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🏹 I know I have been away, but I am ready to return. Life is oki doki.

🏹 Just an update, I try to balance my accounts replies, which isn't the issue here. Just irl work related stuff, and I may just be overreacting, but past history has left me scarred and traumatized, so just gathering myself before I can face you all again. Temp hiatus/slower than normal replies.

"Would be nice, for war veterans... One less painful reminder..." Unless otherwise stated, scars were nothing but toxic reminders. Tormenting the mind. "Makes sense to me. Perfect sense if I am to be honest." Harumasa replied. Leaving him to think about his own sentimental gifts. His headband.

With his imagination, he could see it. The injury now healed up. As well as Wanderer sewing it shut. "Oh... Funny how we relate, despite the obvious differences and circumstances. The conclusion or rather the feeling in the end, is the same..." Asaba would take his hand and rub where she rubbed. +

"At first it was to cover up my shame, my humiliation, and my sorrow, but now, it's grown on me." Thus, emphasizing the stylish aspect. "I could see myself wearing it as a fashion statement. ~" Her look left him intrigued, as if she had something on her mind, but he doubts she would tell him.

It was very peculiar for her to be so forward like this. Though, it was a welcomed change. Everything was fine and good. As perhaps the choker caught her eye, its design, maybe it's color. That was until he realized what had happened. She saw, didn't she? "A stylish cover to hide the past..."

Was there something wrong with his choker? Why was she staring? Let alone, does she want to grab it? Her hand is raised. Perhaps she wants one or curious, as to why he had one. "Wanderer, something on your mind?" Harumasa had gone on to ask. Looking upon her, with a warm smile, yet confused look

🏹 My cyborg cowboy muse approves of this post! Boothill approved!

🏹 My inner Harumasa is crying. Three day weekend. I could use a whole day to sleep in. ~

𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑.. 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆?~ - #MouthMondy

The only affliction Harumasa would care to be suffering from. Curse him to eternal damnation of hallucinating that he is haunted by her. Even if he manages to wake up and ends up depressed, still a better end than what he has now. "Found my excuse for always being tired, without worrying others.~"

Seeing the other just floating about and lost in thought, sparked a playful note out of the young man. Leading to, him adorning her with various items. One such item was a crown made of flowers. Places gently on her head. Another was a small pet, that happily nestled into her care. "What else?"

A floral fragrance native to your homeland perhaps.~

"Perhaps I can assist you with that. We can't have you starving now, can we? ~"

Her gesture was happily welcomed as he nuzzled int her hand. "Both! Definitely both. ~" It was true though. That was spot on. Her assessment was far too accurate for anyone who knows him to debate on. Including himself. Asaba was both lucky and stubborn. Many would have given up, yet he did not.

It took Harumasa to think, but in the end, he could only speak for himself. For who knows, maybe in his world, people did think like that. "Possibly, possibly not. I can only speak for myself. There are always truths and assumptions, especially based around one's experience." He would reply.

She had a bewitching aura about her. Every inch, ever curve, was filled with enchantment. Drawing his gaze further in. He could not look away. Not even if her was forced to. Such charm and beauty, had him paralyzed. It was as if his body could only react appropriately, would he be able to move. +

🏹 Time to HAGMAX! If no one has already said it at this point. ~

🏹 No! You do not need it! What don't you need? owo

🏹 The return to Eve possibly?! Though I am curious to the revival of an OC. 🤔

"Either or works Lep. Either or." It was interesting to hear such a not so used greeting, at least not as common as it used to be. Though it was refreshing. "They are not different fundamentally but drastically differ beyond the science and nuance. It should be questioned upon all levels."

For now, he would let her continue to vent, but if it gets out of hand, Asaba would intervene. Thus, for now, he reframed stopping her nor taking any disciplinary action. "Then do you scoff at me? For being blunt in being attracted to you? For being as open as I am?" He would genuinely ask her. +