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hits in the feels edited for feels.

Intressant att det före fullskaliga kriget var diskussioner i Ukraina om Zelenskyjs våldsamt dyra kostymer…

Repost & like, if you stand with President Zelensky!

JD Vance: ”Det jag oroar mig för är hotet inifrån – Europas tillbakadragande från några av sina mest grundläggande värderingar, värderingar som delas med USA.” Samtidigt:

JD Vance complains about state of Sweden's freedom/democracy. * Sweden 3rd in Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom ranking. US 55th. * Sweden tied 2nd in Freedom House ranking on political rights and civil liberties. US tied 17th. * Sweden 4th in The Economist Democracy Index. US 29th.

Once seized from Finland, Karelia now is Russia's most miserable region. Meanwhile, Finland itself continues to rank among the happiest countries in the world. This is the Russian way: invade a country, sacrifice 150,000 lives, seize a piece of land, and turn it into a decaying wasteland.

Skriver om Donald Trumps påhittade siffror i stödet till Ukraina. Faktum är att Europa betalar mer än USA.

Donald Trumps administration är den fria världens fiende. Det är dags att den fria världen drar slutsatser av detta.

Detta är kreativt tänkt från Centerpartiet. Mer sånt och mindre ideologisk positionering och förhandlingstaktiskt trixande så kanske det dubbelrödgröna regeringsunderlaget har något att komma med.

When Fascism came into power, most people were unprepared, both theoretically and practically. They were unable to believe that man could exhibit such propensities for evil, such lust for power, such disregard for the rights of the weak, or such yearning for submission. //Erich Fromm

Så, jag prövade just den nya kinesiska AI:n som kraschade börsen. Imponerande.

If he salutes like a nazi, talks like a nazi and acts like a nazi, he probably is a nazi. It's high time to stop wuzzing around Musk. Call him what he is and treat him accordingly.

On 21 March 1933 Adolf Hitler was officially sworn in as chancellor of Germany. The same day he pardoned 8,000 Nazis, who had committed violent acts, starting with the failed Hitler coup on 8 November 1923.

In a normal world making a Nazi salute in public should be the end of a person. We no longer live in a normal world.