need to step up.

American statements in the Oval Office indistinguishable from Russian propaganda and celebrated by Russian propagandists.

The mistake is to think Zelensky could have salvaged this. Trump admin just doesn’t want to support Ukraine. Period. There was also never going to be a peace agreement. That’s been clear but everyone has been pretending otherwise. There can be no confusion now.

Trump isn’t fooling anyone. Trump and Vance were the only disrespectful people in that room.

Zelenskyj kommer att bli ihågkommen som en historisk ledare, en hjälte och statsman. Trump…not so much.

JD Vance: ”Have you ever even said thank you?”

Herre min skapare. Zelenskyj var den enda personen som agerade med värdighet i det jävla rummet. ”Disrespectful” my ass.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Även jag arbetar på en friskola och kan intyga att det är till 100% fria fantasier.

Interesting to hear the NYT’s The Daily pod today where their experts got the analysis of foreign leaders coming to see Trump completely and utterly wrong. They saw it as Debasement before the King (maybe a little wishful thinking there) when it was really managing a toddler. Sit still, get candy

Det ÄR verkligen världens dummaste människor som tagit över USA. Full stop. 😂

Sjukt lovande! #cerenoscientific

Äntligen rör det på sig i aktien jag är ::host: ohälsosamt :host: hårt investerad i…kom igen nu #cerenoscientific

Journalists, media organization, and media associations are whining about their treatment by Trump, after most of them have normalized him for months. Moreover, they have power. Don't go to his propaganda shows. Don't publish his lies. He needs the media at least as much as the media need him.

Det är kanske läge för Sverige och Europa att satsa på universitetssektorn just nu. Alltid obehagligt att prata i egen sak men det framstår som guldläge.

Använd dem till att köpa tillbaka svensk skola från riskkapitalisterna. Räcker med en tiondel.

Lite hälsosam optimism mitt i allt elände.

Twenty-one members of the United State DOGE Service have resigned, they said in an anonymous letter, citing DOGE's ongoing work dramatically reshaping the federal government.

Skaffa Signal! Jag har Signal! Att ha Signal är svennigt, normalt, osuspekt, praktiskt och trevligt. Ett snyggare, säkrare, icke-kommersiellt Whatsapp.

Lite grädde på nazistmoset kanske?

There is one legit objection to classifying the Trump administration as fascist: it lacks a private violent force clearly commanded by the leader. Erik Prinz is proposing to supply that

The core of these people’s belief system is that we need to kill off The Weak, and The Weak is anyone who ends up dying as a result of the dismantling of a functioning society. That’s called a tautology and it’s a very convincing argument if you’re stupid.

Here we go then…😒

Dags att göra upp med vinster i välfärden!

Om du inte har Signal: ladda ner det idag. Om du inte tycker att du har något behov av helvägskrypterade meddelanden: ladda ändå ner Signal – i solidaritet med de som faktiskt behöver det, idag eller i framtiden.

Farfar, när du var världens rikaste man och USA:s president gav dig fria händer, hur använde du din makt?

Let the fact that Elon Musk and Steve Bannon are still upright and platformed forever put to rest the claim that the aggressive repression of students gathered in tents on campus lawns to protest genocide was actually about stopping antisemitism.

”Expo hävdar, helt utan bevis, att jorden inte är platt”

setting aside morality for a moment, how do you look at this and conclude it's politically viable for the union to enter into coalition with the far right? *81%* of their voters do not want them to

Women leading the way in Germany, as everywhere.

it's so cool that trump is just staffing the upper echelons of his government with people who are all manifestly unqualified. it's not like i spent my whole life developing expertise in the hopes of using it toward public service or anything. it's fine. i'm fine. everything's fine. really, i'm fine.

My crack team of coders has hacked into dozens of government websites and we can now reveal the following.

Han fattar inte att han är fascist. Och varken folk i allmänhet eller politikerna som tar emot honom fattar att hans rörelse är fascistisk. Inte undra på att folk börjat heila utan att kalla det nazism.

And I am an ally. If you are too, let the world know.

Kanadensiska Tories verkar begå någon form av politisk seppuku just nu.