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La complessità della meteorologia in un'immagine. Cielo sereno sull'Europa orientale e sull'Italia centro-meridionale, molte nubi su Toscana, Liguria, Piemonte, Croazia, Slovenia e Sicilia occidentale con qualche pioggia. Velato sulla Sardegna. Perturbazione atlantica sulla Francia. 1/2

Se azzerassimo domani tutte le emissioni la temperatura terrestre, a meno di eventi catastrofici, continuerebbe a salire per diversi decenni (altri 0.5/0.6 °C) ma molto più lentamente per poi stabilizzarsi. Un calo, anch'esso lento, non avrebbe prima del 2300. Questo perché gli oceani...1/4

“Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens.” - Donald Trump promising to increase the price of all goods.

The CEO of TikTok Shou Chew sitting next to suspected spy, Tulsi Gabbard, and the next Director of National Intelligence at Trump’s inauguration. #SpookyConnections

🤯 Damascus, Syria tonight. 2025 will be the first year free of Assad tyranny since 1971 — more than half a century.

Congratulations! We are all within hours of surviving 2024 & ready to face the challenges of the decade that will be 2025.

🚨🇺🇸 Morto l'ex presidente americano Jimmy Carter. Aveva 100 anni.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has died in his home in Plains, Georgia, at the age of 100. The last great US President.

Russian strike happened when families were returning home for Christmas Eve celebrations. A four-story residential building sustained complete destruction from ground to top floor in the attack. The blast damaged multiple shops, over 20 vehicles, and shattered windows in an adjacent building.

December 16, 1992, the Galileo spacecraft takes a beautiful image of the pale blue dot and its moon

Women in Iran could face the death sentence or up to 15 years in prison if they defy new compulsory sex apartheid laws due to come into effect. The new law also state's the women found talking to international media and civil society organisations, could face a decade in prison. #opdeatheaters

Freud analizzava in un modo molto libero, molto più libero di quanto facciamo oggi. Parlava più liberamente di quanto noi parleremmo con i nostri allievi. Era assolutamente disposto a trattarmi come un collega e se c’era un problema a cui io ero interessato esprimeva le sue opinioni.👇🏿

Imagine caring more about "taxes" than keeping people in your community alive. All healthcare should be free and all medication / treatment accessible for all. Thinking otherwise is both homicidal and suicidal. If your country can afford to have billionaires, it can afford to provide for everyone.

🚨🇰🇷 Situazione sempre più tesa in Corea del Sud. Il presidente Yoon Suk Yeol indagato con l'accusa di tradimento e abuso di potere. Arrestato il suo ex ministro della Difesa, Kim Yong-hyun.

I ribelli siriani in una settimana sono arrivati a Damasco, Prigozin in pochi giorni è arrivato a pochi chilometri da Mosca, indovinate chi è l'unico che dopo tre anni, ancora non finisce l'operazione militare speciale di tre giorni?

Tears in the eyes of the both the liberated and the liberators, captive women of the Russian-backed Assad regime are set free. -“You are all free now don’t be scared. Go home. You are all free now.” - “What happened uncle?” - “The Regime fell. You are free.”

Western Assad apologists were some of the worst people online. Go to bat for authoritarian repression and deliberate violence against civilians, even deny well documented chemical weapons use. Highlighted anti-war v. reflexively anti-US/West. Tankies. Horseshoe leftists. Tulsi Gabbard. The worst.

Ukrainian intel: Russia evacuates military bases as Assad regime falls in Syria Russian navy's Admiral Grigorovich and Engineer Trubin departed Tartus on Dec. 8, amid ongoing emergency airlifts of matériel from Khmeimim airbase, per the report.

The last two sections of Syria yet to fall are Latakia and Tartus, homes of Russia's most important military bases outside Russia, key for their global terror operations. The humiliation from losing these, if lost, will be the end of Putin's regime.

Even after just having had a 35 minute meeting with Zelensky an hour before, after seeing Zelensky's standing ovation in Notre Dame, Trump went to to the Ukrainian President to congratulate.

L'anno scorso, il presidente siriano Assad e sua moglie hanno visitato il tempio di Lingyin in Cina per pregare per ricevere benedizioni il regime siriano di Assad è crollato un anno dopo i netizen hanno detto: il Tempio Lingyin è così magico

Ukraine was invaded because the West allowed Assad & Russia to commit genocide in Syria; Syria is now being liberated because Ukraine refused to surrender to Russia or listen to the West's weak deesclation policies that only protect tyrants. A better world is possible and it's worth fighting for.

Rebels are within 6km from Assad's palace. Locals are tearing down Assad images & signs 15 minutes from the Palace. Russia is fleeing Tartus port and Iran is evacuating forces. An emergency meeting to be held between Turkey, Iran, Russia, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. #freeSyria

+++ Aggiornamento sulle condizioni di Edoardo Bove. Il calciatore viola, trasportato in ambulanza verso l'ospedale di Firenze dopo che si era accasciato in campo all'improvviso, è "vigile, cosciente e respira autonomamente". #FiorentinaInter #Bove

🎙Caressa su Sky Sport, "Bove è all'ospedale Carreggi, respira autonomamente ma non ha ancora ripreso conoscenza" #FiorentinaInter #Bove

⚡️Moscow nightclub raids target LGBTQ+ community amid Russia's crackdown on 'propaganda.' The raids coincide with the one-year anniversary of Russia’s Supreme Court decision to classify the LGBTQ+ movement as an "extremist organization."

When tyranny rises, you have to rise higher. #georgiaprotests

Wham!ageddon begins tomorrow. Victory or Wham!halla shall be ours!!

It seems Erdogan was the first to figure out that Putin's maniacal obsession with genociding Ukraine has made it impossible for him to defend his empire. Syria, Georgia, Belarus, Venezuela, all going to be interesting.

Georgia's Ambassador to the Netherlands David Solomonia resigns in protest of the government's decision to abandon the country's EU integration path “until 2028” Ambassador to Bulgaria Otar Berdzenishvili resigned as well.

Zelenskyy stayed in Ukraine to fight Russia. Assad fled to Russia at the first sign of a fight. #freeSyria #freeUkraine

The Assad regime has completely collapsed in Aleppo and is now rapidly collapsing in Idlib, and Raqqa too. Syrian Rebels and ethnic insurrectionists are all racing to claim territory. If they can keep from fighting each other then they have the opportunity to keep pushing southward. #freeSyria

Reports that Syrian Opposition Forces have managed to already push past Hama and cross the Orontes River, with Clashes claimed to be ongoing within the City of Ar Rastan to the North of Homs.

"We must fight for our freedom before it's too late" #georgiaprotests

Successful Special Military Operation in 3 days.

🚨🇬🇪 La presidente #Zourabichvili in un discorso tv: "È evidente che nessuno è disposto ad accettare una Georgia russificata, una Georgia privata della sua Costituzione o una Georgia nelle mani di un governo e di un parlamento illegittimi. Oggi posso dire che il movimento di resistenza è iniziato".

I wonder what Putin will go with now -- catastrophic humiliation in Syria or catastrophic humiliation in Ukraine. He does not have the resources to save his buddy Assad's ass one more time AND go on with his all-out offensive in east Ukraine at all costs.

La posizione ad arco delle nubi aiuta a identificare l'anticiclone subtropicale. Importante avvezione d'aria calda tra Inghilterra e Francia con temperature fino a 18-20 °C in località dove appena due giorni fa nevicava. Infiltrazioni umide sulla medio-alta Toscana e su parte del Nord.

cos'è un wumao? è un troll cinese wumao vuol dire 50 cent è il prezzo di un commento su social commenti a sostegno del PCC e tesi a screditare chi parla di argomenti che il PCC non vuole vengano trattati un tempo erano pagati ora lo fanno gratis perchè lo Stato obbliga gli hacker a "rieducarsi"

Confermata, nave sotto sequestro, armature e comandanti russi

In addition to the C-Lion1 Submarine Communication Cable between Finland and Germany; the Swedish Telecommunications Company, Telia is now also reporting that another Undersea Cable in the Baltic Sea, this one running between Sweden and Lithuania, was also damaged on Sunday.

🚨🇨🇳🇭🇰A proposito di linee rosse: condanne fino a 10 anni di carcere per 47 attivisti pro-democrazia di #HongKong - tra cui i più famosi in Occidente, Benny Tai e Joishua Wong. L’accusa è di aver compiuto attività sovversive in violazione della

primo ministro britannico Keir Starmer ha affrontato il presidente cinese Xi Jinping in merito a presunte violazioni dei diritti umani durante un incontro al vertice del G20 in Brasile. I funzionari cinesi hanno subito interrotto e ordinato ai giornalisti britannici di uscire dalla stanza