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The royals of england destroy the testimony of the Messiah Yahshua. They are antichrist.

Why, pray tell, does the royals of England destroy souls especially if they believe in the gospels? To destroy the Aleph Tav’s testimony in the Messiah Yahshua whom delivers the souls of people from the hands of their enemies. The royals of England destory souls. They are antichrist.

Though the world loves wickedness and follows after the iniquitous antichrist royals of England in their feigned compassion for mental health while destroying mankind’s mental health: destroying their souls, manipulating their souls, controlling their souls or silencing their souls.

While evil, wicked Charles of England plays the sad sack, the reluctant king while very much part of his mother’s violent, murderous rulership having destroyed innumerable people, their families, homes, lands, properties, children, nations, and overthrown governments. Are the royals good? No!

There is also the dubious circumstances surrounding Princess Diana’s death everyone avoids, though permeates the entire household of the royals. Isn’t the wickedness of Charles implicated in her death, that no one speaks of? Yes, he is.

And all the world says about the royals of England pr is, oh yum, delicious. And scoop up the crap the royals of england feeds them and its eat.

This murderous rebellious family of the royals of England in their iniquities as antichrist. And oh, how the world adores the iniquitous murderous royals and the deceitful British isle with its accent. Even rebellious house of Israel’s sustains the iniquitous crown of England throne of rebellion.

These abominations includes the numerous torching of towns within the United States in the state of california, in the nation of Australia, the various hurricane that strike the coasts of the United States from the Atlantic sustaining the rebellious throne of England with its crown.

The multiple rapes of Charles of England includes those of his children. The constant pursuit of Charles of England as he falsely condemns the people in the Aleph Tav’s Messiah Yahshua. Charles other infamous acts includes the lingering abomination of khashoggi sustaining the throne of England.

Let’s recount the iniquities of Charles of England, shall we? Let’s do. • multiple rapes, quartering an individual, slicing an individual down the spine exposing the spinal cord then strumming it as if a zither, scoring the entire body of an individual with his sickle along with their property.

The number of “six” is prophetically discussed in the Aleph Tav’s Book of Dt.7 and in the Aleph Tav’s Book of Rev. 13. The number of a beast is the number of a man, six hundred threescore [60] through rebellious leaderships’ six.” Babylon in Rev. 17 rides a beast. Is hamas the beast israel rides?

In a news piece from the New York Times reporter, David leonhardt, he speaks of the “truce” between “hamas” of rebelliousIsrael on the “sixth” day. If one is learned or instructed the usage of “six” should be an alarm bell especially to those in the Messiah Yahshua. This speak of the “antichrist”.

eli cohen arguing with the leadership of Ireland quoting from the gospels. This is an arguement coming from the antichrist. This argument being made through eli cohen from rebellious israel is in the spirit of antichrist bristling at the mention of holy scriptures from the gospels.

In the Aleph Tav’s Book of Daniel 8 Yahweh spoke prophetically unto Daniel that the tribe of binyamin initiates a “gaza war”. The fact that Eli cohen has engaged in an antichrist argument with the leadership of Ireland indicates the “gaza war” is in the spirit of antichrist or anti-messiah.

Reading the translation of script from the ancients is to understand that an historic rebellion perpetuates more rebellious works. Wherein rebellious leadership esteems themselves in works of unrighteousness. This in itself is a provocation. Instead of appeasement is more threats. This is of Yahweh.

Yahweh, in the faithfulness of His covenants in the Messiah Yahshua.

Within the wisdom of the Heavens from regions unknown the world groans in the midst of unspeakable destructions as the fourth beast kingdom of babylon begins to tread out its reign of terror upon the earth. What can salve the world in the midst of their rebellious conflict from the beginning?

One way conversations in a discernment that is not within worldly precepts of rulership. It’s quite the routine. Speak truth, there’s no response because people like the falsehoods of rebellious leadership. The superficiality of the mundane. The contents of one’s own refrigerator. Pretty bad.

“babylon” is the rebellion of the sons of eli, through rachel’s idolatrous sons, naphtali and binyamin. naphtali bennet wears the military insignia of “babylon”. Is the IDF military serving the Aleph Tav’s israel? No. They serve “babylon” whom makes sacrifices for “mystery babylon”, - 7.October.

The world in a captivity to the “fourth beast kingdom of babylon” is it fought in conventional warfare or non-conventional? Is “mystery babylon” a work that is fought in methods of modernity? No. This great historic prophetic war is fought in a knowledge before the world came into being.

While modern day “babylon” goes unchecked in its works of confounding, desolating the world. What military in the world has the insignia of “babylon”? Does anyone know? Does anyone care to know? Or is ignorance the great pacifier of those dwelling in the deceitful works of “babylon”?

Whom is modern day “babylon”?Does anyone know? Has anyone researched? Has anyone suffered persecution to know whom modern day “babylon” is? Whom has fought modern day “babylon”? Is mankind to believe the lies of modern day “babylon”in vain works for a contented captivity?

Yahweh be true and every man a liar.

If an individual is not instructed in the writings of the Aleph Tav, then the previous entries written today on this post will be very provoking, being indoctrinated into the methodologies of rebellious leadership. Or experientially speaking, are captives to the works of rebellious leadership.

It’s “mystery babylon” of the “fourth beast kingdom of babylon”. - The Book of Daniel 7.

The apostate.

While “hamas” is presented visually unto the world as the transgressors perpetrating such evil, and they are willing transgressors bringing forth a work as captives for the apostate skilled in an iniquitous “vision” of rebellion. Though is “hamas” the originator of the evil? Or the apostate?

Whom destroyed Israelis on the last day of Sukkot? Was it not its own leadership in an abdication doing offerings unto its deities, having forsaken the ancient mountain of holiness to do that what is right before the Elohim of israel?

Wisdom speaks, though not in the wisdom of this world being desolated incrementally. Whom has ears to hear what the ancient mountains counsels speak in the midst of works in abominations that has no regard for mankind, neither for its own people?

Whom has not cried out? Whom of those whom have lamented in the confoundment that has taken hold of the world? Whom of these travailing have acquired the skills to travail righteously? instead of professional mourners. Whom desires the assemblies from the ancient mountains counsel?

Though Mercy, an entity unknown to the world with its captives, speaks for those whom petition to understand, to know, to discern, to battle, what the apostate of rebellious leadership is doing so expertly upon the nations deceiving the world.

The fulfillment of a dark prophecy spoken at the podium of the UNGA through the skills of the dark arts of the apostate; whom have forsaken, whom have cast off a knowledge greater than the world’s. The world travails vainly shuddering having not the knowledge necessary to discern, to understand.

What do the assemblies of the Aleph Tav speaks in these works of abominations done upon israeli people with the nations? Is it what the nations have reported while in bondage to the skills of unrighteous leadership? No. Then what is happening before the eyes of mankind we do not understand?

Much has transpired since being on bluesky. Carefully, cautiously tread in the midst of these schemes and intrigues of rebellious leadership. What appears is not what is. Delving deeper into the writings of the Aleph Tav for an understanding in what is not seen, what is not heard.