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Oh you mean the funding bill. I see. Then maybe the Senate should filibuster everything possible (if Thune keeps his promise to protect the filibuster) and leave everything to each state... if that minimizes Trump's power. Although that would feel really bad.
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Why are Dems' votes needed? As long as Republicans all vote yes, the bill can pass. And Republicans are now mostly Trump loyalists, except for one or two members. Am I missing something? Or you mean we blast to some Republicans in swing districts?
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Doesn't look like Congress can do much. Dems is minority.
But blue states should get prepared for secession. They may not want to now, but can get prepared. Like how are the federal tax etc systems tapped into state, and state troops, debt limit, etc. When needed, don't say "need another year".
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One possible thing is secure whatever when GOP still supports, in a way that's harder for them to overturn later. It's like finding a boulder to push your feet against, when you are getting pushed backwards every second.
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Senator, I understand Democrats is the minority in the Congress, so any fight against the GOP might be lost.
However, the GOP is hitting new lows one after another. Are there things we can secure (but haven't) now, before the GOP change their mind? E.g., is religious freedom secured? And many more.
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Even if they dropped the ball, why elect Trump?
The Muslim leaders are disappointing. True, Harris did not promise them much. But Jewish (or even Zionist) voters are much more powerful than Muslim. Harris made compromise, edged towards Muslim compared to other candidates. Who did better than her?
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不知道老雷是不是刻意要求自己“兼听则明”所以才要把王说得好像还有些道理似的。最近看了一篇文章,讲纽约时报编辑Patrick Healy为了所谓的bothsidedness而过分修改文章,导致作者Paul Krugman离开纽约时报。逐渐觉得这种所谓的中立也不总是好的,甚至可能会变成Jill Stein那样的狗哨。
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Could you have more specific questions? Like "will you support invading Greenland", for SecDef.
Your questions lack objective measure, esp when people have bad faith like now. One may cut deals for the wealthy and claim they just cut costs, you can't stop them.
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要防止外国文化入侵,但是要努力对外扩张。有人坚持叫Chinese New Year而不叫Lunar New Year,难不成只是怕国内把这个禁了🤣
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So it seems 方舟子 had reasonable concerns, rather that mere jealousy.
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Did he just give up any hope about the country, the voters and his party?
Trump is a felon and can get re-elected and get cases dropped. Biden had been backing off and may feel people are riding on him, especially after he quit the election but still took some blame. Like, if being low is rewarded.