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Writer, cat lady, latvian
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Iespējams, ka cilvēki bez bērniem mūža gaitā iemaksā daudz vairāk nodokļu nekā tie, kuriem bērni ir. Un te piedāvā nemaksāt viņiem pensijas?

Ireland is open to helping, including sending peacekeepers to Ukraine - Micheál Martin, PM of Ireland, said after his meeting with President Zelenskyy this afternoon. Ireland will support an "accelerated timeline" for Ukraine joining the EU. Thank you, Ireland! 🇮🇪🇺🇦

"NATO is not the thing that Russia is afraid of. Russia is afraid of democracy expanding to Russia. Why are we in NATO? Its because we are afraid of Russia. And the only thing that really works – the only security guarantee that works – is NATO's umbrella," Kaja Kallas said in an interview with AFP

Today is the tenth anniversary of Boris Nemtsov's death He was killed on February 27,2015 in Moscow.In the last years of his life,Nemtsov opposed Russia's invasion of Eastern Ukraine.Before his murder he was preparing a report called "Putin.War",which was published by his supporters after his death

Uzskatu, ka Kultūras ministres komandējums ir pamatots. "Straume" ir pamanīta, pati nominācija ir atzinība un ievērojams notikums 🇱🇻 kinovēsturē. Filmas panākumi pievērsīs uzmanību arī Latvijai. Klātbūtne ceremonijā ministrei dos iespēju atrast jaunus sadarbības partnerus , nesot 🇱🇻vārdu pasaulē.

Pagaidām ir pamiers, žurnālisti strīdas, kas notiks tālāk: miera sarunas vai jauna kara fāze, visu ķīlnieku atbrīvošana vai Trampa ieteiktā gaziešu "brīvprātīgā" deportācija, kritīs Netanjahu valdība vai vēl noturēsies? Piezīmes no Jeruzalemes, kas sastingsi gaida, kas sekos Gazas joslas pamieram.

Holy crap. This is madness. And dangerous. Even as unvaccinated kids are dying in Texas from measles, for the first time in decades. Where the f is Congress? Looking at you, Senator “I’m a doctor” sellout Cassidy.

Movie night with Bagel. Trying not to interrupt whatever’s going on here. #Flow

Since 2014,Russia has kidnapped tens of thousands of Ukrainian children.They were deported or forcibly displaced by the Russians⤵️ 📷Oleksandr Yakushchenko,taken to Russia from Kherson.He dreamed of returning home,but guardians wouldn’t give him his documents.Driven to despair, he committed suicide

Sestdien koncerts. Esmu gaidās ļoti satraukta.

"Experts cannot recall a precedent for the United States, or any other country, extracting cash or resources from its own allies during a time of war"

Pamatojoties uz Valsts policijas paziņojumu, Rīgas pilsētas tiesa pieņēmusi lēmumu par uzbrukumā Ukrainas karoga nēsātājam notiesātā Valerija Lazareva izsludināšanu meklēšanā. Lazarevam tiesa bija piespriedusi divu gadu brīvības atņemšanu.

Labs fragments - Makrons aptur Trampa murgus un atgādina, ka ne jau Ukrainai, bet gan agresoram Krievijai jāsedz kara izdevumi. Vēl zīmīgs brīdis preses konferencē bija franču žurnālista jautājums - ja jūs tā gribat dīlu ar Putinu, ko tad viņš īsti jums dod un ko saņem pretī? Tramps neatbildēja.

Ukrainas uzvara vēl ir iespējama. Bet citāda, nekā cerēts.

'Kyiv hit by six-hour Russian drone attack, wreckage lands on post office and botanical garden'

He is all in and this will affect the election results. The US, russia and china are all interfering to support the AfD. The EU needs better regulation to limit their influence

Working on the coat of arms for our new administration. It’s based on the coat of arms of their boss.

Morning from Kyiv! I want to start this Saturday with a song ‘’How cannot I love you, Kyiv of mine?’ A familiar to you gentleman plays it. The video is from the last Sunday, but it suits my mood perfectly.

Šonedēļ raidījumā #Aculiecinieks viesosimies pie vienas no noslēpumainākajām ārzemnieku vienībām, kas karo Ukrainas pusē. Kā tas ir – būt frontē ar ienaidnieka pasi? Skatieties jau šovakar uzreiz pēc "Dienas ziņām".

What Hamas did to the Bibas family is a crime against humanity. There’s no forgiveness.

"And it is vital that any deal reached brings an enduring peace, that Russia will never again try to take one square kilometer of Ukrainian land" - NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte.

Algas lielums veido daļu no profesijas prestiža. #skolotaji

BREAKING: Israel has just confirmed that the small bodies delivered today are Kfir and Ariel, but the adult body was not Shiri Bibas. Where the hell is Shiri???

It is kind of ironic that Trump wants Canada as his 51st state, but all of his efforts appear to be turning America into Russia’s 47th oblast.

Without friends

Liepājā Valsts policijas ekipāža apturējusi prokuratūras dienesta auto. Tā vadītājs ne tikai pārkāpa atļauto braukšanas ātrumu, bet fiksēts arī, ka šoferis pie darba auto stūres bija sēdies 1,89 promiļu reibumā. 🖥️

Uz visu nopietno ziņu fona šis ir burvīgi.

Oded Lifschitz is home, but not as the smiling, caring man his family loved. He is home in a coffin. Everything I've heard about him has been unbelievable. He fought for every single human on this Earth. But we did not fight hard enough for him.

Finnish MEP on what the US has told European leaders

Nekas nav mainījies. (anno 1971)

Kanādas vecākā iedzīvotāja Margarita Romana – dzimusī rīdziniece gatavojas 113. dzimšanas dienai.

Precīzi, virtuve ir tā vieta, kur man vienmēr iestājas panika 😀 Paldies Gatim Šļūkam!

Lavrov: lies that Russia never attacked Ukrainian civilian energy infrastructure. Russian propagandist Skabeyeva: Russia's army has struck Ukrainian energy facilities.

If Trump wants to see elections in Ukraine, all he has to do is use the power he keeps talking about to get the Russian invaders off Ukrainian soil. Then martial law in Ukraine ends, and elections will follow.

„Vladimir Putin: Was appointed into his office by Boris Yeltsin without elections in 1999. Has changed constitution twice, to be "elected" six times instead of two. Paid Taliban bounty for heads of the U.S. soldiers.“ S. Sumlenny

Kamala was right. And it only took him less than 30 days to roll over for Putin.

US Senator Roger Wicker, head of the US Senate Committee on Armed Services, commented on the talks with Putin: "No, Putin cannot be trusted. Putin is a war criminal and should be in jail for the rest of his life, if not executed."

Pēc okupantu uzbrukuma Odesas enerģētikas infrastruktūrai ziemā bez siltuma un elektrības palikuši vismaz 160 tūkstoši pilsētas iedzīvotāju, 13 skolas, bērnudārzs un vairākas slimnīcas, vēsta Ukrainas prezidents Volodimirs Zelenskis.

Vajadzīgs Blūskaja atbalsts! Meklēju ģimenes ārstu(s), kas būtu gatavi ļoti īsi ar mani aprunāties par demences diagnostikas rīkiem un pieejām viņu praksē! Varam telefoniski, e-pastā, DM, pie kafijas. Lūgums ar šo padalīties!

Cool, Putin gets premium treatment as a revered dear partner as well as everything he has stolen and even much more -- Ukraine gets a spit in the face, an extorted $500 billion bill, no security guarantees, and a new Russian offensive to kill it as soon as Russia is ready. The Art of the Deal.

To be honest, sometimes it's a bit funny to see multiple experts and commentators trying to second-guess Trump's grand strategy and its super-complex double agenda. The more I see, the more sure I am that it's just a generator of random phrases and ad hoc moves and that there's no plan.

Pirms gadiem padsmit bija periods, kad man pašai sava dzīve šķita kā tāda sūdu kūka - tikko vienai kārtai izdosies cauri, tāpat otra klāt. Pašlaik izskatās, ka visa pasaule ir tikusi pie sūdu kūkas.

Working on Flow. September 2022.

Liepa Rūce. Zemākās virsotnes. Māksliniece - lieliskā Rasa Jansone. ❤️ Mīlu. Ne tikai šodien.

“I don’t see that the U.S. has a concrete plan to end the war” — Zelensky

Germany should recognize Russia's war against Ukraine as an emergency for its own security - Scholz Chancellor Scholz said he agreed with President Trump that the war in #Ukraine should end "as soon as possible." But he noted that the defeat of Ukraine will lead "not to peace, but to the opposite”’